PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006049.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

S'IA1L: M p P -2SIGN > i BOB iAK
t) epca na zil Ch
In cnsidr~~ gthe ap1ropriatce cepartrental structure, I have
hrorne in mind the need-, to ensure that.
the pioii of the Labor Govcrnrnent can be given effect
to readily;
changes from the existing structure are kept to the
minimum necessarvy, so that the public service is not
distracted from the important tasks facing it; and
) roblem areas in the e:.: isting arrangements are remed-ied.
The new depzartmentsc to be created are:
Housing and' Construction
* Special Mnister of-State
Sport, Recreatio n and Tourism.
Th e following departments will be renamed in view of significant
chanqes of functions:--
* Education andi Youth Affairs ( oreoviously Education)
Resources and E.. nergy ( previously National Development
and Energy)
Territories and Local. Government ( previously Capita. Territory)
Trade ( previously Trade and Resources)
Transport ( previously Transport and Construction)
The f5: unctions of several othcr depa-rtments are also to be-. 1. lter(-d
in v. aryingj degree. The Department of the Vica-President of thle
Exe( cutive'C Council w-. ill be abol ished. / 2

i r. e, Tia.. o t ionII . ce: w, i 2.1 be mowved frc~ m the I'rcasi. rr
ci notLot otrA o in f oc ! Fin an ce, Mr D awki r, s
s~ o 0 r. O: 0 1; Oic 11. I COninj C ajenm to ocnrt
TheT resur j ill he respo, E-ble for the pooe
price survei l'an-ce rilaranld Calso for the Grants
Comm ission.
Co-ordinationi of the prices and incomes policy will be
the responsibili-ty of the Minister for Employment and
Industrial Relationis ( Mr Willis) . With these added
respornsibiliticS i em approriatL-C to mc." O Yout~ h
fAffaiirs from Employm-ient and Indu1-stria]. Relations to
Education, to ensure that propecr attention can be devoted
to policies affecting our youth.
The Minister for Industry and Commerce, Senator Button,
will assume responsibility for the industries Assistance
Coiwtn:'. ssion and the Australian Industries DEvelopmme--t
Corporation thus providing a single portfolio with the
key indIustry responsibilities. Peg tonal dove lopi~ nent
C) will also go to industry and Cormmerce.
The Department of Housing and Construction, which was
abolishned by the Fraser Government, will be reconstituted
to provide a focus for policies affecting the housing
and building ind~ ustries, and housingq assistanice program.
1Re1spon-sibility for the importainL tourist indusi-. try ill be
a major focus of the new Dopartment of S'port, Recreation
and ' c

43) S-0UY C
rr) c) uL cic s be L oe~ Q'r Nat jor,& Doe] oLc a n
Lrl( r; 17 22 aneesources is no; i. 1 Ze~
clUiuiu-ne La conlfus ion and dis tract ion f ro2( jgc't -nj,
A1f Unsiet fc cloe elcoricant of these important
~ n d Lst iic, ill resporsibil. t ies for domestic resource-s
and en,, rcy matters aill be consolidlated in ai Departmen-rt
of Resources arid Energy. The Department of Trade aill,
of courc-e, retain responsibility for assist-incj the private
o sector in the c0velopment of overseas markets for
our m-, ineral rcesources as ill does for other cor-mmod ities.
Other I! Icortarit Chanqes
Tphe new port-folio of;: Spnocial Minister of State, under
Mr Ylounc,, who w-. ill also beo Vice-President of the Executive
Council and Leader of the liouse, will take over electoral
matters and police and protective services and certain other
policy functions from the Department of Acdiirn~ strative
Services, which will be a more clearly focussed ' commnon
service' 6epartrnent. This change will ailso enable a cjreater
concentration on important lwenfrorcement responsibi lities.
The ne-w Dep~ artmenit of Sport, Recreation and Tourism takes
over responsibility for assistance to sport from Homie
Affairs and Environment which, with the addiHtion of
responsibilities for consumer affairs to its arts and
environmient functions, can concentrate more closely on
thoese i!-mportant areas.
As annoCUncecdt ne(-FOr' the election, ' w! ill takle re-spons) bil-Jty
. Or the0 Off ic0 Of the1 StltU. s of 1W-omen, ass ist-c! lby Senator Ryan.
/ 4

Al. Lhau~ j II thle Governmon L w I Il con LIntiue ti c Depart: m nlt of effe nce
Su puo) crt ave uhaciJdC the de sinc boa oie ouI
he itLseel f. 1' C'tScl ocated lan ( CflC
TeGoverlnmen.-t. hlas declcied th) at the Territories and importalin
local-gjovernment respon&; ibil LtieF; of thej__ Conmm-onwe; ca1_ th should
he located with the Department of the Capital Terri oy as
rDepartment of' T-erritories and Local. Government. With our
commitment to~ ward: s self-governm! rent in the A. C. T. a department
solely with Capital Territory re-sponsibilities no longer
seems warranted.
Heads of__ Departmnts,-
13cc au e of thec processes required by legislation for the
appointment of Heads of Departments, legislation which the
incoming Governmnent. will be reviewing, it is not possible
to make final. appointments of Hasof the new Departments
tomorrow: nor to mak1-e any other consequent changes that the
Government mnight have in mind. Acting Secretaries will thlereor e
be appointed to the fle%.' Departments. The Chairman of the Public
Service Board will be asked to report to me on appoint-rnents in
accordance wiTJth the terms of the l~ egislation and I expect that the
Ccomplete list of appointments of U7eads of Departments will1 be
cleared in Cabinet next week. The Acting Secretaries of the new
Departments, i. n addition to the appointm-nents they currently
hold, will be
Housing and Cons truct ion : Mr. R. ML-. Taylor
Special Minister of State Sir Pete,: r LwrOEDE
Sport, Recreat ion and Tourism : Dr D. F. " IclIi cfael, C131.
Ca n 1. er: r, a

11 M~ arch -19823
Thu onuri & L ic ' t obL~: i: tc fr
iiad -i n( 3 n i t-er t he 1) e1a, 1r U-i: I I L o f T 1-: 1( 3
Sci'iator Jolhn IN 11i t Ln to he Miiti'folr lnn dtu: try and
CCo:;.-, erCc and to ac ustor the D(: pa rtricn-t of ndtrad
Senator Donald James Grimus to be ', inister for Social
Security arnd to admiinistor the Departiiiit of Social
Ralph Willis, MP, to be Minister for Employment and Industrial
Relations and to administer the Department of Employment and
Industrial Relations.
The Honourable Paul John Keating, MP, to be Treasurer and
to administer the Department of the Treasury.
Michael Jerome Young, MP, to be Special. Minister of State
and to admrinister the Department of the Stpccial Minister
of State.
Stewart John West, MP, to be Minister for Immigration and
Ethnic Affairs and to administer the Department of Iramigration
and Ethnic Affairs.
Senator Peter Alexander Walsh to be Minister for Resources
and Energy and to administer the Department of Resources and
Energy. The Honourable William George Hayden, MP, to be Minister for
Foreign Affairs and to administer the Department of Foreign
Affairs. Senator Susan Maree Ryan to be Minister for Education an~ d
Youth Affairs and ' to administer the Department of Education
and Youth Affairs.
Senator Gareth John Evans to be Attorney-General and to
administer the Attorney-General's Department.
Gordon Glen Denton Scholes, 14P, to be Minister for Defence
and to administer the -Department of Defence.
Peter Frederick Morris, % 1P, to be" Minis~ ter for Transporl a
to administer the Dcepartmnent of Tran!-. nort.
Johm Charl1es Kerin, t~ o Le is . rfor Pimr . i:
an( d to adlministe~ r the De~ mntof TaryInrdus; try.
K'imi Christtan Rtcazicy, MI. P, to hc t se for Avia-tion F nl
to dn iIt t IIC Dopa rtmntnt of A o
C!-ri; tophc: 7 fohn P, to ho i~ for ! u: n
I( I 11t5. ri1 ! c t nrd t f; I i t1o t* 1 ! t " ' I I r t i.: 5 t of 1! nq; I I1! d

44 Dhe D. n o y e-.. tt a t
: fc; l tLu 1* ir nt 72: 2~ 1r 2 t ~ tc1 ' C ' 22 C'
narry O. e. n. Jones, MP, to be -1inister for . k: nce id
Technology and to am-inifster the Department of Sce nce
and Technology.
Michael John Duffy, MP, to be Minister for Comm-unications and
to administer the Department of Communication.
Barry Cohen, MP, to be Minister for floe Affairs and
Environment and to administer the DeCartuent of Hioe Affairs
and Environment.
Allan Clyde Holding, RP, to be Minister for Aboriginal
Affairs and to administer the Department of Aboriinal
Affairs. Senator Arthur Thomas Gietzelt to be Minister for Veterans'
Affairs and to administer the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
The Honourable Thomas Uren, MP, to be Minister for
Territories and Local Government and to administer the
Department of Territories and Local Government.
Brian Leslie Howe, MP, to be Minister for Defence Support
and to administer the Department of Defence Support.