PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006101.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

FOR MEDIA 4 May 1983
In view of the success of the National Economic Summit and the
Government's intention to establish the Economic Pl~ anning
Advisory Council, the Government has decided to end the practice
of holding formal pre-Budget consultations with major community,
business and employee organisations.
The Economic Planning Advisory Council ( EPAC) is intended to
continue the process of consultation and information exchangebegun
at the Summit, and to provide broad~ ly-based machinery for
the development and exchange of views on economic policy and the
medium and longer term economic outlook.
It will enable more regular arnd informative discussions to be held
than the existing arrangements in respect of pre-Budget
A representative working party has been established to advise the
Government on the appropriate form and function of EPAC.
Details of the Government's decisions on these matters will be
announced soon.
As well as these formal arrangements for consultation, I expect
informal discussions, including on a bilatocral basis, to be
greatly increased under my Government.
As I said at the Summit:
" I say to you now on behalf of each one of my
Ministers, that they stand ready to help you,
irrespective of your industrial, political or
social affiliation. Equally, their doors are
open to each of you and I trust that in the
days, weeks, months and years ahead you will
take advantage of that unequivocal offer and
statement. In the same way, with what I
understand is your welcome permission, we will
seek to do that'so that, in a direct sense, we
may, as a Government and as individual.
Ministers, continue to be able to draw upon
your reserves of knowledge and experience that
you have so freely and graciously made
available to all of us during this week".

i However, these undertakings are not limited to Summit
participants. The Government has a genuine commitment to consult and is keen
to hear the views of groups and individuals in the conmmunity.
I believe that the availability of my Ministers for informal
consultation and the formal machinery we intend to establish
make it unnecessary to continue with the pre-Budget consultations,
which had proved less than fully satisfactory from all points of