PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00006087.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

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F-41523 M T EP 17 April 1983
The following message from the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke,
was today delivered to the Prince of Wales before the
royal couple departed from Melbourne:
C) " Your Royal Highness,
Your visit to Australia in company with the Princess
of Wales and Prince William has delighted the people
of Australia. I hope you and your wife have felt
this yourselves from the enthusiasm of the people
who have greeted you as you travelled through the
country. As you leave Australia, I should like you to know that we
have greatly appreciated the time you spent with us. We have
particularly appreciated that you have chosen Australia for
this first major visit with your family.
Please convey to Her Majesty and Prince Philip, whom I
am looking forward to seeing in London in June, my
personal regards.
Best wishes for the successful and enjoyable completion of
your overseas tour. Robert Hawke
Prime Minister"
The following message was received by the Prime Minister
from the royal coup~ le in response:
" Dear Mr. Prime Minister
Thank you very much for your extremely kind message.
We have been overwhelmed by the warmth of the welcome
we have received all over Australia. We were thrilled
to be able to bring our son on his first visit overseas,
and we will never forget these last very happy four weeks
spent in the States and Territories of Australia. We will
of course pass on your message to The Queen and Prince
Philip, and much look forward to seeing you in London.
Charles and Diana"