PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006713.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

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FOR MEDIA 6 September 1985
The Prime Minister, Mr Bob Hawke, today announced details of the
Australian Bicentennial Exhibition, a major project being funded
uhder the Commonwealth Government's National Bicentennial Program
and organised by the Australian Bicentennial Authority.
The Federal Government will contribute $ 19m towards the Exhibition
while the Australian company, BHP, will provide additional
sponsorship of $ 6m.
Mr Hawke said it was fitting that BHP, Australia's largest
company, should choose to support the largest exhibition ever to
tour Australia.
The company's substantial contribution is a mark of its confidence
in our nation and will provide a stimulus for further private
sector involvement in the celebrations.
The Australian Bicentennial Exhibition will be an exciting,
innovative project for all Australians to enjoy and will be a
focus in making our Bicentennial celebrations an unprecedented
The Exhibition will tour all States, the Northern Territory and
the ACT visiting more than fifty cities and towns over a 19 month
period beginning in mid 1987.
It is expected to attract at least four million visitors arid
television coverage will take it to a much wider audience.
The mobile venue for the Exhibition has beepi designed by the
Australian architectural firm, Daryl Jackson Pty Ltd, with the
Commonwealth Department of Hovsing and Construction acting as
project manager for the design and construction phases.
Daryl Jackson's competition-w. inning proposals envisage
approximately twenty purpose-built pantechnicons travelling as a
giant road train to transport the Exhibition around the country.

The content of the Exhibition is being designed around the
Bicentennial theme, ' Living Together', and will explore
Australia's past, present and future.
Drawing on a range of sophisticated technology, the displays will
cover such diverse areas as cartography, mining, immigration,
science, agriculture, environmental issues, cultural activities,
leisure, and the law.
Active community involvement will be encouraged as an important
element of this imaginative Bicentennial project which promises to
be lively, informative and entertaining.
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