PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005730.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

J ,,, AU1STRALIA 41-
An Interim Committee representing all Parties has been
formed to develop exchange visits by young people in politics
between Australia and other countries.
The Committee will seek to establish an early exchange program
with the American Council for Young Political Leaders ( ACYPL),
The ACYPL is. a bipartisan non-profit organisation which operates
a number of programs, including exchange programs aimed at the
development of an understanding of international affairs in
young American political leaders and at providing insight into
the American political process to young leaders from other countries.
The Committee will also make suggestions to Party Leaders on an
appropriate form and functions for a permanent body to establish
future programs with the United States and, it is hoped, with
other countries.
It is envisaged that the exchanges could involve people in
local government, members of party organisations, union leaders
and others involved in the political process as well. as State
and Federal parliamentarians.
With the agreement of all Party Leaders, the Hon. Sir Robert
Cotton has been appointed to chair the Interim Committee.
Until recently, Sir Robert served as Australian Consul-General
in New York following his earlier career in public life. in
Australia. The other members of the Committee are:
Nominated by
Mr A G Cadman, MP The Prime Minister
Mr T Eggleton, CVO The Prime Minister
Mr A J MacKenzie, MP Mr Anthony
Senator the Hon.
Douglas McClelland Leader of the Opposition
Mr R McMullen Leader of the Opposition
Mr S SpindlerSenator chipp

The f * uture ofE this country depends in good part on the quality,
knowledge and understanding of young people entering public
life. The proposed exchange scheme will provide these people
with opportuniities to gain valuable experience and understanding
through visits to countries of relev'ance to Australia's place
in the world. The scheme will also facilitate visits to
Australia by young leaders of other countries.
The interim lComniittee will be seeking to obtain a large part
of the funding for the project from non-Government sources.
The Interim Committee's terms of reference are attached.

E~ xchange Visits of Young Political Leaders
Terms of Reference for Interim Committee
On behalf of the Principals ( parliamentary leader
of the Lib~ eral Party of Australia, leader of the Federal
Parliamentary Labor Party, parliamentary leader of the
National Country Party and parliamentary leader of the
Australian Democrats) the interim committee is to:
arrange early exchange visit with the
United States.
recommend to the principals the form and
functions of an ongoing organisation for
exchange visits of young political leaders.
2. The interim committee is to:
establish contact with the American Council for
Young Political* Leaders and commence arrangements
for exchange visit as. soon as possible;
seek funding to enable Australia to host a
United States delegation and for an Australian
delegation to visit the United States. The
interim committee may approach the Commonwealth
Government, suitable private foundations, the
political parties, businesses and other
organisations; make appropriate arrangements for receipt and
payment of funds;
arrange and carry out a program of travel,
meetings and discussions for the visit of the
United States delegation to Australia;
put forward for approval by the principals an
Australian delegation to visit the United States.
3. The-interim committee is to provide a report to
the principals on:
the form of ar organisation to administer a
program of exchange visits if the program were
established on an ongoing basis;.
prospects for expanding the scheme to include
exchanges with countries in addition to the
United States;
Wc, other activities which might appropriately be
included in an ongoing program.