PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00005463.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I~ W1~ 1Y2 OCTOBER 1980
The attitude of the Australian Labor Party to Australi~ Al
domestic and international challenges has no relc-vance for
Avstralia in the 80s. The policy statem~ ent of the Lealder
qey cnji ir ied th t tie
Labor Party has-learit, nothing from thei r r c ord of
extravagance and waste i~ n the
Then, deficient pplicies and defective~ economic ianagement
by the ALP cost Australia dearly. The spending promisas
outl-l-n-eby MY-" yen latt-ight are just the tip of the
Labor iceberg. Nothing was said about the hundrads of
uncosted Labor program~ mes which~ f4r Hayden has proriised to
force upon tile AUStralian electorate. And of thoSe promises
announced, tile costings were decceptive.
The pol icy statenicnt was significant for wqhat it otmitted to
say, rather thati what it said. It oinitted to say that the
$ 300 million tax cut would cost $ 900 million in a full year.
It omitted to spell out the explicit commitment made m~ any. tires
by the -stratms, tubor-Party to increased anid higjher taxation.
It omitted to say which Australians would suffer frtomn Iaborfs
promised. restructuring of the tax scinlcs, It omitted to say
who would be liable for a weal. th tax undur the Labor Party.
It omitted to say which Australians would be struck with a
capitalgais-tax.--rittd-to say which businesses would
fail and what would be the extent of privato sector urnetplon,,' ent
as a result of the Labor Party's massive and expailded entry into
businesses already handled successfully by the private sector.
Anid) it~ oall-it-t ed--t-indicatc the extent of its massive
spending programmes on inflation, TJhe ALP policy speach ignored
the fact that Lab-or spending would skyrocket inflattion to a
level approaching
The polio ysp a-h did not-rciid Australians that the strategy
of increased governmenrt spending, biggor government. and higher
deficits, has been rejected by : major induntrialised countries
and international authorities.
Continuim4g-hjs po. lcy.. speech.. of omission, the Leader of the
Opposition gave the Australian public no indication of the
extent to which he is a prisoner of the Socialist Left faction
of the AUstralian Labor Party. There was no indication that the
i nligt Left row. boasts control of influential sections ol Ch-
Party. -Thj~ xea n i4fliUcatjojhb@ at iic ii" j% 4i : n

intervention; f-inst'alle: d the' Socialist Left faction in conttrol of
the Oueenslaid ALP. Therc was no mention of the fact that the
Socialist LZ-ft of the ALP w~ ould coMpromise Auutralia's
commitment to f reedom and to i ts nesI i es-
A seriotis cholice faces all Australians on octobcr 18.
it is a choice between the sotind economic nianagement of the
Fraser-Anthony Goverrment; management which will persist
withl its fight against inflatiouit&. otrl f GQyez . Rnt
spending; its pursuitof Australia.' s responsible development;
an~ d its safeguarding of Australia's security.
Adbetween an Australian Labor Party which was C: Onfiz-med last
eve nras avn o ni xtdEj-$_ a. be _ 94nmitted
to m~ assive additioaal Governm~ ent spendingr corzvitted to a
vendett-a. agaitst business profitability; and cormmitted to
control of the leadership by the Socialist Left faction within
the P~ arty. ' th~ s ~~ leibh lat eVnln~ dem~ onst rated that -the-; LT
is completely out of step with the attitudes and ! deals of
Avustralian mien and women.