PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006809.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

on. 10 July, 1986, the Royal Australian Navy celebrates 75 years
of service to Australia. on behalf of the Government of Australia
I congratulate past and present-Naval personnel on this
outstanding record.
The RAN is an integral element of the Australian Defence Force.
AS such it trains for war to preserve peace but, if necessary, to
help defend Australia's freedom and prosperity. The need for such
defence, and the importance of the RAN's contribution to that
defence, are amply demonstrated by the RAN's participation in two
World Wars and other conflicts since it was founded in 1911. The
peace and prosperity Australians currently enjoy are due in no
small measure to the efforts and sacrifices of men and women who
have served or are serving in the RAN.
There will be several national highlights to mark the
Anniversary of. the RAN. These include the Navy's ' Salute ' 1to
Australia' in Sydney on Friday, 24 January. This will involve a
massed Fleet entry into Sydney Harbour, a fly-past by the Fleet
Air Arm, and a subsequent march by naval personnel through the
streets of Sydney.
on Monday, 3 March, Her Majesty the Queen will officially unveil
a National Naval Memorial in Anzac Parade, Canberra, at a
ceremonial parade involving 1200 serving personnel and 2000
ex-naval men and women representing ship associations from all
parts of Australia.
Friendly and allied navies closely associated with the RAN have
been invited to participate in a Naval Review to be staged on
Sydney Harbour on Saturday, 4 October. The -reviewing officer will
be His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, who is Admiral of
the Fleet of the Royal Australian Navy. The Review will be
followed two days later by a major air show at the Naval Air
Station Nowra, in which aircraft from visiting fleet units are
expected to participate.
I wish the Royal/ Australian Navy every success in celebrating its
Anniversary during 1986.