PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006338.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee
International Women's Day

To mark International Women's Day the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, today announced four important Government initiatives for women.

 Mr Hawke said the Government had already demonstrated its commitment to advancing the status of women in many areas.

 Government business was arranged so that the Sex Discrimination Bill completed its passage through the Parliament by International Women' s Day.

 Mr Hawke announced:

  • the establishment of a Working Party on Women in Sport, the membership of which will be announced shortly. The Working Party which will be headed by a prominent sportswoman, will draw the attention of the media to the accomplishments of women in sport and the popularity of women's sporting activities, especially team events, and will report to the Government on problems encountered by women's sporting bodies.
  • the establishment of Women's Telephone Information Services in each State capital city. Thirteen women have been employed under the Community Employment Program ( CEP) for an eight month period to answer telephone calls from the public about Government policies for women. The WTIS will specifically answer que-ries about the Government's affirmative action proposals once the Green paper is released for public debate and discussion.
  • the employment of 11 Aboriginal women throughout Australia to act as regional. co-ordinators to assist the Aboriginal Women's Task Force, which operates from the office of the Status of Women and which is engaged in Australia-wide consultations about the needs of Aboriginal women as they see them. The regional co-ordinators aire also employed under the CEP Program.
  • the funding of seminars in each capital city to inform women's organisations of the contents of the Sex Discrimination Act. The conferences will be chaired by women Caucus members and women's organisations in each State will be invited to hear speakers from the office of Status of Women, the Human Rights Commission and the Attorney-General's Department explain the contents of the legislation.