PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006072.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

b,) U) STKRA L1, A
For media Wednesday, 30 March 1983
Traditionally Easter is a time when Australians take the opportunity
for holidays or travel.
Unfortunately, it has also been one of the worst periods on the
nation's roads.
over the next few days all Australians can contribute to avoiding
the tragedy and suffering caused by the road toll.
It is encouraging to note the recent success of efforts to reduce
the road toll.
Random breath testing, for example, has had a significant impact.
More than 100 people are alive in NSW alone, because of random
breathtesting, who-might otherwise have died on our roads in the
last few months.
Tougher traffic law enforcement, wider application of random breath
testing and effective TV advertising campaigns have combined to
assist in reducing death on our roads.
But in the end the answer to the problem lies with motorists.
Australians do not need long lectures on using the roads carefully.
However, I would like to make three important requests to those
driving at Easter:
be patient and don't take unnecessary risks during your
journey. An extra hour or so travelling will still leave
plenty of time over the long-weekend;
don't drive after having too much to drink. The risks are too great;
make sure everyone in your car uses a seat belt.
They are proven life-savers.
Of prime concern at this time are our children.
Whether they be passengers, cyclists or pedestrians, we owe it to
them to set a good example, and to protect them by all driving
responsibly. People in a mature, caring society can act in ways to demonstrate
a concern for others as well as themselves.
I believe Australia is such a society.