PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007149.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

I have Gtcated consistently that I prefer the Parliament to
run its f% 21 term.
The leadegzhip vacuum and chaos within and between the
opposition Parties, together with their imminent rejection
of the Auo(.> ralia Card legislation for a second time, have
presented the option and may I say frankly, the temptation,
of an earl~ y election.
I am confident that Labor would win-an early election. I
have decided, however, that the election will bo held
towards tho end of this year or early next year.
The Aus~ tralian people want continued strong leadership and a
Government that will continua to guide them through
difficult economic times into renewed prosperity. To have
an early e"' ection may hava brought into question the
Governmert reaolve to make the tough decisions needed to
meet the economic challenge facing this country.
Let me repeat the dimension of this challenge. Through
paying dgautically lower prices for many of our exports the
world haGi cut more than $ 6 billion off the nation's income;
that is, wo are poorer to the tune of $ 1500 per Australian
family. As a nation we have no responsible alternative to
adjusting to that reality.
I want to tell the Australian people that we will not shirk
our responsibilities in making the unpalatable, though
necessary economic decisions: the May Statement will be
tough but fair.
The Australian people overwhelmingly reject the deceptive
voodoo economics being espoused by the Opposition Partiesbigger
handouts, bigger deficits; that is, a certain recipe
for higheg interest rates, higher inflation, massive
increases in unemployment total economic disaster.
when the opposition Parties reject the Australia Card
legislation in the Senate later this week, they will stand
condemned lay the Australian people for denying to the nation
this fundamental instrument for dealing decisively with tax
cheats and welfare frauds. This denial of more than $ 800m a
year to the public purse from those who should be paying is
simply a continuation of the traditional
toward/ Sinclair/ iBjclke Petersen philosophy protect the
privileged and increase the burden on the great honest
majority of the Australian people.