PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00007228.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Mr Brian Naylor, Ma * ster of Ceremonies
Professor Ian Gust, Director of the Macfarlane Burnet Centre
for Medical Research
Ladies and gentlemen
For nearly four decades, Fairfield Hospital has devoted
itself to the care of patients suffering infectious diseases
and to the conduct of research into the causes and cures of
those diseases.
Its work in these fields has been of such consistent
excellence that Fairfield Hospital has established itself as
one of Melbourne's household names, one of Australia's great
institutions and it can be said without any hyperbole
one of the world's preeminent centres for the expansion of
medical knowledge
The presence of so many distinguished guests here this
morning testifies to the widespread recognition of Fairfield
Hospital's work and to the tremendous community goodwill it
has built over the years.
The Breakthrough Appeal 1987, which it is my pleasure to
launch today, aims to open a new chapter in the research
capability of this institution by equipping the Macfarlane
Burnet Centre for Medical Research for breakthroughs in the
understanding and treatment of viruses.
Viruses are responsible for more than 70 per cent of all
illnesses and cause a tremendous range of disease.
Encephalitis, meningitis, pneumonia, measles and rubella:
even that incomplete list illustrates the profound,
sometimes fatal, implications of viruses. They are the
major cause * of death i'n developing countries. Today the
AIDS virus or to give it its correct name the human immuno
deficiency virus presents new, and worrying, and-still
unsolved problems for all of us, in all countries. 001519

In 1950, a small virology laboratory was established at
Fairfield Hospital to study clinical virology and the
epidemiology of the virus diseases of man.
This initiative was taken by Australia's most distinguished
scientist, the father of modern virology, the 1960 Nobel
Prize Winner, Sir Macfarlane Burnet. Among all his other
activities, Sir Macfarlane served Fairfield Hospital as
honorary consultant epidemiologist and immunologist from
1947 till his death in 1985.
He inspired generations of medical scientists not only to
scientific research, but to the dissemination of the fruits
of their learning and theiv discoveries to all Australians.
The virology laboratory has since established an
international reputation for kits work on respiratory
infections, rubella, gastroenteritis, hepatitis and AIDS.
It is one of only three World Health Organisation centres
for virus reference and research, for biosafety, and for
AIDS. Through the Australian Medical Research and Development
Corporation, it has developed diagnostic tests which are now
being produced as commercial reagents and is collaborating
with the National Institutes of Health in USA in testing the
hepatitis A virus, which also has commercial applications.
The virology laboratory is also sharing the fruits of its
work with less developed countries. It has converted the
hepatitis B vaccine from an expensive drug into a consumer
item which can now be made more readily available to the
world's 250 million chronic hepatitis B carriers of whom, at
present, one million die annually.
Ladies and gentlemen,,
in listing these achievements, it is essential to
acknowledge the visionary leadership and dedication to
research excellence of Professor Ian Gust.
His work places him in the direct tradition of his
predecessor Sir Macfarlane Burnet.
But this is not the occasion for complacent resting on
laurels. For Fairfield Hospital now stands at the cross
roads of opportunity for contributing to major new
breakthroughs in the treatment of viruses.
I say this because-the last decade has seen the beginning of
a new era in the fields of molecular biology and immunology.
The study of virus diseases has made dramatic progress,
leading to a greater understanding of the ways in which
viruses produce disease sand ways in which they may be
controlled. 0 0 152

Remarkable advances in the production of antiviral drugs
have provided physicians with new weapons for treating some
virus infections, while advances in molecular biology have
led to several new approaches to immunisation.
virology is thus the most exciting and rapidly growing area
of medical science and is poised for breakthroughs in
research which could dramatically improve the health of
millions of people.
It was to help Fairfield's research effort play a full part
in these developments that Sir Macfarlane Burnet agreed,
before his death, to be founding patron of a new Medical
Research Centre here.
It was completely fitting that,, after his death, it was
decided with the approval of his widow, Lady Burnet, that
the new centre bear his name.
So in April last year, my colleague, the then Minister for
Health Neal Blewett, opened the Mlacfarlane Burnet Centre for
Medical Research.
And today it is my pleasure, as Honorary Chief Patron, to
launch the fundraising appeal to accelerate this Centre's
research effort.
The Appeal has two stages.
The first is to create an endowment fund which will enable
the establishment of four new research groups concerned with
pathogenesis the process by which viruses produce
disease; epidemiology the study of patterns of infection;
diagnosis, and
prevention of virus diseases.
The longer term aim is to build a new wing onto the existing
virus laboratory to provide additional work space for the
research groups, and offices and laboratories for visiting
scientists and graduate students.
By Easter next year, the Appeal hopes to have raised $ 2
million for the first phase. The second stage aims to raise
another $ 5 million and to complete planning by the end of
1990 so construction can begin the following year. By 1995,
the Centre-will be sufficiently well equipped to be the most
important centre for the study of virus diseases in the
Western Pacific region.
Ladies and gentlemen
This Appeal takes place in the-context of the fundamental
economic reconstruction which Australia is undergoing. 0 15 21

This reconstruction seeks to place Australia on a more
competitive footing reducing our reliance on our
traditional primary commodity exports, increasing our
international competitiveness and productivity, boosting our
capacity to produce innovative manufactures and. services for
export to the world and as an integral part of all that
to boost our capacity to conduct research of world standard.
Private companies must play a leading role in the research
effort -and the Government is doing what it can through
grants and tax concessions to encourage them in this
direction. The CSIRO has also made an enormous contribution to
Australia's economic development through its research over
its 61 year history.
The Government is also establishing the Australian Research
Council, which will play a major role in funding research,
and which will help the nation formulate the right
priorities for research. It will support both basic and
applied research, and will improve cooperation between
research conducted by universities, industry and Government.
In medical research, government funding has also been
crucial in enabling Australian researchers to achieve an
international reputation for excellence. This Government"
has shown its commitment to medical research by increasing
the annual allocation for research supported by the National
Health and Medical Research Council by more than 100% since
it came to office.
Since 1971 the virology unit at Fairfield Hospital has
received more than $ 1 million from the NHMRC. It has also
been the focal point for the NHMRC'funding on AIDS virology.
This latter work has made Professor Gust an especially
valued member of the National AIDS Task Force which provides
medical and scientific advice to all Australian Governments.
The Government has every reason to be proud of its record in
lifting Australia's research capacity.
But it is not a job which the public sector can do alone or
should be called upon to do alone.
Private companies must increase their own R D effort and
they must also play a part in supporting the national
research endeavour, including medical research. The rewards
lie in the creation not only of a healthier society but,
through innovations, exports, employment, and other means,
the creation of a more prosperous one.
Private sponsorship , of medical research in Australia is
still much less than in other leading medical research
countries. There are however welcome signs of change. i2 2

Private sector donors will be contributing nearly
million to the Miurdoch Institute for Research into Birth
Defects which I launched at the beginning of this year.
Your own Breakthrough Appeal 1987 is equally deserving of
widespread private sector support.
I wholeheartedly commend the Appeal and at this point I want
to congratulate the Chairman of the Appeal, Richard Pratt,
who has himself donated $ 100,000.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This Centre has a great potential for improving the lives of
every one of us. There is,' an energy and a creativity in
this Centre which is-capable of producing phenomenal
Ian Gust and Richard Pratt have thrown down a challenge to
all Australians. I have great pleasure in launching the
Breakthrough Appeal 1987 and urge Australians to give the
Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research their full
support. 0 0.15 23