PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00007132.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Jj, QU I) lALI( Ati
FOR MEDIA 6 March 1987
The releasu today of the ANOP youth survey shows clearly that
the attitjues and views of young Australians are in line with
my Govern* 0ent's youth strategy.
It is very satisfying that the $ 1 billion invested by my
Government': in our young people over the past two years is
proving to bLe well spent.
The survoe;, carried out by ANOP in October. 1986, was a
continuation of the Government's commitment to consult young
people. The survey highlights substantial support for measures being
taken to increase school retention rates, improve income
support, , u-elop traineeships and provide community work
opportuni: irs tor the unemployed. Young people are placing
more emrphi.,-s on the need for Government policy to be
directed '. o. ards providing better training, education and
other mech:. risms for attaining jobs rather than simply
creating m. They also believe the Government should
provide mury information and advice on these opportunities
through sciciols and local information centres.
To this end, my Government is pleased to announce two
initiativ! s which I believe will enable more young people to
see the pi-rz: onal relevance of the programs and policies
available Lc them under our youth strategy.
Firstly, the Government is setting up a comprehensive school
informatior program to meet the needs of young people still
at school.
This p:) ogrdlii will reinforce for young people the advantages
of completing Year 12 while at the same time ensuring that
they ar jii,, ire of the student allowances available. It will
also enco-: age them to take further education and training
opportunities available if they choose to leave school early.
By the enc' of this year, more than half of Australian
schoolchildren will be staying on to Year 12, compared with
just 36 per cent when we came to office. The school
information program aims to boost school retention rates

Secondly, the Government is increasing to 100 the number of
Youth Access Centres. These are one stop shops where
information about all the Federal Government services for
young people is available. The announced increases will
allow a national network of Youth Access Centres to be
establisher. Details of the two programs are provided in separate press
releases fron the Minister for Education, Senator Ryan, the
Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, Mr Willis.
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