The Government has decided to abolish the Advisory Council for
Inter-government Relations. Legislation to repeal the Act
establishing ACIR will be introduced into Parliament duri'ng the
Budget Sittings and the Council will be winding up its affairs in
the near future.
ACIR was gormed in 1976 with the object of improving co-operation
between the federal, state and local levels of government through
specialisod research. It was recently reviewed by a Task Group of
Commonwealth officials established in September 1985. Following
extensive consultations with the contributing parties to ACIR and
submissions from the public, the Task Group reported in January
1986 recommrending the abolition of ACIR. The Task Group found
that ACIR had had limited success in improving inter-governmental
relations, particularly Commonwealth/ State relations.
The Government has consulted with the States, the Northern
Territory and the Australian Council of Local Government
Associationls on the Review and its recommendations and there is
broad support for its abolition.
The Governaent has under examination, in consultation with the
States ard the Northern Territory, other possible means of
funding research in this area.