PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005757.pdf 7 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

kt-1 0. 0i%, A49TDMLTVFJtY.!
FOR t'iDlk-IODY' 2rBRMY. lt2.
On -every -count, -on-evory -issuej the-chotbd-befOre2 -thc *' Voters T
in this bY-eledti'on is -stairk -ard plain:-Thcre -s; flo -doubtthat.
I'hllip Tyc-ith ttadi . n( 5t4r. tselectior..
ie-ilhaete~~ rdu spot froim hlis wiiePa.
lin -addit. i. oel to he 11y~ i~ tOj'a~ rt, Veon . ctive In.'
Va is the candidate 0os!-z ( xci~ xo r edzys beyord pmaly -Ha. iGs. Ut~ h. lee-:
candidatii-who represent.-the valvie of the-. vq2st. rIajor. ity -of,.
Mlstraliaiisi. Asa ncenabar of-the Gov irrie-nt te~ i~ -in . zCanberra, he; wqill.-be . able
to help achieve peopjqe'. a -En risnd hopes-in.! a c~ c1wa.~
He will -work. for : the -Liber~ U wayi-Btit-the choicd in. this
electioji -is ' more t~ r-achoic6 betw( C~ e Calldid; ateG.-: It. is : A
choiced between different pbi1onophiefll z& cholce o-twezen ~ h
freedom of ; Libera i smi an() the drflbJno~ isoof Jabi v. choice
betwoen different liimiatfr. alfiolnf~ familiieg and
for, our . childrar%.--ot wat-th i~ e-7'~
deficits. 1. -Ltabc; 3 X., o10O Pkenew infla'Lioni aiil Wq-qMi ) iI~ -to
uflioxisi -thbc w; uOw~ oR rhsna. vt~ eJ ~~-ec en -i -this '; tatce
Ih. isTo tho uay;( fol -Atst-& ia, and t-he Libet~ l~ e 4r1: h
i s' va st). y' dxi rnt>
Ile balieVe that . pc--opA. e th.-tir' own needs -and % Iants:-1xetteet-h an
politiciais. and . bWeau crats. b all-~
Aust-alirs, -b'ased on privar., o o~ txpxise bnd X0epnsible
coverriillelt ' Policies, W~ e vit&-;* id fo, oowh j jnCd t-he'pportunitxes'
and security -which .9ixwtbh a -of : I-ifd we enjoy._ n.:
Australia -today: in t-he iest in thc, wor -Austl-aia'-4 -chi oVementeover,
t-he last thirty -yeirt, i ] c~ i, 1 thc doubliny ofl. 1vifq
stan~ iards ovcr thrat . perli.-: h" c Jc civmi. t ni
a )) eter Jite foi thc--insilvas. hat. ij4 whilat Liberfdciisfl is : all
iboit. Telviuj-~ ri-. ii \ n' 3 incy l3t1ifietl* A-iw hich1-
we tahe ', JCir gr -rited cl . qxT. hizit : eqlc--v le-tb~ tie
Pr'aty to ' Austvaliai-te~ r cu~~ e tit-i~' ii! l( 6% 12 P

I knoIw there -are challenges ancd prob~ lems. There -always:-
will be; It is our task to : f ace theiii, to a. olve themi.,. As aresult
ofou policieii % e face the Jfut( VC IrmM a: pOWiti675 of,
strer~ icth. > Or achicvVC-zentt, over thc. last, six: years hiave be~ engreat.
In 1972, Labck -inhatited bne of -thec world'-s stvongqest-economie6,
and within ' three-years, Iiot only. was : that cconomy raped, but
Austtaliaw-eaHi heinq run Into ithe qround.-So -4roat wqas. the>
feeling[-of iii* tabilitl-and hopelessness that: 1n._ 1975, more People
left. AuStralia ' than -came That-wqas thr; only 3yp. r-ince-946----
when theat-happened. hizve Jbee~ n -baildinq tbib 7-country: Labor
was -dismantliny it. Wiat a condenantiori ofthr Whata
* demonatratii thcnt'ILabor -canrnot'bulld : Australial7 -AWhat -' Z
demona tratiori that peop. 0dA not, trUs t , Larbor. IQ hn we-cam~ e--toof
tioe-in~ 975,1 our -f irt tcgh . wAm:% t o -repi the dage.-0f-1Lauri i'
and tat~ iar; beell -a lon~ g hauL Bt ituch -has -been. ao CAustral
c~ o~ n cmori~. y: ti1e thn-iic. ~ eae. nr
rate; of: L -at er -acivaiced -Meiiem : countrieg I. This y rite:. oaorganisdtioris
prfediet tht-. t uIvre). i a ' w i13. gr ov-w-a t -abo ut~
* thrC-a tiindS,-. th1C-rate of:, thcoe count-ices.. . Thet.-moans-bettder
living standards-for Autai~ fm~ eadbte~ opportunitiesd
f or-youth.
Inveetors havo vonfiden-ce. n~ h:~ rnt o;~ sr~ aseooy
œ in~ ncial y ear was the* 3ighesztl for thirity -' r; an& d -this ' ca
mome growthi'' orc? jobsaj andl bctter liv iij stzndlk: Yd-forVour
chbildi en.. Let Nie 9AVCv onte exinplfe of -thiz : Involtr. me-t Petroleum i
explrtio--al)( ede), op-rxent.-it1 is : prdietO w tha bcver,. four-,.
huindred*' yells -w1i. n-i~--~ athis -orle yerr-Cormparic.-.
explorat. o~ l and ed&\ . LJpme1nt vwill tpx~ c. t6~~ aIe. ilo
dollzirs -ivi. 19821: six * ti; s iimoe ij -raal . tefi'rs th-. 1. ; iln49,75 aind
~ almotao'Ub1 -the 1l 96-projct! orif w'hich u-elf vrc-ord.
~ All of -thirz -iG 4Dr~ ut fstehadto~ f-ti . oeu~ i~-ai
I am -proiid of-it. I am -proud of 1 he Pa'~ tlhrty and I thesnk
yoo -f or your . support.
Th eke -ara -a lolk cJ!_ . Uvn, 4 On I have-hel d -downh Governmen.
greer reductiocnsi,~ n wMt ff* t:, It usi We-ave
coninitted tio' X~ -af -r c6fcice, -tI. t1d: y, w -h1 ncecy.-
O~ at: : tie vont-raot-vit'h zipc dic.. At. 1-1-e end of'. their
tbive yenrsj*.: TL&-bor vatiii yrci; Y ty nt u1l cre -out. of-evCx: y:
dollair that * j'lftrii. ll'm cniVa~ whnt~ -re. l
wb e are opJcdndiej. e'r $ 3Va dlin-Uu vcas: Ltat, -weould ~ Cr t} i
over 600-ax . i'C6 CrtCVcry Gv-h Cn~-
L ab ok woul j n in ure.-Thi _ ii 1-why. xa hor h ( ItsS wh at W4e
ar od o xI r -I e-, at1 c7 e 1' 0 VC) n i ve o.-n z-rpo ni r, to 6i
mrc. ek to c-c's a-txpQ~ i uth~ iu-n : private-* sectorto
Aet~ A~ ustralia jo~ all;: id, : C ,& lf to do-tc2 2
hiave 7nrid -9c, (-md i1Q~ LWCA~ V x~ zy nhigber

Iknow people thirth taxeF; aro too Iii( Ih7 EveryVone would lielower
-taxes. But therct was -a $ 500 iyiilliori inclexatiorl -tax ct
last . July,,' *. there -is the tay -rebeate ' for heilth -insuranco.-of. abcit.
$ 500 millioni later this -yea', and ue-hopec to do more.
It is thiS -Governmnent which hazi t~ Akein ef fe6tive ineasures agaiiist
tax -avoidarice, whan Labojr did virtual 1) noth~ inq, and all credit ' to-.
John 1-oward f what-he has donie.-It is this Gdvernment. wqhtch hai;
given -se If -eiployed ' people -a substantial concessionl for their
superannuatiozi. their first -fair-go -ever for thiis.-It . s thiis GOvern: Ui-. ntwhich
'. abolished -dath -duties, this -Governhment -whi-ch introduced.
t. he' investmEnt-zUlok?~ ines wh-ich hia helped to' Yevive the economy."_-
We seaek -to * build up thie econ) oriy, ay~ c hold dov7f Government -spernding,*
to brii improvementt.> in : faiMily Iiving4 standarfls. Let -there
beno mistake tAustialia's ecoiiomy. is : ctronq, pur ecortomic .7
-policis ar -pay 3g itidends Rea iiconiesth aye .;-isen-seubstai~ ti a11~ y
over recent yearsi~ 19n8 0/ 81, T9 bilion 7laftei! ta~ x was-acdeo: 7
averagewepklyea rins Ai ve . inr-ea sed hyP-ove $ 13'-6 weel, . iffrea-
W : sek: hjier-real Naq es through biiheri-prodluction
in this countr5y._-.. That, 1s tewi t'rpoe hlvu tnad
of AxiitraIit fami
Ujndor-6o* r-policxes 375,000IC nevw jo'-rc reatd. ntetr~
years -to : laft DPeCQ) R-br,-t~ no the* zxerztq imn--Yiployient-rat. e -last -year.
was . the ' lcwest JfOr, or yearrs. This~ -yar! r alnuary -rate was. be. Io0i
last: year' si and on thu Jatcrst f igure, oicr 1) e'liloyment rae A:
atibntatialhly be) oi Greatbvian belocw thc WnAt-ed i7t~ tM-c9, belolq
W~ s-Grmny We. haxve jx x-. which look -ahead inJt~ his vital
area-o . c.. poy-. nent. tlncer oxi ytrai. n) ntj an transiti6risch~-iee,,:.
225-, 000 young pe p. le will rutccsavc astalice Clurin 1961-82.
A record 95,; 000 apprl ticos'. will rccei. ve icecompared
w ith l-t 0 vnOer thc--old sboh( uie in.. 1976,. inr th& -current -Budget,
alliates ~ 20 mlinfor tr aini)-i j, and trzisitiofi*.-We-are.-.
determiVi t. 1I ~ ic'w aete k s1 ed
to mreet: : taledeblrio Of t1hc--rfut37e. utthre-heast h
Job Prospect,, ot-. our yollng -paple, hct o hc el-in o-
Labot ofte~ i bcoasta ofit : ecai1t ionshlp wAth unions.,-
but twice In. lr. last-.-O yezis -ehvetAmd : ite~ pclitixV6. den o. nst-. rati; Or
' Chat, Labocr haa no ipaciaii iV~ i. u~~ it-h. the -unioras, certainlynol:
in-G6VerrYrjteh IF or -o 1. At> 0he r1Tid when~ Labok -had
CVLi-r -Opportuzr! It to -1l ~ iabli~, k ~. S Tor f ailu3e;
w~ hen -thfr'& wa,-j zi V" esqr,-a -), i4bor Cvrni -nt iJI* of ticei, r.
tias Pysi~ cont of .; 1; ot-h the,(-J* CT) i. O-d-he J tltere vms. ( lcisastyrou
poidP -ea: Iy 6 ldlion) work. illycl ays.,
we;: O lost' f oun(] Axltr~ lia A-I orh tcs IT, -1974 AF, batla
strihkes aixe mnow, there -ure lno 1-4 hc~ ~ il ear tht eod
Nuhreu n~ iI'y t~ .!; c'tqf sril-o rlie : than hereiN
S -Tr~ 3 1 bL'b) 6. oout, pet1-ro I 13n3 f-bd ' cut -off. One . of'
iy Colceal-i CC* untc-57 cokfp r Oewcasi~ le -a fc-W. vw-eikS ago,
Wriu. P C-. sca -Costinsci. exporters ex fortune-,
iVU)? t'JJ6( -o:( i3cutOJT! CrG,.. kaMagi q ! All Stra Ii a'
). Cpdtati urs tiel I oiv c. ji) j . s o, And -Wi'! e have
~ 3C tlot s -as 1 thqnrio6thait Tlt -wor%
becaiiae tliey : rQnot wai~ nt inc-! 4

It is niot a yroblezn of Cof~ owntjjfur( 7flCJ-. Thore -is -plenty
of inaztalled capacity, in N. S. W. g,-sy just. cannot k~ ep
the generators ruinni-ng. It is a
problem of mismuanagement. -It gjoes bach) to-poor indu'strial
relations polioies of thn. Wriirs Government.-When the IWran
Government gave in -to dem~ ands -for shorter hours, they promisedno
blackouts, anid better productivity. flut ail) W* e have got outof
it -is the rhort shoiocr -campaiqp. , Shorter hours puish up costs.
-oconcea-l the risirig costf3 they . cut abaok faintelalce and -thwee-out
of f oUx generators atLidlell are now out of -action.-I1t s clrcmtary
shoi-tsighfedncess; . I cannot thirtl 6f ! a mpore -irresponsible -coursefor
Govrnmnt t-tak, ohcn electricity supply is at stake,
which weighs-so heavily in' the-develop: mont of a State andl the'
comfort and convenience of nillions of-pfeoplt. Whlat a condemnationi
of Fix. Wran . that -wit-hin * a f c. w mnonths of . his election promise to
expand nutstry and emplymernt, lie cannot-fina the power
to mtaintain -exioting i-ndusi-ry.
Strikes damage the living 8tarndards of us -all. -They threaten
Australia's -corpetitiveness-TJhey destroy jqbh prospects, and.
it is all no-needless..-We ~ oll kri(, w tha. t thiore-is a probleai abut
S strikes. Evon 14Y -Wran ha~ sai c~ is it tinge of -lutiacy.,-
buit * I want yout to udee our respcmsr, Kr WrM CItS ireS* pose allo
Fir.*-Hayden's Y e~ pn i.* trs ~ i the-, rCe is nothirtcj oehcouled
do. Fr.* ayetwcetoeyoc-thec-Tstr iketsi 1 1P havo -puIt
fortlard~ forsighted proposals vhich aI3dre!; s the real i~ tair
bothiimiedatey ad 1ri'c-ty tcoxm_ We-are ntrodiacin( legisl tiorn.
on t) wCe. fronts. : Our -prcjjpu~ qJB w9.0i iAlow euiployersP -to -stand down
wor; er. who can-not be cnrp). oyed bcc-ause others are -st. kny,-_
becnause We helicve t) t if 2( 1tSkrsrn woTIplace of.-S500
to a stanastill, thor; the e;)*, lorye: shOUld )-ot have-to spay te
other 4 80 wheii be has no worj~ 1c( 4 thCi-n,, and we hselicive i t wi I help,_
briii~ j Nome to ~ unionis the real oost of, stri): fs. Iln.& ant
COJT( 14 l i _ oab oilt ith-s G a fslire-; eaus a 1 1$ aft he' 3 . tn,-& ii
Powri f * Uibi'. os nRxe-, oing* on 11n. e31Cqs str-Dh.-s -ir itead ' off using the..--
procesises-of, arbitrition cincl -iito.. Opurro p sals % jill
encotrage-irndusti~' ilnion ; jij ImIhu,.~ . tdhu ce bsuird deimarcitori
Wbich ! so. OftL-dC,-ttOy n sralpae ndhioa,
and harm vast.-rixirmbexcz oA~ ri~ n ndiryui hav ) on
been . Conziion -policyi twcn the 2' XT'iJ. thtlw 3Lbr Party anc the
JLibekal Pi'aBy, bu1t tCi~ s: h4is t~ ove%. rnmenths
seijuslY jtied to fockIcsoth ing to auic.\ i; v-. t. ;. Oux Cthird
2~ llprotoct theriq~ t~ lf-c~ i~ fli; toruqii VoluILtsL Unio~ as.
fn a dcl it i oFi-t o th e P e qA f VP OO S a A we * PU t-f o1, Ia rd : aj ubDr
of -pxoppa Is to , th GPremriers, ufcrut A -uptWo
ripproach-os to -th0 ) xener( ei:-A .1h -Awep Alexe Prpr. red to. tak
over 11111 i1;( U~ te_ 1 A-xI iCcjrcrsm~ l if-. thc-. y -% ere.
prepared -to, i f c ~ r~ r c--thit bi G 40Yo-Period ( if, years.
: 1. inte no. St atc&! 1, It t t 1 a t~ S. yr, ZL*-ibCd7 to): -Speci f i
co.-oparatioli in se& kvo 1 : 1t r.( ki-nt twhire there -haves been
major-pXrobleiw.. w'i beatxjevt State' ' and
1c6i~ o! yww-~ i ~, Wq: i r'Y~ Or o rXcP ot. iOoi utes,.
an.. tl~-( Jlo ral ha -a--on iii thefs-e area i~ s beini
! fl -thio \' itNA1 ! iu2lnJd( C ItO,. Lihertz Philosophy......
a1ln prov~ ido-3 C: I lli~ i of-e IC ifl8c
t Iie ay to aI I-Vv ' n ! C k. h Pairt~ y -Z~ 1one ha's. t~ e
cocr ancl ih ~ it to to q~ ripp with thc p , rbietms in
the i"* trts f1-ill Lbc h ec-avse of'-its linksvith
the u5ni-s, wiJl 1%. ays be. die accowmrodate ' what the
>, nions want. It is thc Liberal ( Governmernt whichisnoras rwd
pracicalpo}' si:; O i7;' : g'-hi I -cC o; cl~.-

Excessive w~ age rises are -another major thrcat to Thstralia&. s
* economnic* well-beinci. -1* M 14x-an jwas'. thcC') ly Pxetnier 1* ast . FridaY'
who would iiot joiri -a statceent drfwinq attehtioji to this problefi.
The,: economy cannot! af fora Jfurthor genercil wage rises at-this time:-.
There -have -already.-been -many-largje Xises in -rccuent mfonthls,
and we now need . ti~ e to doicjest . the impact of.: tbese increases on
the economy. Furthet %. acge r ises at: thi stired would damnage*
Australia's'-_ nternatioial competitixtdness, especial! wihen
comzmodityp; zices ; are lIow and competitiii -is fieece. . They woxild
increase-inf 1* 6tioriary prqssures, -ano th& comnrity -must; recognise..
theze realitiesi.
Another-challenge i-e. arc, facing conce-rns the probleiffs, ofhome.
ownarship. PTheLiheral Party has alwqays . wor),, ed~ f or home--.
ownership -for . Austral ian~ r, and our concerti Jor this ojcieis
para~ moUnti Over the : yeare of rLberal GoVernment -it is: ' at
objectivd which hat;-been increasin~, ly elsd .* nd hofiie owneriip'
increased frdj: about5% in the late 94O'sto . About in ~ 9O
The; problerhs posed -by-higher -ntravtes arid d. r. scme Stater,--z
by land and house -pricies arn -substimitia3 tor itn pile nd
there -is al& so tlhe,. rro, % era of, suf f icerit -c-apit& l ' fuvnds for the.
ne ed a of -hote Jbuyn rs a. Nvone of t h 6s-e proi:, cos eents I ike ly * to -be-:
iOhort--te-em because. cOf wc).-d rqcndjt) ons, -irwea not tllhing
aboutt D short-terim situatin ox I, h~ rxL-term -c n-) ene( c) l-to
adjust oiir po). iciei to changcedcn-untaie so thzst there . wA1 be
W) adeguatCe flo0w of -capital funds whie) i or d irnsiry cople ca aff-or
to borrow. his i : h cibjectivcj of-the vurrent policy review.
I'ai pepehve-ug1) e sdiiqiiterest reates, -hut -if thtv
viere done wlhci taclii) iq the p l~ of degiiate: f unds for
housing it imight $ rifipi P11. -inti-eest rtitc,-cs t iI I hx., her, andc : yprcvide
no benefitd'fovhott -uyrs l.: litayen ha cai hwol egulatre;-
jitgei xaero, bilt hlovw rcn, i tl-it? Js I-ji1 -; control aJ
iflople ' takitng thc-ir -rzinuy out tcf : tl) Ecount ry.. The probleff is-
C-oT7!-kp) eX . Cai~ liir~ tni v ch*, rliL~ i! d,-. t, -fact! of.-life:
that f onld9 are. -beinc! driwM-Lout O~ f -int-rtitUtion) S 101iCh -have
tra~ litioiially': Ient to z': 1Khc o~ i5inq l~. cti-firy; The real and major
obl c-ii is -tho availahility -of ,-ital f o I -iaSGef-. 0f
rCeVaijt i) Citk1-iO7. i, bl1tIngi~ roi; O~ t e Stcite se-vings banks;,
t~~ 8ei w' t o~-coct sotn s id e 3 a s -a
! dattef. off. rgenICY. 110, these infititUtiOn ' Z could cjat-nore--funls* -for.
Aie! e are the prcble, -nO ~~~ evri-oLri rne~ tsin
hic thy-iaee~ e ~ n3 y-~. 7cia -andi. th6. c~~ U
objec-trivoem, ai secure if; to : 1., iae sure i'eaJicen POur
policius On TTrhaci k. Covarnne1 . Ln-vhs a prou~ d record -in'. rmany.-
f iolds. Few countrioes haive. aohiouch -ta ~ ic~ u rt
programcv aF3 Austral ia, t* rn iy, Jre'il3b snw eec. o
Sy & teil he-avily 4; f U) nclj f t-. iL'*) jV XCUthiO Nfk i ~ t1 Fapc Ols
of, bief it to Jkbtralig,
TheGovrrnert -~ Cn off(& tivo ant3 ccnirate-attitudei-to
r 1n1 1111t I Jy ouv rc~ wt-oii to welcome noc
ycf~ i~~ c& it under ihsG~ r]& i vital.
s LO MuUX AUi:~ ic ePC a ly as rCSl of
thLG(' albally ' port, and the occ-erot revim of the Galbally
p-; rants will a3. low u. j _ to n rni-thtt the i) mpetuE; is rriailitairn& d.&

We have given effective suipport to the rights of parents to
Bend their children to non-Government schools. The proportion of.
children at non-Government srchools fell under Labor. We have
redressed the balance, and the proporation of children attencling
these schools is now xiSinc,. We will. continue to defend the r'ight
of parents to rmake--a free choice in thjis matter, and we wil
also continue our commuitmtent to equality of opportunity and acce~ ss
to quality education for all. Australia's chiloren.
In social security and welfare, the Government again has a
proud record, for Liberals care abot people.. Assistance to the
disabled and bandicapped is well over a billion dollars this
f inanci al year, a 34% real bivreas-or, the * 1975-76 amount. It wa s
this Liberal Government which indexed pensions, this Government
which is contribitinyj $ 125 million this year to assist Mxnsioners and
beoeficiaries paying rent, this Government w. hich is contributing
over $ 600 million towards nursing homes in 1981-82, and
which introduced regular uipwards adjustmento of the' Commonwealthl
contribution. In the six years to wia 1982, this Government will
have contributecl $ 350 million to aged personrs honmes and hostels
Ov'er $ 100 Million more than the total Coimonwelth contribution
* in the pfevious 22 years. It wqas this Government which introdutcedl
iumil~ y allowan~ ces, and Ancrear. ca themr substantially in Jfanuciy.
01ur n~ ew health schi. rne In-, w widely ftceeptecl, is r further major
achievement of -this Covern1menyt. Under this P-cheile, insurecd people
get a substailtial tax rebt. atec, in6 there is r; rox'lvion for free
health care for some three mrillion, people. Low income families
and individuals are prcotectea. Labor want. to cut out the-tax
rebate, and increase tayces to pay for: their CGovernmenrt schume.
This Government bias zicted % w. ith vision zi-nd initiative in many
other ZlreaS. Thr_ newCairn Sectionl of the Great flarrier Reef
Marine Par); % as dleclire, last. ycar, carrying furthe-r this
Governmrrent' s oxutstandiinj ClivvonlI-tal rcvri.; The litman 1Riqhts
Commission has recerttly'been : taunchit-c2, and our ) Freeclow of
Information Jegi& Jc-t. ion-wijll 5h,) tlY thycough) the Parliament.
We have bilt up Au~ it1& 1ia's reput& tif)) in international affairs.
The Commonwealth Peads of GCvernmient m'h-et. inci last y'ear w'ii
over 40 countries rep esentcel iaS-the lft. t ii Poltant international
meetiny ever to be held in thi. s cournt.. ry. Other countries see
Australia as a seif-condidlent LirCd forward-loo) king Ination.
It is no accident th1at e. 1)( 1 initiatives are talking,
Atralia ahead, for t~ ee~. I., e c asdo the values on
which Ari! tralia has ben i ar-0 vihchte a mjityf
Australians share, I hf,, r seid i~~ igrtboxit the achievementc;
that have been made, espc-ie, 11y -In To-cent ycfcars, but thiere is
( itill much to be dr in Auctr?-. 11, arida th~; Pity an6 this.
Governmont. will riot rcelax~ our elforto to ) e. pij -dv-alcinq AustriAlia.
M1r. iaYden & a Ys thi-t. he coun-e d~ o 1bctteor, i~ rci thi. s 1% y-elcction
prc-sented h-im withi tlzc chan~ ce' to off or soepol S. c S. B3at he h~ ts
s; aid nothing aboiit i-. h) t N__ 1 -WC1uLd do to imaint in AustraliaIs eooi
strength or brinq fur-t-hz: r Vrolith to' thc ecc-ne. fly. These are thec
Ireat. fU nda ne tolCoSc iWtiob i: c~ et, e ; O PlUvit else depends
upon~~ ~ dht~ ' i -uicds e ) 10t Address these gjuesft-ov.?
Labvr hazS no nor I, t hn-never Y.-ad iny nnswe. rm~ s. Labor alwlys_
ta~ hbs of hOW to CUt I, % 11l Austrajlle. doe, pxot-Icc, never of ho0w
to buupi ~ tlhda ~ uin. IN1 this -is v'Vthf. Liabor Party
ic no ilternativz i) tHi3 n oth~ er election. ./ 7

Mrz. Hayden has made it plain tha~ t he would c90 down the big
Government spending path again. He is a self-confessed
" high tax main"-, the Minister for social Security w~ hen
pensions were taxed, the Minister for I'edibank who more than
d~ oubled ' the Cc'nnrwalth's health expenditure in one year,
the billion clef icit Treasurer, the believer in a " decisive-and active!
democratic Socialist Governmnrt" for Australia. fie tried to
say he would not introdtice a cap. ital gains tax and in the same
breath he said he would change the law* to wake sure he did.
And what Is Mr. Hayden trying to do to Australia's Constitu~ tion)
and to our ties with the Crown? It is xvider Mr. Hayden's
leadership that the Labor Party, at its last Feaeral Conference,
wrote -Republiccrnism. into the Labor platform as an objective.
M~ embers, of the Labor Party, ilC'lUdincj1 Mr. Haydenlare bound by that.
That would be an unk~ nown venture of enormous danger. Small
wonder 14r.* Hayden tells LIS roth) iT9 about it.
Labor's objectives are wronc. for Australia. Labc&' 8 policiles
are confused and inadequate for Australia. Liberal policies are
right for Australia. ' T'hey are in place ancl worki. g, the challenges
are being faced, and our objectives are those of the vrist
majority of Australians. When the eloctors of Lowe weigh tip
the candidates and their parties In this; by-election, the choice
is plain. Vote for Philip -Taylor, vote Liberal, because that
is the right vote on every isstie arid for all Australians.