PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00006018.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

A major initiative of t~ he Cr., yrnrrent that WaS lnh~ the 19'&
K Budget is the Australian Bicentennvial Roads Devejop-n4Vit Prograsrm
L~ e ta Poram the Cornc.,) el ti qi 11 be investiflq at I east
billion to bjiild a better road Syste. for A ; strafla t. y 19SP.
4-An important provision ur: crer tlia AE. RD Pmri~ n is t t p~ rt o> f tle
T ~ available funds can be used to undertake worthwhile urban Pitl c
transport projects.
I am particularly pleased that Queenisland is t. e first St. ta t; h. t M-s
sought to take advartze of pris'^ n P indic tiv 6 y , ear
program has been sub~ mitted to Ralph Hunt and, t-e wilt si-. rtly ccne
his approval of an Initial * lst st. rt ;^ rojec" tS.
: T'l Thosie projects conso i,, atz tthe si nif icarit , trldes th. at b'A-' el 1r~
oyer recent years in s. s : i . OtsysteT'-
a Systefv ' It~ fr~ :~ vi ic2~ tl : r o r; r~ t ~~ f
Ga mes. should note that iiy GCovernm-rt wal , r in ie t iL 7hj 2
S tcps to upgrade 3r~ ri rh1~ i~ o~ r) r.) m 7 ,2
Lrmtil1I~ j over $ C *> JciL:: t -c
electri f Icaiticn rc(-s rti car- a

.1 -2-
To-day's announcenienf includes two further extensions of Brisl-are's
electrified rail systenm
SKingston to Beenleigh which is one of Brisbane's fastest grc-6irn
coqRm~ rcial and industrial areas, . costingq 1 Iii
. Petrie to Caboolture where rapid population growth is veoeted to
bccur over the next 20 years, costiny u) p to ~ 2 m 1 ion.
Six interchange projects com'plete this Initial list of quick start
projects. These are
Car/ Rail interchanges at
Y eronga
* Toomtul
* East Ipswich
Bus/ Bus and Car/ Bus interchanges at
Mt. Gravatt ( Garden City . Stage I)
Windsor ( Horthey Street Stage 1)
The succes-s that well planned Progra~ a can have in increasrk'n
ridership is evident in Brisbane. I understanid th~ at durin, the initial
two years of' electrified rail services pitrona.? e IcreaseJ by oyer
I am deli ghted thait through the ABUD Pro!-Jraumiy ( 5cvervue-nt Ik egain
directly involved in Improving B'-isbarie's Public Tr~' nsport Syste..

II.; 4~ r.
4 4:
I,. TUESPA.? Y F2BRIUpj.'_ y 8 1933
( Statement by the Pri. M! sDe the & mt Hon lcolrn Fraser, O.
and tYhe cro Rl5& p 1, Hu. nt, M. P.)
The Prime Sinister, Mr Halcolrn Fraser, arid the Minister fcor Transport
and Construction, Mr Ralprj Hunt, today anncunced that the Cor" oW-alth
would fund the electrification of' the Kin,; ston-Bee~ niqh rail line under
the Australian Si1centerinial Road Develcpm. ent ( PSPD) Program an~ d tnat a
contribution would also be rnade to the electrification of Pet; rle-
Caboolture rail line.
nThe Kingston-Seenleigh electrificaton is the first major urban pablic
transport project to be approved under ABRD", they said.
" it is widely recognilsed that urban public trans-port projects can play a
vital. role in reducinq th. e preSsures cn urban arterial roads. For thls
-reason~, the ABP-Program provldes support for urban public transport
projects where such projects will clearly assist in r-educing traflfic or
wear and tear on urban rov~" Mr Hunt ex'plained.
" The electrification of most of the Brisbane subur-ban rail network had
already attracted thousands of forn) er road users to the r'ail s'rstc. jj.
' Th~ e Kingstcrn-Beenleigh project is a lo0gical extension of the network
and willI service one of E-isba-& es fastest grcwlnq rsidentia~, , industria
and com~ nrcial ' re'et ric-Cabc) iire project is a fjrthir
extension of the suoirban retwrk which alss: offers benefits to r: airline

" The early approval of the Kingston-Beenleigh project will enable
initial tenders to be called immediately with completion scheduled for
around the end of 1984".
They also announced that ABRD funding would be provided for passenger
interchange projects at a number of locations within the Brisbane area.
Projects to be financed include car/ bus interchanges at Mt Gravatt
( Garden City), Windsor ( Northey Street), and Toowong. Car/ rail transfer
facilities will be developed or expanded at Yeronga, East Ipswich and
Toombul. " The convenient ' park and ride' facilities which interchanges provide
play an important part in enhancing the attractiveness of public
transport usage-. We would envisage support being provided for r. any
more of these facilities during the course of the Six Year ABRD Program",
Mr Fraser and Mr Hunt said.
-T total cost of these projects is estimated at $ 37M.