PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005724.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

FOR tSDIlA DAYF1~ 8~ U3. 8
Sir Charle6 Court has been one of A tr1.' sgreatest Prni: e,
Through his v'ision, hi8 drive atid h) i2 de. te..-nination7 1TL
made an uripara3lie lced conitributi, t0 th( e,' e J. Ilt [ 11d
economic grXowth-of VWevtern Austra3. ia. Not OnAy as Pre-mier,
but also ill his ear. lier years as, RiniFtec. for li~ IJT~
Developmt-ntj he has been the driving forceehn the in o
development which i~ s now so clo~ ziel' assoociated with the namei
Of We-stern Au(-tral ia. mis ~ cePeof Uhe jic,, dn anc'L-..
reuiyeentsof Western Autai has been" I a's kirivall3ed
his vision of wistern Akuptra3ia' p0eni1,1d he 1as cllway'.
been the ctaunchesft supporter of western Australian_ interests
antd oonc~ es. Sir Charle8 a' g ' eat. Au,; tratlian, a gjrzT
Western Australian, and a great bel
W~ hile Sir Charles is pcrh. aps be-st-, nc, wr around utr4-fr--
his vir: ionl of wcser tutral. ian dc~ p~ , he ha, coyabi. ne~ d
this v3. s~ ion with aa reness arid very real uder tandinci of
tthhea t poheirssa npd opularitcyo nacnecrln st heo f vwinadrijtihv idoufa 1p e~ poelo pe'l e. es XIeJ 1 endofob0. s..
also a product oftheo -act, that het has; rem~ ainced ) repdily
acce. 9, ible to people throughj~ out his public
Sir Charles -has ee a mnbrof the lqestern Australiarn
Parliament for almost thirty years-,/ and he has, scOr'. d as a
binlter anid as Preirrer for. aluo; t tylenty of toe-~'~-X
IS hlird to envisace Western Australia wlithout Si Charles at
the helm, but I arn sure Uht count2. ess Ausc. trlians wil.. join
Me. in wishin~ g him well in his xetirement frOra his po-sitiOn
as premier. I wish ' 1ll go0d fortune to him and Lady Court,