PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006570.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Bowen, Lionel

The Acting Prime Minister, Mr Lionel Bowen, announced today
new arrangements to provide a single source of funding for
the Commonwealth's Aboriginal Health Programs.
In the past, both the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and
the Department of Health had provided funds for communitybased
Aboriginal Medical Services ( AMSs). This dual
funding arrangement was introduced in 1979 by the previous
Government and had created inequities between AMSs. It had
also proved to be administratively cumbersome for the
Services. Proposals to introduce " single-source funding"
have been under discussion by the Ministers and the
National Aboriginal and Islander Health Organisation
( NAIHO) in the past year.
The new arrangement provides for all funds to be channelled
through the Department of Aboriginal Affairs. This means
that, except for claims against Medicare, all AMSs will now
be financially accountable only to the Department of
Aboriginal Affairs. The Department of Health will retain a
policy advising role in Aboriginal health matters.
As a result of a Budget decision, some $ 1.5m will now
become available to assist in this rationalisation and to
enable the establishment of up to 10 new AMSs throughout
Australia. This is in addition to a total of $ 11.9m
already provided for existing AMSs. Funds will also be
provided for the next stage in the national program for the
eradication of trachoma.

The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs will consult with NAIHO
on the allocation of the new funds to AMSs, and on the
allocation of funds for the eye health program.