PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00006405.pdf 9 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

Mr Speaker,
For the information of Honourable Members I present the
Government Policy Discussion Paper on Affirmative Action for
Women and seek leave to make a statement.
With this release of its Policy Discussion Paper on
affirmative action in employment, the Gove~ rnment has moved
to implement one of its major commitments to raising the
status of women in Australian society.
This is a commitment on which many in our community expect
fearless, clear and effective leadership from the
Government. As I said in the Boyer lectures,
" in the area of the status of women,
the formal process of accepting their
equality as human beings has not been
matched by the hard political and
administrative decisions necessary to
give effect to that acceptance."
The Australian Labor Government is determined to rectify
this situation by making those decisions. The Government
has already taken such major steps as the enactment of sex
discrimination legislation, the appointment of more than
women to Government boards and authorities and, now, the
introduction of an affirmative action program.
We are committed to the development of policies which will
give women the opportunity to participate fully in
employment. We are committed to policies to ensure that
women are given the opportunity to improve their labour
market prospects, to compete for a wider range of jobs and
to be able to apply on an equal footing with men for those
jobs that are available.

The approach we now propose should ensure that women are no
longer excluded from many occupations and concentrated at
the bottom of the labour market. Women should now assume
the place of their choice in our society. I should emphasise
that this, we appreciate and recognise, will see many
choosing a traditional role in the home.
Affirmative action of the kind now proposed by the
Government is a means of improving women'. s position in the
workforce by ensuring that discriminatory practices or
traditions are reviewed and removed. We aim to see that
women are enabled to compete equally with men for jobs at
all levels.
Our approach is not one which relies on the experience of
other countries. We have explicitly rejected
the American model with its system of court-imposed
employment quotas. Rather we have developed a set of
proposals which are appropriate for the Australian
environment. They are the product of our unique industrial
relations and business practice traditions.
Put quite simply, equal emoloyment opportunity is our
objective, and affirmative action is the way to achieve it.
We must shake ourselves from the inertia and complacency
which for too long has charicterised Australian policy on
matters such as this. What I said in the Boyer lectures in
1979 remains true today iamely that:
We luxuriate in the comfortable assertion that
women enjoy equality. We have salved our
consciences by eliminating the more obvious
discriminations like unequal rates of pay for work
of equal value. But we have not eliminated the
inheritance of the millenia that women are lesser
beings, an inheritance which still manifests itself
in a whole range of prejudice and other forms of
discrimination. We are, as a society, more aware
of this dichotomy, between principle and practice,
but the very awareness is a source of guilt and
conflict between women and women, between women and
men, and within women and men themselves."
I see it as crucial that we confront this dichotomy head on.
It is not enough simply to say that there should be equal
employment opportunities for women or that all employers
should treat men and women equally. What we need is
concerted action affirmative action to ensure its
achigvement. Special measures and programs are needed to ensure that
women acquire the skills, experience and training to compete
on an equal basis with men for jobs and for promotions.

Such special measures include making it explicit in job
advertisements that women and girl~ s can apply, companies
advising their employees that all positions are open to
women, companies analysing their workforce to identify areas
where women are not employed and designing strategies to
attract them to these areas, and companies consulting with
female employees on their perceptions of where barriers to
full equality of opportunity might exist.
Some companies will already have adopted such measures.
These are, after all, what many would see as being integral
to good management practice. Successful companies will not
ignore the talents and skills of all their employees. Such
practices should become the rule rather than the exception.
Women are now 37,1 of the Australian workforce. Two and a
half million women, 60 per cent of them married, are in the
workforce. The economy and standards of living we know
today would collapse if women were t o withdraw to their
pre-war rate of labour market participation.
Women today do not have the same diversity of occupational
choices available to men. Sixty four per cent of women
workers are employed in only three occuDational groups:
clerical; sales and service sport and recreation. Women in
these occupations work largely as stenographers, typists,
sales assistants, waitresses and cleaners.
Women are under-represented in administrative, executive and
managerial positions, in agricultural work and in the
trainsport and communication occupations. They are notably
under-represented in the trades, production-process and
labouring occupational groupings.
Even within occupations where women predominate, men tend to
have the higher-level, decision-making positions.
Indeed, among OECD countries, Australia has the highest
level of occupational segregation of women and one of the
highest levels of industrial segregation.
There is no evidence of this segregation diminishing.
Rather, as I observed in the 1979 lectures,
" The range of employment readily open to women is
restricted because of discrimination built into our
education system and the attitudas of some
employers and trade unions. There is still the
unstated but operative assumption that women are
not entitled to equal opportunity because their
place is, or ultimately should be, in the home."

In the final analysis, what we have to recognise is that
while there is an inevitable imbalance in circumstances
where a significant number of women chose not to enter the
workforce there is still, as I observed in the B~ oyer
Lectures, a gross lack of proportion. We have a situation
where women comprise half the population and yet still
occupy so few positions of authority in government,
business, trade unions, and other organisations of
significance within the community.
The Government's affirmative action proposals aim to redress
this situation. We aim to open up a greater and more
satisfying range of job opportunities for women.
The union movement has a very important role to play in
securing these objectives. The ACTU Congress' decision to
hold a seminar for all affiliates should help see the unions
make their essential contribution.
But it is the co-operation of Australian employers which
will be absolutely vital for the long-term success of an
affirmative action program. In this regard the Government
has sought and received the cooperation of' many Australian
companies and of the higher education inst itutions. This
co-operation augurs well for the prospects of the approach
we are now proposing and we are oarticularly grateful to all
those concerned for their co-operation.
Following my invitation, the following companies and
tertiary institutions have agreed to join a pilot orogram
establishing affirmative action for women in employment:
Australian Mutual Provident Society
Ansett Transport Industries Ltd.
ANZ Banking Group Limited
Boral Ltd.
Borg-Warner ( Australia) Limited
The Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited
Castlemaine Tooheys Limited
G. J. Coles N Coy. Limited
Argyle Diamond Mines Pty Limited and Sulphide
Corporation Pty Limited divisions of CRA Limited
CSR Limited
Dunlop Olympic Limited
Esso Australia Limited
John Fairfax Sons Limited
Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited
Grace Bros. Department Stores
IBM Australia Limited
ICI Australia Limited
Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd.
Reckitt Colman Australia Limited
Santos Ltd.
Simpson Ltd.
South Pacific Hotel Corporation Limited

Thomas Nationwide Transport Limited
Unilever Australia Limited
Westpac Banking Corporation
Woolwortts Limited
Wormald International Limited
J. B. Young Limited
The Australian National University
Griffith University
South Australian College of Advanced Education
The pilot orogram is a unique and historic challenge. The
participation by such a representative cross section of our
business and education communities gives me confidence not
only of the likely success of the program, but of the
seminal influence it will have on community attitudes in
this vital area.
Between them, the participants in the pilot program employ
almost a quarter of a million Australians. 16 of the 28
companies which are participating in the program are listed
by Business Review Weekly as being amongst Australia's top
150 companies in terms of their market capitalisation. Six
of the participating companies are amongst Australia's top
ten companies. Quite deliberately, however, the pilot
program is not confined to such companies; it necessarily
encompasses a wide range of sectors and regions and a
variety of company sizes. On this basis the demonstration
effect of the pilit program should be both considerable and,
above all, credib e.
I am very confident that the practical attainment of
improved employment opportunities for women through the
pilot program will dispel any lingering misapprehensions
about the appropriateness of affirmative action as a
strategy for improving women's job opportunities.
A special Affirmative Action Resource Unit has been
established in the Office of the Status of Women to assist
participants in the pilot program. It will help employers
design Affirmative Action Programs and will provide advice
when problems arise. It will also assist employers in
monitoring the progress of their programs.
In this regard I should like to pay tribute to the clarity
and sensitivity of approach adopted by many in Australian
business and industry to the challenge involved in mounting
affirmative action programs.

This is reflected, for example, in the attitude of the
Confederation of Australian Industry which has acknowledged
t ha t " Industry, as a part of society, cannot escape the
fact that it has a role t~ o play In the main,
real and positive advances will only be made in
this area through coordinated and cooperative
action by industry, the trade union movement and
governments... Affirmative action programmes
carried out on ( this) basis have the full support
of CAI."
The Business Council of Australia, to which most of the
companies participating in the pilot program belong, is also
holding a series of working sessions throughout the year for
participating companies. This initiative is a practical
approach which should be of particular value to all the
companies concerned.
That so many in business are both receptive to the purpose
of affirmative action and prepared to give' it practical
effect in their own enterprises, g~ ives me real confidence
that we have found a most effective means of securing real
progress in this vitally important area.
Mr Speaker,
The Paper before us defines affirmative action as a
systematic means, determined by employers in consultation
with employees and unions, of achieving equal employment
opportunity for women. It is not a means of generating
increased employment other policies are directed to this
end. Affirmative action is aimed at oromoting improved job choice
for women in the work force. In this regard the Government
strongly believes that all jobs should be awarded on merit.
We reject the use of employment quotas for women or any
disadvantaged group. What is needed is a self-determined,
industry-specific* approach. Such an approach would be one
which would adopt goals or targets rather than binding,
operational quotas.
Affirmative action Programs will only achieve long-term
benefits, for women and for the economy, if they are
regarded as employment policies designed to improve the
skill, efficiency and mobility of the workforce. They
should be designed to redress discrimination where it occurs
within organisations, to identify obstacles to women's
employment or promotion, and to take systematic steps to
remove these.

Affirmative action does not threaten the jobs of men.
Rather it ensures equitable treatment for individual
employees, and urges employers to make optimal use of all
skills and talents available both inside and outside the
organisation. We cannot afford the situation any longer Situations where
women remain concentrated at the bottom on the labour
market; where women continue to receive a
disproportionately low share of' wages and salaries; and
where their access to non-traditional occupations will not
improve. Only if we utilise all available skills and resources will
we have any hope of enhancing, indeed maint. aining, our
relative standard of living.
Australia needs to establish a more efficient, more
productive and, ultimately, more competitive industrial
base. Our labour market, industrial relations and education
policies should contribute to the process. A labour force
which is low-skilled, immobile and occupationally stultified
will only impede our progress. The Affirmative Action
proposals now before the House will have an important place
in achieving the necessary conditions for progress.
They are part of a wider effort by the Government to improve
the educational, training and employment prospects for women
and girls.
We are giving particular attention to the achievement of
equal access to jobs for women and men under the Community
Employment Program Job Creation Scheme; we have introduced
special rebates under the CRAFT scheme for employers who
take on female apprentices in trades other than
hairdressing; we have commenced information campaigns to
encourage young women to train for non-traditional
occupations; we have also introduced the Participation and
Equity Program and the Computer Education Program within the
educational system both of which should be a particular
assistance to girls in their later quest for jobs.
While each employer is now being asked to design affirmative
action programs suitable for the conditions and traditions
of the industry concerned, most affirmative action programs
should, nevertheless, have certain common features. These
include: the appointment within each organisation of a
senior executive responsible for the implementation of the
program; an analysis of their workforce to identify areas
where women are concentrated or under-represented; a review
of the organisation's employment policies and practices; the
formulation of specific goals or targets to remedy any
shortcomings disclosed by this analysibs and review; and an
evaluation and monitoring component to enable the
organisation to assess whether it is making demonstrable
progress to equal employment opportunity for women.

There is nothing particula~ rly difficult or costly about any
of these steps. I would urge all employers to consider the
benefits involved most careful ly.
Mr Speaker,
The Government proposes that legislation Should ultimately
be introduced covering the introduction of affirmative
action programs for women employees in private sector
organisat ions.
Such legislation needs to be carefully evolved for the
Australian context. It needs to be implemented in a way
which is not disruptive to business and the other
organisations it will affect. It should also be such as not
to prejudice women's long-term employment prospects.
In order to make sure that affirmative action legislation
achieves these goals and has broad business, union and
community support, the Government proposes to follow the
successful consultation mechanism developed to consider the
legislation for the Prices Surveillance Authority.
With this in mind, I 3m also pleased to announce today that
a Working Party is to be established to advise the
Government on the most appropriate form of legislation in
respect of affirmative action. This Working Party will be a
direct and formal link between the Government and the
parties affected by the Affirmative Action proposals. it
will be kept informed of progress of the pilot program and
will draw on its experience in framing the options for
legislation. The Working Party is to be chaired by Senator Ryan
representing me in her capacity as Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister on the Status of Women.
The Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, Mr
Willis, and the Attorney-General, Senator Evans, will also
participate in the Working Party as will representatives of
the ACTU, the Business Council of Australia, the
Confederation of Australian Industry, the Australian
Vice-Chancellor's Committee, the Australian Committee of'
Directors and Principals of Colleges of Advanced Education
and women's organisations.
Mr Speaker,
The Government hopes that all large employers not only
those taking part in the pilot program will start to move
towards adopting affirmative action programs for their women
employees prior to the report of the Working Party. I am
most heartened by the interest shown already by a number of
organisations, educational institutions and statutory
authorities and applaud them for their initiative in this
important area.

The Government will, or course, also provide as much
assistance as possible to these organisations through the
Affirmative Action Resource Unit.
The Government, it will be appreciated, is not applying one
standard to the private sector and another to its own
employees in the public sector.
The Public Service Reform Bill introduced into this House on
May 1984 by John Dawkins as Minister Assisting me on
Public Service Matters, contains provisions requiring
Commonwealth Departments to introduce affirmative action
programs for women and disadvantaged minority groups. This
legislation will also apply to Commonwealth Statutory
authorities on a case by case basis. I would hope the
example set by the Government will provide an incentive for
many others to follow suit.
Mr Speaker,
The proposals in this paper have been widely discussed
between the Government, business, and unions. I repeat how
grateful my Government is for the very substantial support
we have already received from these quarters. This
demonstrates, I believe that all parties affected by the
Government's proposals will see them as realistic and
practical, and in their interests to implement.
For far too long, women have been denied their right to
compete on equal terms with men for jobs or to have
reasonable prospects within those jobs. The Government's
objective is to redress this situation so that women's
position and status in the labour market markedly improves.
We are, in this important area, I believe, on the threshold
of a major transformation of the place of women in our
society. Australia will be a better and more prosperous place for it.