r FOR MjEDIA5 3UMO 1987
The Prime iinister and the flinister for ArtG, Heritage and
Envirorimcnt the Hon. Barry Cohen, said today that the Government
would immvc'iately proceed towards nomination of tho Wet Tropics
of Vorth-East Queensland to the World Heritage List. 2Ae part of
the procoss the Government will be consulting with the Quoereland
Governmen. and parties with interests in the region and will
invite s~ ibniosions to be made within a period ok three montlab.
This procoo is necessary as a nomination would noed to be uade
by 31 Deceriiber 1987 for consideration by the Wo., ld Heritage
Committe? by the end of 1988.
with Queensland concerning rainforest concervation
have proce~ ided for ten months. The Government has made a
generous in reasonable offer of funds frou the National
fainforcsZ Conservation Program In the expectation that
QueenslLnj would enter into acceptable rainforest consorvation
arrangeiwcrtG particularly for cessation of logging.
The disr: fsions with Queensland have been conducted in c, cordial
and. franL mann~ er. Unfortunately Queensland still maintainc, that
raifo~& logging should continue. Thic hao logt tho Govornsicat
with no i t'oice but to conzider nomination of the Wet Tropico for
World Heritage listing.
The Govu~ a ent Is determined that the outstanding valuoo of tho
region protected. The Government Is suro that ItG actiono
will bring home to the Queensland Government the need to chango
its approach to management of the region.
in cons~ idering nomination of the Wet Tropics the Government till
formallyr consult the Queenoland Government about the decicion
anid, bill : i process of correspondence and advertisements placed in
the national and regional press, will also Invite the views of
other organisations and individuals with interest in the Wot
Troplc,' Any viewsG put to the Government in this procezs will be given
careful :; onsideration before any nomination ics made.
The consultation process with Queensland will include further
consideration of the initiatives already offered by the
Commonv~ ealth under the National Rainforest Conservation Progrant.
These initiatives will be intended to promote alternative
indus'.' ies such as tourism and plantations which can maxtimize new
job oppacrtunlties and ensure that no parties or individuals are
disadvantaged. The Govcrnment's action w. ill be widely acci
interna~ tionally and will add another chapte
conse: qftion record of the Hawke Government
mma l oE the region under consideration is aimed in Australia and
r to the outstanding
attached. 2.
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