PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006505.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

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) R MEDIA 16 October 198
The Prime Minister, Mr Hawke,-said today he
advised the Tasmanian Premier, Mr Gray, on 12 October 1984
of a number of projects nominated by the Commonwealth to
be funded from the remaining amount of $ 9 million being
provided by the Commonwealth for employment creation in
Tasmania consequent upon the cessation of the
Gordon-below-Franklin scheme. The Memorandum of
Understanding signed by the Prime Minister and the Premier
on 26 June 1984 provides for additional expenditure on
employment generating on projects nominated by either
Government and approved by the other.
Mr Hawke said that the following projects, nominated by
the Commonwealth under these arrangements, will both
create much needed employment in Tasmania and provide
worthwhile longer-term benefits to the people of Tasmania:
Provision of community amenities on public housing
estates and youth accommodation in major urban centres
at a cost of about $ 1 million.
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Additional Commonwealth funding would be provided for
construction of neighbourhood houses or a combination
of neighbourhood houses and community health centres
on public housing estates at locations such as
Mornington, Warrane, Goodwood and Chigwell. Funding
would also be provided for construction of
semi-self-contained accommodation for young'people in.
the larger urban centres.
In addition to providing immediate employment
opportunities, these projects would provide much
needed facilities for people seeking public housing
and for young people in need of accommodation.
Conservation and restoration of selected Commonwealth
and other historic buildings and sites in Tasmania.
The Commonwealth would carry out conservation and
restoration works on a number of historic Commonwealth
buildings, for example, the Customs House,
Beaumaris House and Anglesea Barracks in Hobart, and
the Ross and Campbelltown post offices, and also
provide funds to the State for similar works on other
historic buildings and sites throughout Tasmania which.
are of heritage significance. one important project
under consideration is the construction of a by-pass
road and site fencing at the Port. Arthur historic site
to avoid accidental traffic damage . to buildings and to
lessen the potential for vandalism.
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This proposal, involving Commonwealth funding of about
$ 3 million, would provide employment for Tasmanians
with a wide range of skills and contribute
significantly to preserving Tasmania's heritage and to
the further enhancement of Tasmania as a tourist
destination. Construction of the Dunn Street Building, as an
extension to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
This would provide urgently needed space for
zoological and botanical collections and laboratories
and other sections of the Museum. The Commonwealth is
prepared to contribute $ 4 million towards the cost of
constructing the building.
Launceston sewerage and drainage improvements.
The Commonwealth is prepared to contribute
approximately $ 4 million for sewerage and drainage
improvements fin Launceston, provided agreement can be
reached with the Tasmanian Government and the
Launceston City Council on an appropriate program of
works and on shared funding arrangements to ensure
that those works can be completed.-
Provision of ABC television services to r emote or
underserved communities. r~ I

This project would involve expenditure by the
Commonwealth of about $ 1 million on the provision of
translators to relay ABC-TV services to a number of
Tasmanian localities where, due to their very
difficult terrain, TV services are either unavailable
or seriously inadequate. In the absence of this
initiative, it is unlikely that these communities
would receive such services until sometime after
1986-87. Communities which may be considered for
extension of services under this proposal could
include New Norfolk, Maydena, Geeveston, Cygnet,
Tarraleah and Triabunna. However, the final list of
communities would need to be determined following
further study in the coming weeks.
While the total value of the Commonwealth's proposals
exceeds the remaining amount of $ 9 million for employment
creating purposes, the arrangements set out in the
Memorandum of Understanding provide for consultations
between the Commonwealth and Tasmanian Government for the
purpose of agreeing on the allocation of the available
funds to those projects which offer the greatest benefits
to the people of Tasmania.
Mr Hawke noted in this regard that the employment projects
nominated by the Commonwealth would span many different
regions and localities in Tasmania and-would'therefore
provide employment opportunities and longer-term social
and economic benefits to a wide range of Tasmanian people.

Mr Hawke also noted that he had advised Premier Gray on
October 1984 that the Commonwealth had agreed to
allocate a further $ 3 million for the development of
Hobart Airport from the funds being provided by the
Commonwealth for employment creation following the
cessation of the Gordon-below-Franklin scheme. This
brings to $ 6 million the amount allocated for the
development of Hobart Airport under these arrangements and
will enable fully laden Boeing 747-200 aircraft to operate
direct services between Hobart and Singapore and Hobart
and Auckland.