PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004761.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

FOR PRESS 23 July 1978
At a time of economic difficulty, the jobs of thousands of
Australians are in jeopardy because of the calculated
activities of a secion of the union movement.
Existing jobs are now at risk, while opportunities for the
unemployed are being shut out because of the continuing drive
by key unions for wage increases clearly outside Conciliation
and Arbitration guidelines.
This selfish campaign is an attempt to frustrate the Government's
efforts to restore economic health to Australia and is directly
contrary to the interests of Australian workers.
Latest of ficial figures show that inflation in the 12 months
to March was running at an annual rate of 8.2 percent. In
that same period, wages, salaries and supplements are shown
in the national accounts as having grown by 9.5 percent.
Figures also show that average minimum wage rates for the
March quarter, 1978 were over 9 percent higher than for the
March quarter last year.
This evidence exposes the union claims as an exercise at
running full steam ahead in an " I'm all right Jack" attitude.
if this-campaign succeeds, more jobs will be lost and others
put at risk.
In talks I have had with factory, office and farm workers it is
clear that this kind of activity simply does not have rank and
file support. They know from bitter experience where. this
kind of mad exercise leads industries become uncompetitive
and jobs are lost.
In 1974 and 1975, wages increased by over 50 percent. This
priced industry out of business, and put thousands of people
out of jobs.
That is why we have, from our first days in office, argued
strongly and consistently before the Arbitration Commission
for wage restraint.
Clearly, in this kind of climate, the ACTU must be prepared
to stand up and accept responsibility for the strike damage.
The ACTU invited these disputes by passing official resolutions ./ 2

in March and July this year, urging affiliated unions to
carry out on-the-job campaigns for more money in defiance of
decisions of the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission.
This shows a disregard for-the responsibility the ACTU should
have to its members those with jobs, and those looking for
jobs. It is hypocrisy for the ACTU to talk about high unemployment
and to blame Governments and employers while it condones this
kind of behaviour.
The ACTU is in a position to step in and stop this needless
disruption. It has previously said it will not support wildcat
strikes which disrupt public life.
The Government hopes and I am sure we are supported by most
Australians that the ACTU will show it is genuinely concerned
to protect the interests of all Australian trade unionists.
They can do this quite easily by calling a stop to these damaging
strikes. The disputes I am talking about have been all too familiar.
They have hit in key areas, with a minimum number of people
involved and causing maximum disruption.
The current list of industrial disputes demonstrates this point.
The Metal Trades Unions have imposed a series of work bans;
The Vehicle Builders Employees Federation have joined them
with bans including an indefinite overtime ban. This is
despite a warning by the Arbitration Commission that they would
threaten the jobs of more industrial workers by so doing;
Railway and Transport Unions are campaigning for wage claims
clearly outside the guidelines; The umbrella Central Mining
Unions are involved in wage disputes with the Utah Company.
one recent invidious, practice is that of " guerilla" action
where ! ielective and discriminatory pressure is put on a company
that refuses to negotiate outside indexation guidelines. The
Storeman and Packers Union seems particularly disposed to this
tactic. Such pressure must be resisted if we are to prevent a renewed
outbreak of wage escalation and inflation in Australia.
Companies involved deserve our unanimous and whole-hearted
support and encouragement.
The Builders Labourers Federation also continues to engage in
senseless guerilla tactics. In recent days it has placed bans
on a $ 150 m. bank building project in Melbourne. Building
work has now stopped and workmen have been stood down. On
top of that, there are other building projects not proceeding
because of the tactics of that particular union.
Clearly, that union is continuing with deliberate attempts to
thwart the Government and to stop builders labourers from working
and from keeping jobs. ./ 3

While this kind of attitude persists within the trade union
movement and irrespective of any Government's industrial
relations policies the job of reducing unemployment will
be made very difficult.
How can employers take on new workers when unions take action
to raise excessively the price of their own labour?
This kind of selfish campaign not only hits at their own
membership but at the heart of national interest.
Australia will not overcome economic problems and reduce
unemployment until all sections, all groups work together
in a common commitment.
Every Australian and especially every leader, every government
has a part to play in arousing that spirit.
At this time, as a nation, we cannot afford to put selfseeking
sectional interests on a pedestal and pursue them regardless
of cost or consequence.
What Australia has built and achieved what our country
promises is too precious, too rare to risk losing.