PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005193.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

From the Press Office
The following statements were released to the Press Gallery
up to 6.00 pm today:
GOVERNMENT 1. The minister for Health, Mr. Hunt, advised of a campaign
to be conducted with Harry Butler to promote quarantine.
2. The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Senator Chaney, said
in Parliament today that an extra $ 5.5 million would be
allocated annually for an expansion of the Community
Development Employment Projects scheme for Aboriginals.
3. The Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Anthony made a statement
on the protective security review.
4. The Minister for Productivity, Mr. Macphee, today offered
the specialist services of the Australian Patent Office
to ASEAN and South Pacific nations.
The Minister for Productivity, Mr. McPhee, has asked the
Industrial Property Advisory Committee to examine the
effectiveness of the patent system in encouraging the
adoption of new technology by Australia.
6. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and
Resources, Mr. Anthony, advised that the United States
House of Representatives has passed Countercyclical Meat
Legislation with a floor of 1.25 billion pounds. This
Bill will now go forward to the Senate for consideration.
7. The Minister for Education, Senator Carrick, issued a
report on Child Migrant Education 1978-1979.
8. The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Senator Chaney,
advised that Aboriginal Hostels Limited has added five
hostels providing 303 beds to its accormodation over the
past year.
9. The Minister for Health, Mr. Hunt, advised that medical
research grants totalling $ 14 million had been recommended
by the National Health and medical Research Council.
The Department of Business and Consumer Affairs advised
that senior customs officers from 17 countries are due
to arrive in Australia next weekend to attend a seminar
in Canberra on the use of computers in Customs operations.
11. The Treasurer, Mr. Howard, advised that the International
Monetary Fund is to hold an Article IV Consultation with
Australia from 22 November to 5 December.

12. The Minister for Transport, Mr. Nixon, announced today
that the Australian Government has waived an $ 800,000
debt under arrangements that enable Fiji to assume full
ownlership of Nadi Airport.
13. Senator Baume, Chariman, on the Committee's ' Report on
Annual Reports Referred to the Committee', advised that
in accordance with the terms of the resolution of the
Senate dated 1 March 1978,* a total of 44 annual reports
were referred to the Committee between March 1978 and
May 1979.
14. The Department of Industry and Commerce in association
with the Confederation of Australian Industry and the
Australian Chamber of Commerce will present the Small
Business Award 1979 on 16 November 1979.
Text of reply to a matter of public importance-entitled,
" The Fraser Government's fialure to devise and implement
adequate industry development policies". Says the opposition
has no credibility whatever on the subjectof industry
development policy.
16. Text of telegram sent by the Deputy Prime Minister,
Mr Anthony, to Mr Neville Wran on the New South Wales
oil industry.
17. Statement by the Deputy Prime Minister on the South Australian
storm damage pledging the government's ready financial aid
to the South Australian government under the terms and*
conditions of the Natural Disaster Assistance Arrangements
if it was needed.
OPPOSITION 1. The Labor spokesman on Defence, Mr Scholes,, said that
current price negotiations between the Australian
Government and companies seeking the contract to supply
a new Tactical Fighter Force are-largely meaningless.
If past patterns are repeated, the present negotiations
will bear no relationship to the final price we will pay.
2. The Shadow Minister for Health and Veterans' Affairs,
Mr. Klugman, repea ' ted his call to the Federal Government
to urgently approach the West German Government to seek
special compensation for Australian Prisoners of War who
were illegally held in concentration camps during World
War II.
STATISTICS 1. The Australian Bureau of Statistics Canberxa issued
statistics concerning road traffic accidents involving
fatalities, Australia October 1979.

GENERAL 1. The National Farmners' Federation, said that " the
Government's decision to modify earlier announcements
concerning the taxation treatment of dependent children
income is most welcome."
2. The Extension Service of the University of Western
Australia advised that world specialists from American,
Canadian and British space authorities and the European
Space Agency will speak at the Australian Communications
Satellite Conference at the University of Western Australia
on December 4, 5 and 6.
3. The Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Anthony released the
Protective Security Review.
4. The Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare issued a
Report on Annual Reports referred to the Committee,
November 1979.
The Society for Social Responsibility in Science ( ACT)
has just published The bias of science, a book about
how social, political and economic values enter into
science, and how this process serves the interests of
certain groups in society.
6. The Federal office of the Administrative Clerical
Officers' A71ssociation, advised that " the position of
Commonwealth Government employees arising from the
disbanding of the Narcotics Bureau and creation of a
new drug agency within the Federal Police Force reflects
an authoritarian and inhumane approach towards employees
of the Federal Government."
1. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Annual
Report 1978-79.
2. Australian Safeguards office Annual Report 1978-79.
3. Defence Service Homes Corporation Report for the Year
4. Aboriginal Hostels Limited Annual Report 1979.
The Treasury Annual Report 1978-79.
6. National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration
Council Annual Report 1978-79.
7. Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region
First Annual Report 1978-79.