PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007224.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

I am very shocked and saddened at the news of a second coup
by the Army under Colonel Rabuka in Fiji. I believe all
Australians will share this reaction.
The informuation available so far is incomplete. But it is
clear that the Army has taken over newspapers and radio
stations and closed them down, that Suva is effectively
under military control and that Colonel Rabuka, as he said
on the radio in Fiji, has moved to prevent the formation of
a bipartisan Government. He has said that he will move
quickly to introduce Constitutional change in Fiji.
What this amounts to is that the Army in Fiji has decided to
abort, through the use of force in an utterly illegitimate
way, the formation of a Government which, as I said in
Parliament yesterday, would have represented a major step
forward in resolving the problems of Fiji. That the Army
has done so, is, from Australia's point of view, deplorable.
The Australian Government has attempted to support and
encourage the efforts of the Governor-General and other
moderate leaders in Fiji in overcoming an extremely
difficult problem already created for Fiji by the first
coup. It is those'leaders in Fiji who are striving to
restore democratic government in Fiji who have our support.
We condemn tho: se who have opposed those efforts.
We are well aware of the complexities of Fiji society and
the delicate balance needed to ensure tnat the racial
communities in Fiji feel secure and are accorded their
legitimate role and rights. An action of the kind which has
occurred today threatens to shatter this situation and the
imposition of Constitutional arrangements which amount to
anti-democratic oppression of a particular community could
not be accepted.
It is to be hoped that Rabuka's behaviour in defying the
Governor-General arid the country's political leadership will
not be tolerated and that th~ s latest ccup will be quickly
ended and its leaders controlled and brought to justice.
The Government will be urgently reviewing policy towards
Fiji in the light of this development and consulting with
other interested countries including those in the South
Pacific. I. 4
AU1> 1W I A

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has advised
against any inessential travel to Fiji.
Despite the interruption of communications in Fiji,
effective contact is being maintained with the High
Commission and all necessary steps will be taken to protect
Australian nationals and Australian interests. O( T. 4