PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006832.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

FOR MEDIA February 4, 1986
The widespread damage and human suffering caused by cyclone
Winifred have shocked all Australians and on behalf of the
Federal Government I again extend sympathy to all those affected.
The Federal Government is concerned about the impact of Winifred
and will extend immediate aid under the Natural Disaster Relief
Arrangements to those affected by cyclone Winifred.
Queensland has already expended disaster relief funds above the
required base amount for 1985-86, $ 10.48 million.
Further outlays will be shared by the Commonwealth and State
Governments on a dollar-for-dollar basis, to a further $ 7
million. Thereafter three Commonwealth dollars will be provided
for every State dollar made available.
I have today received a report from the minister for Primary
Industry, Mr Kerin, whom I had asked to visit the disaster area
on behalf of the Federal Government.
During his tour Mr Kerin discussed the area's special needs in
the wake of the cyclone with local government officials, cane and
banana growers and sugar-mill operators.
He was told that the area's 213 banana growers had lost all their
The crop will rehabilitate by October 1986 if plantations are
cleared of fallen trunks quickly.
But the losses due to cyclone damage could mean a reduction by
half in Australia's banana production.
The cyclone will also compound the already critical state of the
sugar industry in the area.
while some crops escaped and late-cut cane will rehabilitate,
there are many areas so knocked down that there will be no crop
this year and no availability of plant cane next year.
It now becomes imperative that the Queensland Government acts to
adopt our offer of $ 150 million assistance to the industry.
Growers supplying seven of Australia's 33 sugar mills have been
affected by wind with flood effects yet to be felt and assessed
in the Ingham area, where there are a further two mills.

The Federal Government is particularly concerned by the
unemployment aspects of the disaster.
The narrow economic base in the affected area means unemployment
is likely to be more pronounced than otherwise.
For example, the probable dismissal of most of the banana
industry's workforce of between 600 and 800 people, plus
unemployment in the supporting infrastructure industries, would
cause severe problems in the Tully area.
The Social Security Department has acted quickly to ensure it can
handle claims for assistance.
The Australian defence forces along with those services
responsible for communications and transportation have also moved
rapidly and efficiently to render assistance to the ravaged
areas. Federal Cabinet will consider Mr Kerin's report on Monday and
take any further action that is considered necessary.
I will also have the mop-up monitored to ensure that any
necessary additional Federal Government assistance is promptly