PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007280.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Today, all around this vast country, from shore to shore and
across the many miles between, Australians are celebrating
our most momentous anniversary -two hundred years of
European settlement.
Australia Day is a focus in our Bicentennial Year when, as
well as celebrating our present achievements, we can
remember the past and what we owe to the people who have
been before us the Aboriginals who have lived on this
continent for some 40,000 years those who settled
Australia in 1788 and those who have made Australia the
home of their choice since then.
we are members of a diverse, multicultural society where
every person adds his or her own unique contribution to the
rich fabric of our lifestyle. One thing and one thing only
defines an Australian today and that is a commitment to
Australia and its future.
The world has seen that Australians are a people of great
courage and determination who are unafraid of meeting a
challenge. We can all feel proud of our country, for
whether it is in matters of domestic economy, in the
international arena, the arts, science, medicine, or on the
sports field, we have proved time and again that Australians
are achievers.
Today's celebration is one of a host of festivities during
our Bicentennial Year and we will have many occasions to
stop and reflect on ourselves and our country.
It is important that we should all make a point on this very
special Australia Day to remind ourselves that we live in a
wonderful country, and to ask ourselves how each and every
one of us can contribute to its future. Australia's
successful progress into the twenty first century depends so
much on the efforts of every single Australian, regardless
of our origins, wherever we live.
Join me in celebrating Australia Day. 004088