PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006258.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee
INQUIRY INTO Australia's role in the nuclear fuel cycle

PON1 MLI-LJA Novumber 1983
Following the recent decisions taken by Cabinet and Caucus
on a range of uranium issues, the Australian Science and
Technology Council ( ASTEC) has been asked by the Government
to conduct an inquiry into a number of issues relating to
Australia's role in the nuclear fuel cycle.
The inquiry will examine in particular:
Australia's nuclear safeguards arrangements, giving
particular attention to the effectiveness of the bilateral
and multilateral agreements and to the scope for
strengthening these agreements;
the opportunities for Australia through the conditions
of its involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle to further advyane the
acnaau sep roacf tincuecsl eoarf rneocni-p mroenlitf Ecroautniotrni esh; a vainnqd regard to the policies
the adequacy of existing technology for handling and
disposal of waste products by consumer countries, and
the ways in which Australia can further contribute to
the development of safe disposal methods.
The inquiry will be conducted by a working party of Council
members and will be under the personal direction of the Chairman,
Professor Ralph Slatyer. Others may also be co-opted as
consultants and advisers to the working party to provide
specialised knowledge on particular matters.
The Council's working party will examine the considerable
range of evidence that has already been gathered on the
subject matter of the inquiry, and will seek additional
information from technical experts.
It will be calling for written submissions from those
organisations and bodies that have an interest in these matters.
Th'le aLLttaclimncii t providCe :; onm ba1cky ound i rnl.( orm1t: ion on the
membership of the working party and of the Council.

Membership of ASTEC's
Working Party on Uranium Matters
Professor R. O. Slatyer, AO, FAA, FRS
Professor of Biology, Research School of Biological
Sciences, Australian National University,
Chairman of ASTEC
( Convenor)
Professor J. H. Carver
Director, Research School of Physical Sciences,
Australian National University,
Deputy Chairman of ASTEC
Professor D. H. Green
Professor of Geology,
The University of Tasmania
Mr K. H. McLeod
Federal Secretary
Australian Insurance Employees' Union
Professor J. W. Nevile, FASSA
Professor of Economics,
The University of New South Wales
Mi' L. S. Zampntli
Managing Director
Castlemain Tooheys Limited

The functions of the Council as defined in its Act are to
investigate and to furnish information and advice to the
Commonwealth Government on issues related to science and
As th( e Gover. iment'.-priiiu( ipl m r of indepndent, advice
on science and technology matters, ASTEC maintains a broad
overview of the science and technology activities of
Government departments and agencies, universities and
private enterprise. In addition to providing advice to the
Government on new proposals and Budget matters relating to
science and technology, the Council prepares reports in
response to specific requests by the Government or the Prime
Minister, and on its own initi3tive.
ASTEC is an independent statutory body, established by
Parliament in 1978. It reports to the Prime Minister and is
therefore analogous to Advising Bodies to Heads of
Government in other leading countrie;.

Professor Ralph Slatyer, AO, FAA, FRS, was appointed as
Chairman of ASTEC in December 1982.
Professor Slatyer is a Professor of Biology at the Research
School of Biological Sciences in the Australian National
University. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of
Science and the Royal Society and the United States National
Academy of Sciences. He recently served for three years in
Paris as Australia's Ambassador to UNESCO during which he
participated in a number of international science and
technology activities.
His previous service to the Government included membership
of the Australian Research Grants Committee, the interim
ASTEC, the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, the
Policy Advisory Committee and Board of Management of the
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
and the Advisory Committee of the Australian Biological
Resources Study. Prior to joining ANU Professor Slatyer
achieved distinction in research carried out during fifteen
years with CSIRO. In addition he holds, and has held, a
number of posts in international committees and councils.