PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007352.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

In July last I announced that the program of efficiency
scrutinies conducted under the guidance of Mr David Block had
been completed, and that the efficiency scrutiny activity would
be a matter for departments to pursue against the backdrop of the
efficiency dividend required by the Government.
At the same time, I announced that Mr Block would assist the
Government in a number of specific areas of administrative review
over the course of the ensuing months, supported by a small group
within my Department.
Those further reviews have now been largely completed, and
accordingly I have decided, with Mr Block's full concurrence,
that the Administrative Reform Unit within my Department should
be wound up.
The Government is most grateful to Mr Block for his assiduous and
productive work both in relation to efficiency scrutinies and the
broader reviews just referred to.
most of the recommendations arising from both these activities
have been accepted by the Government.
Perhaps even more important, Mr Block has managed to promote an
environment of reform and questioning of established practices
within the Commonwealth administration which will have ongoing
benefit for many years. I am confident that the impetus for
change provided by Mr Block, with the support of the Unit, will.
now be carried forward by individual managers.
Arising from the most recent review activity involving Mr Block,
the Government has decided:-
To locate Commonwealth Employment Service ( CES) and
Department of Social Security ( DSS) offices in the one
building wherever possible, providing some small savings but
more importantly major benefits to those members of the
public dealing with both agencies. Other Commonwealth
service-delivery agencies have been directed to examine also
the possibility of co-location with the CES and DSS offices.
In addition, free direct-line telephones will be provided
from CES offices to the nearest DSS office in towns where
there is no full-time DSS presence. Unemployment
beneficiaries who currently lodge their fortnightly
Continuation Forms by post will be able to lodge the forms at
CSS offices. 265

To transfer to the Department of Social Security the
administration of living allowances paid under the Adult
Migrant Education Program and those paid to migrants
undertaking English as a Second Language courses at TAFE
institutions. These payments are currently made by the
Departments of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic
Affairs, and Employment Education and Training respectively.
This decision will provide major public benefits through
access to these programs via the network of Social Security
offices instead of the present centralised capital city
locations. To restructure the NCDC, the decision on which was announced
The Government is indebted to Mr Block for the major contribution
he has made both through the efficiency scrutiny program and
through the broader reviews to which I have just referred. I am
therefore pleased to say that, while the Administrative Reform
Unit will now be disbanded, Mr Block himself will continue to be
available to advise me on an ad hoc basis on public sector
management and administrative reform issues.
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