Your Majesty,
Your Royal Highness,
Distinguished guests,
I am very pleased to welcome Your Majesty and Your Royal
Highness to Australia in this, our Bicentennial Year. In
this visit, we see the continuation of a personal and family
connection with Australia which goes back fifty years and
which will continue for many note.
This is a time of great change in the Pacific. It is
difficult to foresee the impact on our region of current
economic, social, cultural and technological developments.
But it is a time which demands cooperation between the
nations of the Pacific.
For many years now Australia and Tonga have shared a
relationship which demonstrates that independence and
constructive cooperation can go hand in hand.
As members of the Commonwealth and of the South Pacific
Forum, our nations have striven together for the betterment
of our people and of our region.
We are now looking for ways to expand our cooperation.
One way that this could be achieved is through the media. I
know, for example, that Tonga's radio station transmits news
bulletins from Radio Australia. When Tonga introduces
domestic television, I should like to think that we nay be
able to share visual news and current affairs programs.
There is also great value in regular working contact between
our leaders and representatives. The visit to Tonga by the
members of our joint committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence
and Trade in June showed how beneficial such contact can be.
Our Parliamentary Representatives would have had the
opportunity to see for themselves the unique blend of
Polynesian tradition and Parliamentary Government which you
have developed in Tonga. We respect the independence
displayed in pursuit of your regional and international
objectives, We also congratulate your Government on the
stability and confidence it has maintained in the evolving
Pacific arena.
And may I offer you my personal congratulations
Your Majesty, on your recent 70th birthday. We heard in
Australia about the spectacular success of the Royal
Birthday Ball.
On a practical level, there are close and constructive links
between Tonga and Australia in day-to-day life. There is a
Tongan conmunity of some 6,000 in Australia today. Each
year some 50 Tongan students study in Australian
universities and colleges on official scholarships.
Your Majesty, our nations also share a keen interest in
sport. You have done a great deal yourself to nurture sport
in Tonga.
Australians have watched with enthusiasm over the past two
years as Tongan oarsmen have swept across the Pacific,
taking trophy after trophy. I recall the excitement in Apia
in may 1987, when the Tongan canoe achieved a very popular
and impressive victory. I understand that you may be
enlisting Australian expertise in the quest for an even
faster craft. I think that this is an excellent opportunity
for a friendly exchange of information and skills.
You will be aware of the continuing Australian interest in
the developing Tongan tourist industry. From your visits to
some of our resorts in Queensland, you will have had the
opportunity to see the possibility of joint ventures.
I would like to thank Your Majesty for Tonga's participation
both at Expo and in Townsville, where I saw your impressive
display at the Pacific Arts Festival. I am sure you will
enjoy Expo when you visit it on Tonga's National Day.
Later this month, Your Majesty, I am very much looking
forward to visiting Nuku'Alofa for the meeting of the South
Pacific Forum. This will be an important meeting and your
hosting of it is a further sign of Tonga's shouldering of
its regional responsibilities.
Your Majesty,
I thank you for doing us the honour of visiting Australia.
Your visit has been most valuable in helping to cement the
strong, stable and constructive relationship between Our
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