PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006202.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

The attached letter was sent to the Tasmanian Premier,
Mr Gray, today. 4j~ R~ je~) c'U~ Laflt~ t

SEP I 519e1
The Hon. R. T. Gray, MHA
Premier of Tasmania
A~ y dear Premier
I am writing in connection with some of the matters which
arose in thie course of our discussions in Hobart on
31 August concerning arrangements between our Governments
following cessation of the Gordon-below-Franklin scheme.
First,-I confirm that the Commonwealth is prepared to
extend for a further month the arrangements for income
maintenance for H-EC employees and for assistance to
contractors, on the same basis as set out in Schedules
E and F to the Interim Financial Agreement which you
have before you. It needs to be understood, however,
that the Commonwealth would expect that any requirement
that the State may have to provide assistance of this
kind beyond the period now agreed would be subsumed in
the proposed block funding arrangements.
I also confirm that the Commonwealth is prepared to
reimburse the State for expenditures of up to $ 99,412
in respect of the projects for a number of small
contracts referred to in your letter of 12 August.
Approval for these projects is provided having regard
to the particular difficulties mentioned in your letter,
and is not to be regarded as a precedent. We understand
that a detailed claim will be forwarded by the State in
due course.
There are, of course, a number of matters on which a
formal response from the State is awaited. These include:
the Interim Financial Agreement
the Commonwealth's proposals for block funding
arrangements the joint study of Tasmanian future electricity
requirements development of tourist facilities in the South-West;
Queenstown sewerage; and assistance for the provision
of additional rangers in the World Heritage area
during the forthcoming summer. 2

I look forward to your early and favourabie responses
on these matters. En this regard I am pleased to have
received advice that terms of reference for the
proposed joint study of electricity requirements have
been agreed, clearing the way for work to commence
quickly. It is also my understanding that the State will be
submitting proposals in due course in relation to:
* reimbursement for costs incurred on the
Gordon-below-Franklin scheme
* the value of resources in the Heritage area which
cannot be exploited
* further development of Hobart Airport; and
* a prospective regional economic study of Tasmania.
I shall be writing to you as soon as practicable in
response to your letter of 28 July regarding management
of the World Heritage area.
Yours sincerely
R. J. L. Hawke