PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005467.pdf 11 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

l N 1~ 3 Ni~ ia\? 1 i~ 1 ' 03F( MlJ~ 1Y COR} DY-p'tI$, JW, ADBL. A ID! E
' The' Age I) z i& C'. O) flC-oJt t I f; ; n1crnI) I( Iw) it h it whioh ! n jit-( q
that 2.8 PCr cent of t Ilwe people E~ ieticmed 3' 0Catd 1~ 1yret
h-iec -r --r ~ ue 1c,~ thati a 8urprisce to you,
NcO, -it ils not'. bcause -it dIepcfnoTh whlmt pceopleñ blame for-
111) MpioYrnen,. an( Vfhl y. blam lftrfernotn: tHAngs. G emi-t
oetzilyhve * rc'flponslilitie-q,,, but-.: . i) o do -trade-'. unions. sSoo.
~:~ opt~ h~ aise1w~-1 -hik--f* jch~ unr tand that7enPlo) ynt
-has cjow b over -200, 00. o) vter th1' 1 12* incmth~ s -tilatsth~
jji o enya~-ancliteen, e ti: ipoyffent: hs S1 wn better:
thane it Ilad oV
Cordeaux rimre rFinilter, ct.) You explain to mnec h w it is that. y oul Say
that eiriploymnent 1h ais ( qrown, yet there are irnejxc 1() pleP xmrploycd.
TIhe figjures ( 1c ] lot % qoxJ out
Pr i ni Mini. atcrthat
question -becafum-1, thcrc-is a 011)( 1 flhat thie Statisftician)
calls the partiolipat ion ra1te. Pmt-Ill effect i& all p~ ecple-ovex
who want. to be : in tlie wcr-Jr tNow, i f 5o1 11five a larcjei'
-p potion tyw IOopli Over 15 tqfniltO1C to be the olrce
You carl bave a growth in (! mYp jllii nrt bt the(-scime niunbr
ullmc0IJyc-d. The pat ipt5O) rate { Irew. Ill other-r word. s3, I,-P1. tl
wqho had bceen lot want-inqI : obs over thle last year h) AVC cfcrne-back
sayinq " yep., we wanlt a-jlob now". h% fl Yesult of that ( Imwth) in thle
participt-acn ri tc, bcu-IhW nvolvc! ill i 1-( Aher
wordS, i. f th~ e parti:-iption XiitrC Ilkd stayell thec saJmlt o ymn
wuldhaVo fale ) y thc-pZxt of 100,000.
* Coxdeax Now, whien Yout WetioilepeO; C youl Cio s'C. t tt
Prime K~ lir'ter
I thinK tthat we mcq-stira c the--6ilII qe that hid bcejiiY dele to
)~~ ciinduSt. rj( e aind it. has ): ee! n ) MYIrder il al ( 1i ff~ iut
wyorld to qect hupt. rcilian in risirofitaL~ e acirn bit thley
are no0w profitablc,. TJhey a170-; e in n Auc; t ra~ I i ' They are
se1lli 1nq oveex, S It 14ould a t reicd','~ to i;: ltcr p-. cliclies a
to lI) A4inlZf an poEc that. uld5d If it thrOlcj the--
sell Cas if rmst ralim xil; 1) sA , Jc-f (' anniA?. C( A Yal ilhey

' M [ 1 Cordomnu>
W~ hat. hiss the ' n1I) I11rit dono to cy ' ntu the atIc*; pI* herc throllh
which bv . aues~ s can. InoecCl c]-' loy epe
Prime Ministcoi
1c: have et ha l it3he[ A 5 iiv~ tt iWll~ ) ovnirce& aox Saa d the(. y
~ 9e a ii to t op t hII -t ; but hae! C cst ab) S shed av~ nn
CA CoNtT ., 0C .13 lqc? btae opt. -infla tion( 4 Wc bIvC-e', ot i : iat. iorl
Wt~ lhct ~ of olir Ir11ior rcc1i n' a tnr; Tat i what reWI iv
Urri~ tc~~ it~ itcs loilwe
the e i c ijnv( str. ctI oxjpt. incvc'nt lyE'S, anid en cou riIc. IgEtetF
fcl-Yescaroh aml decobLu fySa) I) liic: ssc's, acccesg; to 1-he
de v e 1 C) p 1 rit bayn), awld chfillqp-' a -1h. t -' x ,~ w~ cia;. ist.
-i ftli mcbvj. 06u h1rIdwI( il Nw,
-c. hthe, s -cm0( F d Ve'ry LncpC'OJ. i ly toC ecou Zi c C
are cilt-ti ur th e 1. I o1ftf cj'poyc-nt.,
cord ea~
11ow; wom le[ Ayou . Ct t6 h j Ob yoUA hve , cmjc* oico t Ivaly?
PxStI l i~ N iAi te
elI 11 6lt, Iik e. irat. 1q~ 1 Y'seif, I Ih t: in~ pult. at t isF VI
ilhcrritetd all (' CCOCiO*> 2 that-wm milch -si oc r t0h f10Ft. In * thIie ast
ff ive years -the Worlo. ( riv i rOTrc! nt h ot~ imxsler b~ ut,
Aust1 -ia econouy it, do~ fing miuch boet ter. Growth in) the' conomy. n
th 1s y ozir wi I be over three Ix) 04 cn ) lot illy e s a~ teit
s ki ry i: etinit -aot rcand it hn) f p: ercieflt onmo-f arm,
( joi:)-icq toc 1) no ( Irowth Th C, hi fIh e r 11fita t on thef hV C. h1h1r1
kienploymont TbLihY e in it p1).' S -ior of ; l ql~ C~ i ~ yW~
ai~ pt u1 e to Brit ii n -or InE'rica and( t Ch cI' lblLcki hore&
be-fore ) e1cticmn dabcuethey W00: 16 Se ) iG~ Ifi\ ic. 1C 3.) Ett. E'r off
I stra1i 611f~ xpoCu) . tii's slhil the of the vworld I) ms
~) ic101i9 woX. s( ovcr the pa! st five y'CaX S in vbolt ADcIi
xelatixvc termrs lhi ust rtiI. i a 11 -IIn) d3 o1utv if) I2Clt t~ vQ s-a9
( Ich( w) c~ ailmt bh. t rc-uL) t I wi : tlt. thr
peopleC pnt t he rat. inq ei) it.,
ie f Yon h1ave ( one stloh it qIreat. jpob, 0h1 a r C thec'nl
L. rilm l aqa yt yoll i1$ f. t X0] 1fiy as~ S n-c-at. the ~ l fl-! t
~ A

qi. 5DN~ t~/ 10 / 0 8
1. thnkcoole zae pwiv. eo fboxlt. that. MY own popl are. " Thexce
kopS not. sccnt to) bce any olle miajoy isstle that is rurming nj~
the covei'nrrent. It n it fiese, it Irtytey.
Cord eaux
iman i~ gp ter it. would seem & rthlmt unemprloyrrien) t. ig it
acccr di11g. t t f) t. Asqj ' Poll. tocay.
Prim inste I~ kdt c ot VAI'n that -is Xi Ibt' because Weve iodonte
xe-searob which i iac th. po obaemn-Ai f ferent
thivm9s for kunemployment. It is juwt ) ot n c ssar-ly 8omethirtc
that i laid 44t. the dour of Coverminnent if it '? ms Mr. Ifayoeri
i's yYromsing 100,000 : ioh: wher~ e we ha Ve providedI 200,000. fie is
alFC) p1( lIA Sitcl toC Olara--pcple! $ 1,0i j. i 11 ion for t-hh-privileciqe
of dc~ inc iti.. ' lTht. woldO~ Ce! to he it pxctty Wnd kar( fjirl. t...
\ 1nh~ loy~ oarc. qoo~) oc. r~ r'~ They fire woldhInc. W e II cv 4 r
2 0), C 0 00,1 rab Olt ? 30' 000 illii~~, ad malliy of the-' m yojuvq
Mist ral 5. ari~ c;, will bc' 1e by those ciame thiF; yuii Th e
*(.: ffployallerit : Ja' t yccir whi( x qm 0ctc-~ bj)? t for .15SYC iir~. I
is rim~ illq throm( h Uhe C* CV1tir1) uity vae)) then1 People qg!' d) to
You~ abou t. They Ic! rup ;) l) 16 the--y .; fjy 0C.' Yr'l ly ( 1c) t ~ l
to yyoifu bout.! ) C c: auw: e t hil; h haIp). xned-in ot her) times~, undI
linvo hten we). I awire of it but., wo Mtaxted( this; Qinp~ siqn1 ar
th(! ye wa' i ( jQeriil % piew 1 thin); i. t wil-j. poll p~ ishecs . I
tho ACTC. or One ( f the j; esacoupIc, of dalys t; wh vIi eh
cac tw h-dIsao 4~ a he people c! xpee-Ct-Cc th1e0 (; overniftcrit
to qut I5c}: easiy, vexy ezawil. 00Nl 20 per cent. CIxeteot the
L. ab Or PI0A ty toC will. Now I Oih~ nk~ that t ) i(-re wooldl a&( e
. ar7 mni'er CA ntYX t Utilly arld ab) M; ohit ejy hCxrrl f jd if
t h1w1Zo_ e_ Illo. the lorninq, of October .19 allo foundo therec was
a bborGovrnmntwith all, the po c~ st ha. t they have CAf
e>: penditure imnd a t ax On indust ry, ; j tax on) rc; uClavelomc-rit
zlfld ( I t~ onl wul bilizS r MY~ Mlyenl i F, n ot t I Ie f Iwnb cy it
phea~ t; rt Mr Whi 1~ i we But in a di f f w; ay ho ia
T. he othel i-thbt the ' c pWoll M; ci~ ~ cent.
E8lc1 a'pcnscnt 12 p( er c~ m8id 0 R~ t y
: Lunn~ ta. 1rA~ ch . il 1 hiVCe w. thz t~ iv'c .11~ W
i a s X ei. ' ioy cl uiiy t nca 4. i~ t o: tt eL. cs
J( dIci 11t. v)' Ant. our iw In ' 1 o r .1 e iA f I hb c i r CF-, I 1
Ndhe the y a1re! xott irgt-
\ 4 hatve UF. edtc Ill: 1: it t ch C. I c y chI 2. a ( hr Von.

19 g ncc: f or me iow, but. coiad be. very. diIfficl t for -Auttralia*
foorr . 1p ) ori e j1 na Jf o ! ifrs mif t h ha e to q( et al: thi
itiel from the~ Middle UJ_ l lt. nnd theli ILIhuc ve allother awr~ i
unJ di~ tableO Csis-riacen area.
3C i f~ 1 : 1i coir v;~ Tiyc-that hatr-Ciruptedl over
Pr i me i & t
thec ~ ep ato i* s, hav yo chify of CLEo r: po~ 9lictiet.. cy
Wl-. you u-hanqc-. Yom~ x caipa icgm j tr cit yt
" toJX1FCAjtE'. ly. oi the Iith. WC, i cCIeo Iic to. argu the.
-Op irpfl i Ii ty' of. JLei) C2). s poiiei*
You Eire, not. cJosmc oC of fer ally. morel.( foodies~?
wrime biniti eonmywir
to hi al. th. Let. r put it another way. ayoun:. f iAbcr of fers:
0! ombtY aE3 nwe ta cut -n3 the)) that. pmshes-inf lation
w wi h al the thorthilirjs you1 have got tc' lo4& ajt three thinc
1? a~ C)~ t. 64Labor:, the).(.) CJtr,-' 1I) W liew! A 11
$ 24 K) I IIion J) e CixW 0 e oE0, ly co teo six . ProgarwiO'mC-:, but eve)) f
2p) t-eer E( s-n thait i-l cOveCr COStcd, there aye
otheruc in t hat.-Whitevcer waiy.. youi
loka it it Is. rri ) A'Cdt ionail expdiui. tEl. X cut., Ch
ITI of i 1ull~ year, isa $ 900~ 1, i I lion) ' that Is a) 1' 11
oine LCurCe~ i: 01.1( lr $ 1,0O0 mll)(' ri ad: moal diAfla)) OlSOr'.
Ai tha i8; all inf. lationzry. B-at thien You Elt the j) mndEs*-o'f
ij1) i) JCY that iwouIlde'~~ to~ trizd union,,;.. Whave feady-
C1,1 Ma~ r t1avchXa s. mi: ppcnxt: itasPc lenta of the MCPU E1vaO
I.-itoa -r1. v1e c if, liot'f eVtt WerA fiiia~~ l aIt Ci1d1cm1u1iC),( ! tno tGheo~ v eri rnl" AniCt. Q m1-FYY.-thefl
~ 51~ t. fnwo, tin~ k,' r thF~ c) r[ mtercsq to.
pcr et iKr. Now. it cohl a' n o I
. I

tDN, 8/ 10/ 80a.
carricc' 1 arolmd the~ natitor, thls mnorn InlyouIr cciiwilci'tt zjb0Ukt MfCC
aga~ in reij--ctinq1; j: 1l if yoll Selt. yolu bf; d t. Do yoxi recirc~ t
hav-Inq Sal I that?
P~ rime-Minister
.1lra~ 8 eferring to tlic. r-n;~ ac~ of. 1971v
B~ ut you Oid indicate fthat. you would doc it aqi n u-it Clearly,
if you felt t ho noud to ( to it iai
Pr. fille Mns
M3o) k, it is fill hypthtical arto it rnos t cjoing to hNipper
Btit do you r(-qret hiavincq gaid I hat?
It i. I all a * ec hc.-rinci, A t Xesly Is.
Do yoti ). rret ) ainflj f m0 it?
pr~ imu! Minister
Itf it i" 8 as red ) crinq. You du not. want xec'I hcrrinus duxinq,
a c'nrrpaign Y011 want mre to us-, mo ord. I do not want to up: C
t hat one word. : 1 w fAki y It. is a rdhrii
cor dt a I I
.1 was lust iwmolihcJ why . you put. yo rSel f, in the-posit. ion. where
you S& Ald uomTething. thbat would Jec. s -I; nf' trrittoxyJt5-0o inn, y
peoaeas tII4t.*
wnYa'i it. IX( lr4Kly in th e conLe xt 01 197 5 Thcre werc-m~ any
thincls that. 1were ha pceninq tcen ( twsntoy-teonoic
responsibillty., Th1ee was it nmaness in -that admiistratio, 1 er
really wn"..
yYoOu . Ose, r'Cur Ate. mpr wher yf u weerI abokut thqt
Oh iqoCt heavcns nio. I wa. s f~ I vcijco cd ((' bfltc at thc, ' C~ bcy
I~ j.
It. F I.. P1 H 1: 1
Ii] hi .7

L Iqc'r~~~ re otuh sat 1o ww; pAik' up, xord a6 e>
reports~ c thi. nornin .! 1" VI O. th1chat, I. i. ck c 4
a. hrtail cnai Iii from fq is wa oethn; haiice
aj q~ on trentegttih. aS0h i'q~ to ers' 6 fI by
way f advice with Xecward to X11 spomt e~ t lhe Sad fry
abu 1payro). 1: tax, hepollteed 7u~ cadd.. 4J~ S
abJlr _ k cs. fhV ttc-payrofl -tax a; malre-abe.
Mill tip) iea out., h110 suAZIthat it wou1d-th, t fl re)), t sy . t5e P_
n & emPloyrielt -6f: xuj) 110 P lif i~ 0Cz zdopted by t. ho
cwhiec tpaylwnj p-. ayyo~ jtzax. T1hat -is a sor of et ve to
get, cuhiC1ylnt: gjoing, i sn t i t?.
PXri mc-_ in itr 6 r
\ e P tr e iS oncy ra I incent ive t. C ( Ct-emiplo~ yment gtoingf, andI
thalt s ave, e tej: prises.. pofitabte and Seiliinq. L~ ei me point. l
Yit thce prCoblL1i j) that. sort of ) rgr gZ ie-thiA yo , av
-I Itnlv thr -xcre a larac rT'mbcr ofi firtri which are doinq
welIl find You ha VO trC! ntJLOned-( one of theM % wh) eree mj0bloment i. s
* qrowill't all the t~ lfle. And~ the-re fire othe Irt) ) cas
inanaticment. As not so ( food or b-cause they are . in thc wrc), ncj butsiness
or. wJiAtever, that arce not eic67q f. o; W011. Th( ey axedimnisi
t Ahe Peop3e. thrit tkhey employ. So, you wonh' find under tb~ it tort
of pOr1ethat yolu are stfirt. ing to subs~ isc thc employmcent
that wafs goC). Tll to q'iow an~ y
S: ut to ha a tacx om cmqployn-n L; Att CiuC 1 ' Ingtrme,
' tt teE s isaSiae a Xt nel
.1But. You Co111 ( IfIlnca k t n c C) ula t You?
PrimeMinister No; -1t 1; a st1At tax.. .1 F u niXe ( joinq t , to Ie 1trc'~:~,
0' o have qc'. to th 2it atc-t-Wc() K!. d ' hov! ZarC! yu'Lc ) to ril~ zie
tjtht p~ i~ hr e) X i I bmut. $, 0odn. inilkr!:; t.
( C?-7tOlfl fiA l. As. a reutof that, youl woul ( I fA ! id tha-t fllnt ~ r; r

Prine, Minister ( Continuedl)
That ' Sort. Of thing has been looked it t
Mkay, I e t t aken a Vrs~ pY we will.. coine back ano get on the.
phone. 1 oldlk e t mak everal Point. s. I would like to be
hypothetical for a chane. -3f~ ywwr If -Labor were to
' get ~ I an d : you u dI bl bl Slip ly, b b lie e th t-i o l e
th e actlon'of . a J-ctatorship. A310 nohe thing too, f yoll
really belieVeo w~ hat. you were sciyincj this mrnincifl, Mr. Frznoer,
you would Cloiinq ' jiV for ex: ample and have. debCate Wt~ h
IayeM: jmen you. 11 earlly hnd the courage of your
. O~ fV~ j* t. 4L60 flothbr-thbVt9 too, irentr, t-an-Iny-lrrohr-'
axe penslonc1' s and their* livingj st-andards hap sort. of drop) p. ed 1) n
the las-t five >' earra. Durirtq Witlain's admitnstration lie WC1e-1
able to liell, in 19' 73 we went. and had a decent holiday,
In1 .1975, we went. interstat e. We have ben able to go on holieays.
for those three y s--o. teIatthlo-e years, I haven't
been able to affoyd to mky I aiily on a holtid! y The employ t
sems to have Clo~ t worse sin1ce Whitlain't; tiri*, and) X don' t ) tnocw.
Aniother thincq too, bir. Ixsbr, e: lleve also you're also a
mnillionaire aren't you? Jint youl woulo finld it difficult
to UJ) Werstald the positiong of the poorer lot.
Well, let ino play tunpire and let the Primne Min) irt. er gjet. a wior("
in here.
Prime minister
The questiorl abolit Sup)-.> ly w)-intever I F; aio about that ' was related
to 1975, anO it ewocz!& not-nriiie an( l it it; not ( joincl to arise, so
.1 thCAcn-n1bI o, y u vtl o pcCm-a-lls ' vjoknlsf-; t. put thiri) tX Ia-Fi" AA Mlo. P , arI c, a n3, l ow a MWhor atP rWop)) oijtr tyioonu
of avera( Ic-weOly ea: iminc bim-ovc_ r t h e perioe, of thi
coverm . Icmt than for 25 yeal7s.
Caller Yeah, bift. 14.1' 1) i s t r
Lmoe ohb aveX eal i qo, l-i-oC * t ayA? i-n-t--o-' rj1 rh tei3pT t. you mat(-, siD what. ' iXibout you tti) lcf
m-re-a high' r'-prol. tic3l) Of aVeraclo
wee)". 1y earmings. 7-11 it I. joj) j( j s(-tcan to some-impjr(
X k. I I ow Mr, Hriy0e-n t; aid fl) jj. they % Youl( i reac: h 2_ 5 por * Cent of
bit lwtt r-.1 n.
4 Yy ( Oct 011t: thO
ovor C1 zim-IC! Civerime figurc, and that ( lot: a h-igh. er
1tFkC1 thm) vmf; in f OCt" CtISCU. SO, thrit J) ITMIS, WCO'LZIVO
bellefi' ' inrie. s sho old bc, better nff th--m-tj.

5DN, / OJ
* Pr'ime MNi" t~ e ( co 1) im iea)
year;. In : A00ition t~ o thit,
indeed anbuildiit. 4 ) iomnes for e
ep i-Lhein r tat I" entY m
)~ rc'~ edg. I Ie r Y bP r
thic c~ ica teh: tcsorn. to a F; r
bothred t re: yn Mrea' t1~ yc
ths ' Labr yTc& eiac , I CIO not: si)
myE1l y Ce1 You Irtet 0 e( ha~
p ost ofbarc-htits" h r Olta
panr~ c beingw ar c-atmntioy. Ient
andwt cofeorr1-yacrtio byhi
stre-an remceutben-t oncq
the mrirnt. itcrdsiec
q ~ Ml Whe l yi ac. 0f
Australia* œ haoc x, eb-c el
I in01.1 to~ akm eu ch ac t
t~-e -Iyoan thank ou forA
in ( froth i
s t, vmp tmeayi. oyo n t .1o
stirong gMinisteri enae m
raV1) will h elar' 230,000 ' nc-.
A ans hruh t~ he cre
I'( m1is nlch to ry
t -liq C~ r Ct tharl) ' oYou fol
Y o e so) e d nc f( ! XCIyto yt e. havepoidc er.' esm
c~ Orlypeole so t atthey C111'
i ty. ancl decency,. We pjr ov! dre
t the ( Usablecl we-e Putting in1
is ~ haa gin asthe Ciase 11.1
C-iuIhC-1P1 oan) t'-jn dbtn; With
. t jxdnt?, becauIse -the. facils 6nrc
' Ind ai dbbate-Voulcai only. en
Cel f abollt. the * C* st& Of toet~
1 ' hat would ot advance
e0 as Lvak. er of. the Oppo., 4itlon I
bate and: 1. lo, ' not: think , he even
can miake hiooWn Z1xG ul ite) ts an
inkagai yolir Yef'" rn7. cts to
beo-_ n-m~ ahing quite a few Over the
mnucd better-to talk ) borut
1O). iie that are qcii n to Affect
1ustra3. ia. We have had a very
' Cr the XaF~ t-12 * iiofth8 ther-b: t~. t
over 2110,000 -and, espt'ci aly.
yrrc-it, % which irs cjood t~ o see. An d
helve( d \' Clopoet are wOrlkill w* ell
trallans, mnany of thom~ yokinq
o. Of thi~ s year.
03,1 tu. C-of, zip We elid( thf-
Your call. NAn) Cy, gc'od, Morn~ ing.
sni. Ucl one Juentiaon. I 1 ave two
i~ w. Pic), y\' OX'best qtLWbticm.
h 1
of pet-rol wouIld 1~. 11C 1 Co ): o
11y at Ca~ nbecrra )( fli You siqy
dly, \ 10: y' qu ( fly fm)( ernark. et
them or . if yoir V~ f. hazs
Xz, f fj. t. Liji mout(" t Wi th1 th C
11)) ZI n i ir. mMeC . zrE .
i! tw -i pla e. i I 1 l

ca Atcr ( cc'ntiiue~ l)
F. t.) rU: i q) JC' Y(: uI 1 th. Y niltay rilpltS hi! 7c full) yet h Ipc-) nSi lo rs
d W) It cjetnY t h in~~ Tihe-y CIorj~' t. aji t of full, thyc) orjI
qtte propcer i cici( I theC y II,( or, any t h i.
: car, m mraiht com,, nft orn thce Co~ wwienlt think
~ ha sfi,: eq, : i t? 1 (* 1an ony Inc. repeat the-pon) t.
t. h at 1 111itde C t I11(-r th it t penflionsl~ rc it h! aqhC-: y propo-tion
01 a'acl wae. kly e-inj; thim thcey hfiv+ c CeVer be-en. ' 11-1e'r e will b
s-ignificapt increase iln the-fin~ t of thvec br, arlo tht i~
illrezady .1 TJhe.' e will) a ~ b ~ qxf c ai. n c on C-1) a I f
of the ci ( teir whoC axe fli,' dpnet of pe'nsioc'He8 ZOIC Wel fare
3) bef C 6a r c-s. ' Imc? pzimrnt" ialir& : i ' lift ed Very Siopif ioently
) nci l~ E; P'Cw" i hve c iv 5) A ) tO lOwice F1 iitr it
ref~ ultt. of cir j: icc a YeFsult Of Chiin( eS, inll onue
)' rAcc 1) ldex ' Pha) Zt hasnE helped(, ilf I1 wc'li e) ieMany
pe'Ople. ) Aqainl. You ( q't thi; th)* eadl X1m) ing throuqhtio ht
Malcolmn Prmser cannot: unde-stwan d thec! th~ incjs That has-been venv
Inkoh ia p'ar t of flhe hzs cic. mpaiqi. I hilve Ice])) FsCwntoo il
eje Zifbia" te t hat wwas it Jabol Alctc'ritc-bcefore 1 hed it. I hv e.
a vory 3anc! ec -ctoral corscnin~. My Own~ C-0ntitijeritcs cojflS
to scco mc. -t ' r0; s r~ llw hcmn I ad6vort i S twqhioc A I a c oin q to
1.1 in etifferet plDes . ut ztll the inultittdee of P -oblc~ ntrt thalt
. incli vie~ ha. or m m~ a 1m\, w~ whecr ( cvcnier ts, ajrre~~
n51) l-i( t hen or -het] h'r ( CvVCer-llmer0ItPS Wi. c not. if they havC
c ri be fl) he-y corrie to 5; C: C to 10k nlbou~ tt Jt.. Ovc.! r ( JU'j i
mvnbax of >' crC; a~ mqi ñ exta n m~ y lf'i Id
th*, at I etc vUrtde-l: s. tiind t-he wo'i c-F iandc t lie corfceyxm of utrlAa
IJlc-: T) cl4nC WO; c-n A w nv Ai Ifel;; t t of t Ii j; t i 11 rt. t
S onethe aon eip-* vhy : feel sco : cnriy & IbCt f~ yr j
PC) the wc) X-bei Of
I~ wha-t Hr. Whit) maIri a.\ n~ a o to theIr oadj, to thEC sC',
to flhe pe~ ople on) flxca1Co~~ c; the peocple ; qho: ( lddno. hv an
nexeed Pension, its nToIwO W~ rO-t l~ becas thlat im CM
vihich got-tup to 1.7.6 par cent-ln the 12 monflIh; to Mchc of 1975
ero~ e( 1 their saInr adcetlt ew andi zzdcltio'nn-lr jxici-.
Inflation flu~ rts-: the poor rrcCt a'lX a af rn') JO wc! a) e qjoinq
to ivc to just aC1-cC, t~ o di f fr
I ' what cl'i. c 0i; t
aVOUA~-Y ~ t Yrieee t hc'u~ h t a~ rc, : 3o. poco,.
I1 . ovo to voin t hose Aaks i 1) kh I ( I n.
/ 1o

5rJNE'/ 10~ 0
7~ t~ i~ c~ flt it thc! is ae of 5 ! 5 Jll tile CCi111410flW ellItth PlCxllv xv
: It bas3E ) lot. : t1: 1) n~ itd to this poin) t. 1 0o ) ot. really
bclev itC oii bOL) iIte ; olut L( n to l) h prolem;~, 3 or' t he. emlp. oynent
pr! bLIfSthat. we bavL' qot. 0 of r~ e i lot of yj) CCOpl l. ike to go0
On wori ng it bit lonc~ er arirrtircmxico. i-; tr, I tiiil
-~ ccforew okild ) 5r-V" -11u1 t. In Ibce ( Corwonwoc'aath Pb
Zorvice Whcd. we hztv(. bm-ri ta) hAnc3 aLbott is b it Oflt Ciy
xet. velnerit but. ; lI so 2 loill i11bnz. MC--) t thce opiortuni ty to
mIntiate an calrly xeti5ruc-nt but wndcY thole~( Clf~ ac~
U. ~ O~ fl~ b~ i~ 2y l) zs got. to Cz) eCjt-(-! wit-h their p: c-js~ rrigci~ eum~
Mr. F) reer, i. it. posE; A-ce iln F: on; e way to reffiee-the
tt r C i;; e omplojc~~ nt. J k) nOW Of. l~ any fratny j) p~ 2
t-wou. 10 ap out aw( I wox)-, part -t imo, plup. Cearnini~ oc . ep
q0t to pay a' t hixd orYii'll ioway it) tfixat ion. Welli st doc~ 11
I( f you are only w. ork inc part t I-iWc~ and you fire pay~ 391C e
rnixt-tial eflinl( 1 at. ihe CtMIdarilA rilt( c W05 crt n h I~ a.
youlx0( ) b) ocl f c'ui. I 9 c, 1 .1 -e. 1 a i t1 r; Cer11 el ofn ehe zIor
pNo), I znCr--n wihj AIt i-jo e a rt-t.! tie jb
0) h, y011 mean he hay; 11 5 u3 * time-finct it part.-tilIC, -jol.-
lHe wo. cn, t. iakce c all he: clc's iE; paty too 1 ol
IIc--Mim s-
H h i C. ( lt i T~ 17tt mv oi( b t oct'Y
I') x rki ite_ W n iz4t ct
Ci N f lt i I joC )

5flN; c~: t 1 311t. bis t ra~ e isi O ( iml ib1 e) % with1 the ~ bu. et
evc'rybocly Ss chias-3nCI him but he( comn IiyI1tIq DOCb cc. jxs
realtly it ( ioet' t warrant it.; flhe-tijlte arvolvc( I, the t raveli . Ig
zI Jvol VEI, aind tbe I itt e t. ge. out. of it..
I can undc.-Ytili that, When-r we ete into office youI weyc payi) I~ q
taxaction itt 415" coents in c) hYar ait. $ 10i, 000, and at t5 em.
inl the ( 1c4,3. ar at $ 3', 000. f'ow, You lire payinq at 32 j f)
the cillar whie h ii.. vers, muiuh 1Up to over) $ 17,000.
-If you ae. va~ rning ovei-1; 17,( 10-or o~ ver $ 17,200 1 thini; YOU
thon go ornto a 40 cemts in the Ooliair tax rate. Put i I yourl
hu~ 2bn~ exnicfgwero put. iip over the ,00( 0 fi--woul d the
highex. rnto, o) thewigc lie thcluld on-ly be ypay-incqat the 32* cen) tfs
Cordewax r'y'iie Minis; ter, tharik youi foy yollr time. You aye aprynl
: c hc, , rd on on-~ of youxE CeitIciid ? lr' A( x you wid bv: iiiC~ C.-tilic
A~ t hinc! ht-Ame.
-Thin4jk-yoll for your ime
Priut-YWA iist er
I ' Jii You very nw( uJI I I