PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00005892.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I move, " that this House expresses its deep regret at the death
on 14 July of the Right Honourable Sir Philip McBride, PC, KCMG,
a Member of this House for the Division of Grey from 1931
to 193.7, a Senator for South Australia from 1937 to 1944 and a
Member of this House for the Division of Wa'kefield from 1946
to 1958, a Minister of the Crown for 11 years; places on record
ts appreciation of his long and meritorious public service;
and tenders its profound sympathy to his family in their
bereavement". All. Members were saddened to learn of -the. death -on 14-July of
Sir Philip McBride. Sir Philip was born on 18 June 1892 and
was educated at Burra Public School-and later at Pr-ince Alfred
-College in.. Adelaide. He was first elected to, this House for thce.
Division of Grey at the general election of 1931. Sir Philip
was re-elected to this House in 1934 and, subsequently, in
October 1937 was chosen by the South Australian Parliament to
fill a casual vacancy in the Senate. He was re-elected to a
full term in-the Senate commencing in 1938 but was defeated
at the general election of 1943. In 1946, Sir Philip was
re-elected to this House as the Member for Wakefifeld and
retained his seat at the general elections of' 1949, 1951,
1954 and 1955.
Sir Philip began his ministerial career in the first Menzies
Ministry as Assistant Minister for Commerce from.-April 1939
to October 1941. He was later Minister for Supply and
Development and Minister for Munitions from 1940 to 1941.
He was also a member of the war cabinet during this time.
Sir Philip was, in fact, the last surviving member of that
first Menzies Ministry which led Australia through the
early days of the Second World War. Following the return
of the Menzies Government in 1949, Sir Philip resumed his
ministerial career as Minister for the interior from 1949 to 1950..
In 1950 he was appointed Minister for Defence and retained that
post until his retirement from Parliament in 1958. Sir Philip.-
was also actively involved in politics outside of Parliament.
He was'a member -of the United Australian Party when he
was f irst elected to this Parliameit and played -an iimportant
role at the time of the establishment o-f the Liberal Party. / 2

: zn-aAd: after. h-is7r& tir~ rm6nt fr. om-this-House -he -maiintainedi-ris.--2:
. TT -E flo-vem . t wqi-thz--p~ 1-tics.-.. and&: was Federal Presikdent
Liberal Party from. 1.9-60-to196-5.
-anldserved.. as..: a presdent: of--th-St-ockownersh,---Association.-~ ih
South. Australia.. He. was. created. a Knight Commander of.-the..-
.0. JfOrdr e-of._ S t -_ ich a1::--a nd-St-~ G e or ge -i n' 19: 53 an d a,. Pr ivy, m.
iz:-. Councillori -in I59:. : Oabehalf of the-Governmenttheh
p e o p e--o fA u s tr a~ ia. e x pres s sy mpathy t o.-his -wi d ow
and-two surviving sons-. 000---