PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006670.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

A top-level official joint Chinese-Australian
co-ordinating group will promote long-term co-operation
in the transport sector between Australia and
China. The Australian Minister for Transport, Mr Peter Morris,
will have responsibility for transport policy aspects of
this impor tant Government-to-Government co-operation
programme. The on-going co-ordinating group will be Co-Chaired by
Mr Zhao Weichen and Mr John Dawkins, Australian Minister
for Trade.
The establishment of the co-ordinating group at this
high level is a major step forward in Australia's
relations with China.
Agreement to estab lish the co-ordinating group was
reached last week in Beijing by Sir Peter Abeles, leader
of the Australian Transport Mission, and Mr Zhao
Weichen, Vice Chairman of the State Economic Commission
of China.
The Australian Transport Mission visited China from 23
June to 6 July, in accordance with the understanding I
reached with the General Secretary of the Chinese
Communist Party, Hu Yaobang, in Canberra in April.
During the visit to China the Transport Mission met
General Secretary Hu Yaobang, Vice Premier Li Peng, Vice
Chairman Zflao Weichen and other senior representatives
of the State Economic Commission, as well as Ministers
representing the State Planning Commission, the ministry
of Communications, the Ministry of Railways, the
Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Ministry of Posts and
Communications, the Ministry of Foreign Economic
Relations and Trade, the Civil Aviation Administration
of China, the China Foreign Trade Transport Corporation
and the China Ocean Shipping Corporation.

The new group will co-ordinate inter-Governmental
relations in the transport sector, and will also
establish a framework for a wide range of private trade
and commercial opportunities.
The establishment of the joint co-ordinating group will
open the way to a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas
and expertise.
This could involve co-operation in transport economics
and management, railways, highways and bridges, ports
and harbours, transport equipment maintenance services,
bulk and container cargo handling and air services.
Within Government-to-Government co-operation, one
proposal under consideration is for Chinese air
controllers to be sent to Australia for training.
Another involves Australia sending experts to China to
discuss Australia's relevant experience in low-cost
highway construction.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions, which was
represented on the Transport Mission, has agreed to
co-operate in the training of Chinese transport
executives in Australia.
Meetings of the joint co-ordinating group will be held
annually, alternately in each country. Australia will
host the first meeting, possibly in October this year.
Sir Peter Abeles, Managing Director of Thomas Nationwide
Transport Industries and Joint Managing Director of
Ansett Transport Industries, leader of the Transport
Mission, Mr Paul Barratt, Trade Ambassador-for North
Asia of the Australian Department of Trade, deputy
leader,' ' and other senior members of the Transport
Mission will meet with transport industry
representatives in the near future. The Transport
Mission members will brief industry representatives on
the outcome of the Mission and likely future
opportunities for co-operation.