PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00005075.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Prime Minister today welcomed the signing of the SALT II
agreement in Vienna by President Carter and President Brezhnev.
The 3S.-T II agreement is an important step forward, he said.
It should lessen the risk of nuclear war and place limits
on -he strategic arsenals of both the United States and the
Soviet Union. It should place limits on the development
by these two countries of new strategic systems and open
the way to future reductions in nuclear arsenals. An agreement
of this kind involves compromise and no party gets all of
what it wants. Bearing in mind the alternative an
unr-estricted arms race involving the progressive application
of new technology the agreement represents a major
positive step.
Ag: eement on SALT II will also assist efforts to strengthen
the international non-proliferation regime. The capacity
of the superpowers to encourage other states to forego the
nuclear weapons option will be enhanced.
President Carter has assured the United States Congress that
the SALT II agreement can be verified and that the United States
nuclear deterrent will remain strong.
Mr. Fraser said that he and the Foreign Minister, Mr. Peacock,
hai made statements over the past year strongly urging the
early conclusion of SALT II. Australia will continue
to give full backing to the SALT negotiating process because
of the very important role it plays in maintaining balance
bet. een the strategic deterrent capabilities of the superpowers.
International stability and avoidance of nuclear war depend
orn : intenance of this balance. Through the operation of joint
facilities in Australia, Australia has contributed substantially
and for many years to the support of the United States defence
cornerns and thus to global stability and world peace. It will
cc_-. nue to do so.
Mr. Fraser said he hoped that the United States Senate would
ratify the SALT II Treaty promptly. Failure of the Senate
to support the SALT II Treaty could have a detrimental effect on
the capacity of the United States Government to meet fully
its global responsibilities. 000---