that the Weatern Australian, Victorian arid New South Wales____
rrw -tsoybneiccoamtee cphaarlt leonfg ithneg foonre Athdev a1n9ce8 3 AAumsetrriaclaia' s nCautipo nhaavl, e cha-garleleendge,
achallenge for the America's Cup in 1983.
Thi . i8really a very significant occasion because it means that
S-there will. be truly national effort under the banner
-AdvnceAustralia to try once again to get the America's Cup
K I-Ahre evroesenthusiasm for thi. s Advance Adsrai chlene
rel: C;-pric. a ' As ndrtads epn Australia capture-the
' si AsI unersandit, oeof the problems In' the
past is thAt the challengers here have not bad the competition
. b_:, inAustralia before going to Newport, and that just M~ AkeB it a
little bit harder to have that extra bit of edge which would make
itposaible6 for; us-vto bring home the Cup.
-Ever since the first Gretel challenge in 1962, when Jock Sturrock
his, crew put up such a good showing, there has been a
[ de ternination amongst Australians that the America's Cup should
chmfice to look around Australia; z
there are now three syndicates in existence, as you know; Bill Fesq
. in* New South Wales; Peter Derham, Victoria; Alan Bond in. 7
Wee tern Australia. I know from a little experience of deali~ r-i~--
w ith other people from those States that agreement between the
ftaactte" st hdaot esth en yo t haavlwe aycso mcboimnee d qtuoi cfkolrym, ao r naetaisoinliya l ancdh arlleeandgiely .. TheI
Vb:: ch the best boat will challenge under the Advance Australia
; banner is really a great advance. -It is good for Advance Australia,
it is good for -the country.
I C'---oA-odpvearantcioe n Aaumsotnragslit aA cuasmtrpaaligiann sg. eneIrta lliys ias daenm oenxpstrreastisoino n oof f
;,' belief i-n Australia, a demonstration of confidence in what we
cnachieve, and victory in an America's Cup challene would
bvolyand very clearly fire the imagination of alAsrlas
AJ -m m! J! t~
The cowbination. of competition and co-operation Which Advance'
Astralia will bring to the 1983 challenge, ought to mnaximise
our opportunities and our chance of succss.
-Through competition between the syndicates, the strongest
challenger will be chosen, and through the pooling of
technologqy and~ skills, the boat which Bails for Australia
Will get all the support that it can. The yauht that goes
-~ to the-United States in 1983 will be the beat that
A ustralia can build. rver-yone involved will be working
tow s he comm-6on objective of taking the America's Cup
off that shelf where it has sat for 130 years.
I 9ppra10th n8-ational challenge. I wish it every success,
anid I look forward to welcoming the America's Cup in
Australia. 6 I'l l