PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004650.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

I am particularly pleased to be here today to open these further
extensions to the Portland Hospital.
This is a great country hospital which has served this district
for 130 years.
Mr. Maling and his Committee, Mr. Stanway, Matron Farrands, and all
the staff, are to be commended on the very high standard of service
which this hospital provides for the Portland community.
The Commonwealth has been able in the last couple of years to
provide substantial assistance for the up-grading of the hospital's
facilities, and equipment.
First, we were able to finance the complete overhaul of the kitchen
facilities at a cost in excess of half a million dollars.
Now we are contributing over $ 300,000 towards this ne-w 31 bed
accommodation complex for the aged.
It is important for the Portland District that there be high
standard accommodation available within the district to meet the
special needs of old people.
It will be of great comfort to families to have these facilities
available at close hand.
Older people, their families and friends can thereby be re-assured--
and this is as it should be.
Old people needing this type of accommodation can now continue
to live in the same district in which they have resided for most
or all of their lives.
In this way, there is minimum disruption and families retain the
greatest opportunities for mutual support and access to each other.
I am advised that the capital cost of this project is around $ 500,000
and further substantial amounts are -required to equip and furnish
the new wing.
As the Commonwealth's contribution is in the order of $ 318,000, this
has still left a very considerable sum to be raised with this
comimun i t y.
You are all, as a community, to be commended on the significant
contributions and sacrifices which you have made to enable this
project to proceed.

Such a spirit of self-help, Of Community action where people
and groups are not completely dependent on governments for their
needs is wholly admirable.
My Government's social welfare philosophy sets great store on
the role of families and voluntary community groups in caring * for
the sick, the aged and the handicapped.
Without this our social welfare programmes would run the danger of
being just monolithic impersonal arrangements, failing to meet
the real needs of those requiring care and what is more, they would
be very much more expensive.
Health and the cost of health care is a subject very much to the fore
in people's minds at the present time.
Health costs are a matter of deep concern to the Government.
One simple illustration will suffice.
Total health expenditure in 1971/ 72 was $ 2.2 billion. For
1976/ 77 this is estimated to have risen to $ 6.2 billion a
staggering rise in just five years.
We have already managed to stem the rate--of increase but further
action will be required.
A complete review of health costs is currently in progress and
the Government hopes to be able during the course of this year to
announce new initiatives in this area.
The Commonwealth's support for this new accommodation wing will not
stop with the completion of construction.
We will continue to provide financial assistance for the patients
to be accommodated here through the payment of nursing home benefits.
The Nursing H-ome Benefits Scheme was substantially improved
last October.
Many patients and their families were experiencing real h ardship
in meeting the difference between the fees charged and the benefits
which were then paid.
The peace of mind that comes from knowing that at least that bill
is now largely covered must be of enormous comfort to patients.
I comme~ nd everyone concerned in the planning and construction of
this new wing.
This is an event of significance for Portland and I have much
pleasure in declaring the nursing home wing of the Portland and
District Hospital officially open. 00--