PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007266.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

I am pleased to announce that this afternoon the
Commonwealth, the States and the Northern Territory have
agreed to take major initiatives in the area of gun control.
This meeting presented us with the opportunity to exercise
leadership on a matter of increasing, and justified, public
concern. The Governments represented at today's meeting agreed that
the cost we ad a society are paying for guns is unacceptably
high. we agreed we have the obligation to take what steps we can
to minimise the risk to the Australian public, and to ensure
our public places and our homes remain as free as possible
from the prospect of injury or death by guns.
Gun related violence is now a daily feature of our lives.
If guns were not readily available, many crimes which today
result in bloodshed or the threat of bloodshed would be much
less serious and dangerous incidents.
The meeting noted the advances which have been made in the
Police Ministers' Council towards achieving uniformity.
With the exception of Tasmania, the meeting has asked the
Council to address as a matter of urgency and report back to
a Premiers' Conference on the following issues:
A ban on all automatic and semi-automatic firearms
Strict licensing of each person to possess a firearm
Requirement to obtain a permit to purchase each firearm
Registration of all firearms
Restrictions on the sale of ammunition
Restrictions on the availability of manuals relating to
the construction of weapons
we have also:
Asked the Council to look at the questions of possible
compensation and amnesty for the surrender of firearms 00.3 670C

Asked the Attorneys-General to examine the issue of
specific extra penalties for the use of firearms in
criminal offences
The Commmonwealth Government in consultation with the States
and the Northern Territory through the Standing Committee of
Commonwealth and State Attorneys-General, will urgently
examine the question of violent films and videos with a view
to reinforcing the banning of depictions of violence,
cruelty and sexual violence. Included in this examination
will be the question of assisting parents by making clear,
by adequate labelling, the violent content of videos, and
the question of establishing uniform national standards on
video classifications and availability.
The meeting also has asked the Censorship Board and the
Films Board of Review to urgently implement stringent
application of current guidelines where overt violence is
portrayed. The meeting expressed concern at the continuous, graphic
display of violence through the visual media.
In addition the Commonwealth is taking the following steps
to facilitate gun control:
Amending customs regulations to ban the importing of all
automatic and semi-automatic rifles
Banning sales of semi-automatic rifles from the Lithgow
arms factory to members of the public
Placing strict controls on the disposal of surplus army
weapons Taking steps to ensure that rifle clubs comply with
State and Northern Territory legislation
Thmiea ilP oloircdeer " M infiisrteearrsm s wiwlilt h alas ov ibeew teox apmlianciinngg three stqruiecsttiioonns oofn
the purchasing of weapons at a distance.
Whilst availability of firearms is an important element in
community violence, clearly it is the actions of people that
cause the violence:
The meeting recognised the need to stringently limit the
access to weapons by people who may have a tendency to
In taking these steps, we fully recognise that the reasons
for violence in our society are deep and complex. To assist
i-n the understanding and combatting of such violence, we
have authorised the setting up of a National Committee on
Violence to look at related psychological and social
questions. The Committee will have a broad membership and
costs will be born by each of the participating governments. 003671

Notwithstanding td1ay's agreement, the Premiers of New South
Wales and Victoria feel that the proposals do not go far
enough. The proposals do not recognise that the need to ensure the
safety and effective protection of the community from
firearms misuse is paramount. It supersedes the rights and
interests of gun owners.
Mr Cain and Mr Unsworth called for the introduction of
uniform legislation across the States and Territories which
prohibits the private ownership of guns except under
narrowly defined occupational and sporting exceptions.
The measures announced today represent a new co-operative
approach between the Commonwealth, the States and the
Northern Territory in the area of gun control.
It is our hope and belief that as a result of these steps
lives will be saved and that the level of fear in our
community will be reduced.
I thank the Premiers, their representatives and the Chief
Minister for their attendance at these discussions at short
notice and for their co-operative approach which has enabled
us to reach agreement this afternoon. 0036' 2