The Prime Minister, Mr Hawke today welcomed the apparent
easing of tensions in New Caledonia and the recent
initiative by the new French High Commissioner, M. Pisani,
to enter into formal discussi-ons with the principal
political groups in the territory. These discussions are to
commience tomorrow, 15 December. Mr Hawke expressed the hope
that these talks will prove constructive in developing a
peaceful solution to the political future of New Caledonia.
Mr Hawke paid tribute to the wisdom and statemanship shown
by the FLNKS leader, M. Tjibaou, in agreeing to lift road
blocks in the territory and to participate in talks with
M. Pisani, despite the personal tragedy M. Tjibaou suffered
in the recent outbreaks of violence.
Mr Hawke said that Australia along with all Forum members
would continue to take a close interest in developments in
New Caledonia. He noted that it had been decided that the
Forum Ministerial Group on New Caledonia, established at the
Tuvalu Forum in August 1984, would meet in Wellington next
week to review developments in New Caledonia and to report
to all Forum heads of government on their deliberations.
Australia's views on New Caledonia are well known and were
most recently enunciated by Mr Hayden in his statement of
27 November.