PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004572.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

ITMRR LALW T114 j()-UVKB30-1977
11. ig lre'. t, to 1ho Jn your j -U , Wt.-irAnu ~ hi. is the) P livinDR
exawo rnfi -he growth arnd i i'-li-ty thsgovernio; nt s-tnij fort anti
all pris-tf to Bir barles Ce~ tiit. This relection will dei( Aie lhe-tber
deveX)] wtent anid Ritbth is tmcouragbt~ or wbet'ber ve ' wi) 1 allow Labor's
poiioa t~ o bin Austr& IOiN to a grinfl5ng hii) t.,
AukstrnJliu. is on the tbresho1' i of a now erm of progreas " ad
porospaviity. Vce hnimvce brokpii through~ i the against inflitibn.
Ve ba~ eChri~ vcd Lkbo's in,) ution htf~ ation iis now down-to 9% an(.
8iti: l flli
We his-ve cut taxer, an~ d rc-, ived incewtAivo, Vu Mi-v endell~ Utbor's WA
ta~ x rijptiff. Wo~ bame boosted) iflve~ R~ Iot boili by Austru-inni opd
f'rom wors'ens. listerest rnmtts are ftlling, fid -will. Itee falling.
They could be imioh atx percetl lover with) n twelvck imontks.
Thiau. j-jsjS zn alw. iinilis -to 1bisipe5s. This me*~ s 9toaO ute
so~ vjipg for 4. be r&. errage yoxung coupD1-buying -i') jir fi-mt home.
* Our iptiices a~ re giving pr-ople c6, Vfi( eace. TIhey are reyitli~ ii
businou. Aiistrrim is ñ erty tD go with ! tUO million worth of
i-nve'~ i.) j)( tnt in ininiug, 1d fwanufactizrir'g, in IL)' Ocesi13g,* in consitrutAiori
* in rwitiili-ng.
Westem~ Austrmlin wtill btnef it moui' fromn th. ig job-cremn4Ung a aval lment.
* One , wl half billion aollam of 1thin invesi-mvnt is jpoing to yowjr gtrva-t
~ toft u)) O thbtn 114 only 1139 start. ihere iu vill1 your irtnmnoth ) orb
Vek~ t fllstulf develoipment wbich my govrt-' nt r~ nii Sir Chta.? les CourtV Dave
uo ti. d0ively enoo-oraged.
AUSIro'i. is Q~ -the movvt 11pealso of olir ~ t~~ owr-okng
policips. AuAtralix is on the move bI ecuse~ ve b~ vo preovi~ edTinc entive
to invo!.-t and reward for iiiative. L~ sbor bms no & LW! native to offer.
I t's ttil tho psirty of iterpmd -vigling,, 1ierediblt coonomie -PolicY,
extrt. vagant spetnoing scbemtis# and1( leaersbip failure. YLJsterd(~ yl men
whint to rerun yosterday's poljiiCS Polie hi bCb 8h)--roo1hot*
inf~ t. IAon -to' ft. peak of I9%, wbich atopped growth, ' wblch inereauel)
unemloyment. by 7151PA in one year. Voll. tb* Axistralio') irop~ r won't
Mr Vbitlain's thhrteeu day old polioy spee~ ch ) ics in riis xunaeynmned
and d1Bisvowcd by his meni~ gerio of ncQnowic Kpo'keIsmen. M'r Whitlin said
he vjulci Increxiw the bost1raliam pewoIlc's -Lttxes to pay foir his
extro-gances abolii~ hiing payrol) tax wonld cost the Atraliai
taxppiyer g. 850 million ina the neyt~ oix month4; 21900 , million in the
next J'inncial ye-fr.

~ Sb iL) Mr Yllitl~ wn's oflir I) olicnh! ln~ v~ t~ w. Cj tn ?, O
uIIIjni tinU t ctlt they wolAIA( o eudl n~ lot ~ l: y thie ( rt YcoyO tothe 1w
sol~ lce Stzvrt1i) j. next Puiii. 1 * I biut tboy volild VJ30 t4Fx -fd~ tic~ too.
~ 1.1Dllai ,; nitl 1. bat 110 Nfcalld MsAeO k~ e 149.2 ef~ e_ 1' Icr.-0h bolip4i Wqtroll
he -X. rt-) mioc1 thhit i-h18 wod el pflucc Jn ) ratWoyn rov) 1nen~~ i.
TJi, O i -t-ni~ rvsJ ill ioNdoic. l s~ cgit1JflS AflIDm c~ icly fn07fl$ sTC-0 ) n flit? fact-,
* A 00 )' tey* Wl' wu.-ior employeys founi d * tA noi. One CO. MPW-v~ surveycd 1% poted
to ! LnCreE(,( it own wnpiyiin It~ velsi if ptyofll tr4) v. is'-fel
r ll~ ij i s0. bratfigig his F Pa-rtlr . chvme, At U news 1D-e' en1c(
; vl. r~ i ~. eit f-1tii 1thwl, th(-Ah' wll~ t 100k of'n
bNf fir PY2' o. LI Vc&. X T') ftDY 10A 0a1ber~ f~ all)) N(~ tives. )) swen't the 1, fib or
* PuJrLdy ih, ugM. tanything otb and( dWit. uCltarrttiVe aii) ) 1o oSJferl
f. a~ x cui -bbe -V( Vey -Lhi-gh bo tn r) W bbVilam hiiVti bcon'f aci, onh t.~ in
14 the Prvx-dtirit of fhQ J; CTI vani eg-oitahMa job or-oo~ ing tovx) c I've
go( t jlai~ t iit finer for bim V--1Is . hr thcts l~ boral Pisrty. 14e:* J,
11bitran ticd thmt. biD govermni-t. would ? si~ iprt 1* uIJ vfage nx. to
fr'ip everyont-Mr Tfriyt1t~ n s'idd thE~ t vtxsn, 3t right, at o,) 1],* 1Mth t L4--o
(. rcc nly ) aIve Tull itg inclhx'iA. 1con up 1. cs Uhe 1 ovq1 of avcrR.~ veek~ y
1b M'r WThii4Isii wbo '! aad Mr ] laydtlc was ripbl, unp thait tbere vas ) Io con-tii.-
efi.;. ion bc-ciiveftec 1. h* m it-' a11.
L; bor-' s Ptbt~. r aoT2oa1) i Mpokesmln they ) jkft Tiv'e or oi,, c voilt I'D
~ owvinced by tIr ( cfer' s 0f, ntYazQ ibr: a-t tIwY bfwl 4 flv-&. Way * I'lepbaone
ht) Qk-up jto zica Wh41 IIol picy oan VwcyeN red.) 3y Vas. Scuoly,
Ji' lihitlitzi wt.& exchilod frofl tbra~ t Biiokull opiknon it. Sit11i8 V&
l~ ow Mr r, nn) noiunce tht-l. M~ r Whitlti406 UX r0pOSr1I VV~ e Vng
ln bis pc, 3--Py npvfscdJ, 1lfr Wlhitlti hnv sada~ thut. our ruts 1b
tfk~ x c: xt. bta.), or 14. DtdO t~ o rip nS*. t Airt.' W-wrevrb" n1di"
14r~ ) J11rfo~ re1 . bimed jjn..-gith the ~ Oiim t. bua.. I. hvy were w~ pxl. J ", 4pDi. notbiimgql
Hoirw tboie librases wast. hauint 4-thm.
T Jho tazv -' Iwfrins vqhich yto liavc i, isoa iritc ttw becM, 1 01U A-vxpn., ers & nd
theyP efxcJui'd 225,000 low incomrsc uiiinneis i-nc. lUfJinR tr-nn of tb01) rV] 3Mcof1
( Oldiflo4tIh rA', 0? Tood.-I MKns œ xvoln paying
tft~ yx at J Mr Vhil10h r8, s omsive protral. l woou( 1 ) uve mac thee
Iow ~ inCOmI) eaxllerB prt tax fq-63 gLo Ubb.~ k, r1o uhi~~ nrge
p'Yt P~ roll -CU~ l~ -hix. Mr ' Vh& i ( Intteo s. rip money
: Irom . pnio ~ os thrsl he cckWJCi PkV UND1 C22 Jlnillicn '/ msr, IJf131' 433 milli
ft, y ear. ' ytats to istrip f, 6 o. veek froit Vbe vevrage wage eiltmor to.
lga~ y to bijp compani ei. To Mr i it~ i~ cxina, tbjti v~ as 1no-bthg.
bJit theni im, bri-ve long! "~ own i-o t( r prnp~ c-1, Inoneymovsw linothijnPI to
Mr'b Wbui-i The LnbPr * Party', 1 Jirotecme iso being it vtr-ty oft soc. 11
eoncr,, f; been jhterd i, P. C: hiM fl .0 baintM7, of I-1ho Aiorkibg
manI~ bae buoy) dcstroyc4-M4r Vhb. 1urun~ ann~ nni-W~ np of tbe 7p( Oi~ st
the Ooff ~ n ho, WO~ kinj,# MO) i Lnfl WOM( 4 Of AUiStrlLlir,.
Tb0. t's vhy~ f. hey wr llefeatea in 1075; l Why ice. y will
I ) e defet.-t( 4i reiu indnY, ini L) 77, As~ an m4' o-thupt Mr ii). r~ Ir~ de
forwa~ rd with & n ad L. Pq sche uVie pr) 1 to fs-1tiy, 1 low iYmL: 1CIe eax-rno?!:.
B3ut$ vb~ ti. ( toers Mr ) Iurord's iS10thoUght, do Tor 4* holte in h beiolutAbs

It flo" e poi. rt'Uillt: u I. Fxe' for l. ow~ in~ come it. ! 3. iplc
Mr liurifiil w~ ayd., A a~ crfis~ es in -tay. foif x-ittoewt
tncjome.-' uu): uiv-34yO. Elvcn for thern be onpi)' Yri) w,(: S ap ad 1100
sebee wbic-b wil -Itst IYoriiijst fi-% e( litonfliv 13-)' fl-79.
After thrtL-t, lthq~ tit 1' L' 4ioners t ind o-tliers vmiol;( ho viprito o04thr
unader o-ar 1 gi* H r't o. A1l 1 Mriu f V ' is
to j.. 1101t * 1, bwt1th. o ' nvCuOta which M'r Vhiar jjrof v.-i-umli
hot!-in Ifoney 1i4; Yifl; 1r nf in terms of the oc rd' 11h~ Ilicy represent.
Mr Xhitb~ r~ ni , t to feel b1! Z toops tC)) ~ p
flIC lel' 010. of l imppy hook--up bce hfh, inwr o' hrng-Iup
covr ithm-1.. 1c -1-i ta V-iU I-the press, t il Dclw ht-: comPlaii-iinR
ftbot pecip)(--jfbo rjin, hIu U)( nt~ kIQC~~~ iio~ rbym~
Ee I'll( pf:( e111 i' 1to i-ing him iip wt. e al). li'tI . tr,
1 thiffl bhe . iL; ripht') vi(. Pr~ vr~ milioji.' of 1. i-e. jKi: over
Ak-Urra. 1ift~ the ' Whh ; rbWing~ eCiCh chIty.
Foor M'r Wii-ltwg. jit Vtin' 1 -al ik Ito hi-A C011eF~ g% 1V) 1 WOn' tjk
-t~ o th O re'.-11) d be, C'TIPJrAiI-Dn IMPa1 toltbc~ npo opl e.
~~~ h~ eoen'b-if) oyo-npte lcfgp in thce w'holt: ofi Awx1. rnl3; ; i Tor
The tax roformtI w~ bjt;) iill p-at morn inrPcy ip cfvr7y ugjimi-
y pf.(-1set, fve( arn Tovb: nuo. y I1, coand ill hePI to orPtJ,. tf-mrt Jobs4.
Onliy VTbighir iborm ivermbent, -wil there bc: 11rJith alot
floeln1Orpi no;. S9L. 11 C.. remiLt i'e& 1 jobs, FODa jobio, jobia ' ibiicb
I31ose Out W orh~ OI go4l' uin.( I lipee'.
itfte taohling m. t1t, 1 i" fw-F of lpt'hf 4, i-wti imajor caie
Ri. C& high Wnge c 11 m o i1im. diguJti on.
boi-h these mrmv: wt; ) ia-vt' œ ei-r bal firm pouicis ), bitb protc$. htt
h" Vf: orp. itl: i'trj'u tit buiore * ti Abin-l. v (. osnrni onto
Au; r: rb-i S Torr~ Wn I Awfl futko vroh esLtyrw.. t realybt
We M& Vic badl gow iznfl(* his thougli not an mutwh tui; wie would
bo. ve like( I. 13ni-i( w~ 1-Tal coti# nflicting' w( L1g,-~ 3ci~ J1UyOen ' s
awl1 Mr' 13. qydlio'A, Or Vh3 Iijn ian only he can j u1ndt~ ton SL~ ort
bthl politciev, siilpnvodAJy. All that tho tvto 3ictitio hmve in.
Domn'on, is thtrt $ hoy opt. O Ili * c-out to tbe iinxol. Uhlc-b Ofiate
Our reco3yd ii Lndi tioirtl1 ' erlotions i. gtrong. lip bff-vtt p., xwpil I~ wo
protctin iiYjihuli. xun~ onniats x~ r impn rr~ pnrailblo raii omn, fila
unionists ithe cl. iIJ33V. O 1.0 hWtve~ Ksla. efeative Voitce : in b) ow t~( Jb, Union
Latbor' would rIvpef ttfftt litws, Mr Willi5: the 1.-bor' flpri) h k. AMK"
ow) industriali relfbti mar. (-tw. il et Uhis on ) MonIty Oizhr ' Wuia
repen. 11 seere-t 110striI b: a.) IOt. Ifr iiprn nhpr. tions; bitbo-r 1tn') li
Tepett' 01wii t. o10v P rtet * lWha. puli i from1J iluotg1t.. i i( Aieli Iitin;
-unio n' 1 funiln mru boinit wporni. api nd vnr'rnt : kt .; rmuc h fig
$ 8 million a year in dues. Labor would exempt unions from the
provisions of the Trade Practices Act. Labor would repeal the
ban on damaging secondary boycotts. / 4.

Th~ Iin tobally iiufoative TO-. 4ponn:; oi, f'ivj Iii! tho linLon-1--' 1It ey i. M
for in~ ki temarkable a. bdlc'xtioii of babor s~ respo) Wih i 0-' nt tihi
Tn thi! J electiorn tiiera is no qtillstion Mil to W110 is running -thec, untry
this government is, anw1 We SIM) l contiluo to ( 10o Jso afto'er~ m~~ 0
Tftnro in a vary riml qiuastion nb1out whos is runnint' the r-ahnr P'nrtY-
= ud tht: oventti Of thu it if~ wu utamys arri iwovid Ingj the \ uivor4
Mr Mr los ovor-ri'. il1, of' Mr wilitlam izlile pi~ vst few drayt 01% t~ tx
j-ndoxaltion. on wage itdcx"' tioLu il-lid OzI PkvyrJoll t( IC clearly StjOvftA
unioni leo-derg' power voz? Uxte, Party.
Power int the Labor Party lien wvith the, Iiaiiop, loedps and the
extrentirt-led u~ tdng, td. of which art. ; tkfiliatoil with A-lie
Labor 1' nxty all of ivii.( h p.-k money to the La~ bor Party* all of which
help docicle official Litbor prlity. Ji, in hocatin t~ jt', #,-' tDlfj-. ts'
power l-aiot it to Labor u( offie~ ld politly to place uniong
rdj~ Ve the law,
Mr. Whiblawi hum viput. him hbands of this whole vitp1 & uroa,
hoi sa. a~ government never solven industrial dinuf~ cz
That' tru~ e of vnny govi~ rnm'm$ t which ho mxy run b~ ut wo h-kve
aljown that we aro prepti-r'J to tv'ke a f'irm andl Fair -% tanl to protect
t, e vuli -againnt inciuiitrial-eliaruption. Anti j works (( ifr ienq
COurit-hown It ini thi. 9 4t-Ito hmtvc shrno it inthio air
. qontrol). ors ! strLIW ftthe ponttil work') rf oiimLte; fnthqi causo of
ACT' 3s. Ji urfuliu mor!. tWrium' tey haice~ d dowit.
. AtT4i ititho Victor'ian. P'ower isputod ai ntr~ iko thy~ t 1-ndil ot1f
450,0( 14 ffororr wekia anil emi-sed 30,000) peop~ la to Pvraianenbly
oe thoir jobdi, It ' dali our movoi to. 4jm if., ijt-r~ thty-uuii. onjj! inyI lvel
Sth~. t & if to -the rhn elkdltiok Ofconriv
M Lawke cledms the crelit for being th' g~ roat pnace-mo~ kor in theit
r Y: bat httopenzedwhen th aro was . t-roub le it h '~ aa-Mr 11ko.
We nit* * apart
POerhaps you htivia seen Labor's tnommu'ruli). i~ n which ho it; ill a mottel1
r onte-hurrinuily packliPp his l'ajs togo Out and xñ~ solve yet~ ' aoth. ir
of hit). iudu!. trial. Maptos. Voll in the case of the pw er J I pute
rit took Mr Ha~ wke nine Weeks t4j rinigh packing his ba., got o0, of
* his mDijel room ana tailkci a luitnd,
We will cnptiie to ts* q. tho Cair avn fir. rui~ pxoach in~ i-ndun1. ritai
re itons wbfch haqsProve att 1I1ue '.-uri. 0skn1Yo Afll lii , il. OIf
extromi. Bt unf on le~ 4ors to tneccoed ill their of Pu~ t-Ung tq
* to tho promiioo of pro~ pority v4tich Aithi1i-% im pni-~ Am1 toy gtej.
* An our coimtry grawmi anrd delops, civictial ati. eeC by the ljoyerna
muet o. 120 improve. Wo will g~ ive specil'd atteirtion ifltp) attv
railwdy srvi,: r andl As -t highb pxiotritq, imnprove the Kwirnant% oectiou
* of tile. Rast-West rnai14ay lifiti. We will,. help tho . itats -to jinprove
urban pubic' fhrauspo't to Iniprovn tItf lot oSP the Kuirhurbau ' Uomnuter
Ye wJI lirnprove towni An~ d rurnl water -supplinm throgh our new five-. yeox
a~ ttoyia1 wator rasouronx progrtne. Ife will provirdo mi naw tinal for
j4elephone stubticribrri hy refluoinpg thoeq o long ii. tac -p3l
teleophone callo to about 40 poecut of tho ntmurldard ) fl-to. I

,~ 4 Our ~ or~~ n~~ ill W DfImIi13nIPd anl % t. rcigft-hb , 1. D-On ) biug
r~ ciirnee -Ito govermwVL wo will snaJv all lecease1 estittle
my., Cj gif-ts betwe~ en hui~ n P~ parent am)] Pildl, vxerii. FV(. rn
Yeoteral c. 4ate And jpi't 041ty Nohvember 21, 1977, -01v ( driy r1' my
' V i ~ p -e AYd ovo lifez of thv nvext ' 3irDft. eWi~
ilit11-h all cftetL tanrlI~:? i
Vo ) uvac mainy ot-hcr ir-pin-mNt. 3e ic), for the hf dicmipppi, i'lr
I . famVt~ iies,{) our ci-hniv 1 ' Ior; : cnenrU P defe~ nce mni! IU A,
nTol'ojrat a] All -t. hese(. ," d( 1 0 il. pg to Ft. Creft-t-' c * jt
Wb) itfh i. 9 bolth. socially 3cH~ n!,-jblu mm3l flimneiaH rcmnltdy,
Mr iwdenid yc:-tercThy t0. i. preihi conference.,
" There it; nn om'iin on~ n. T'here is ftbs& witp' -1,1lta
in tbe Itho Aix tyEw. 1jr) elec. Lorte bctvwetrj..
the two oAi-m( ai. est{\;
dno ppee moare. i ffti bthvriTv-ity ahot te
c TtnIri son bci'wore) i LraJQ-rI JaHIC-li Cy, 9 so gy
AT 11. n piro& Iiry . sprech J MO. 1 1' f. a the go'vetnBk-ont ivrRlr? ' im
r~ fl r c.~ ons~ hla conirsopiiJ ' to the MistraIian reopi
-A vo-to for i-be' re-burn of fl-ii b. 1cydGo-rxet 1i~ v ot-i-if Cc, rfe1iI, nne
* In ~~. flitur,-~ m-V 01( c œ ov-1Im rnwfth and ad-veIo~ pc!) vt, of4MJ
gp irlv. C.-ount-ry 01, 0131-. V ao rue. Oy tIo f~ te-p into aL now nra oXr
de' p cn aI proLi pority iiic ~ iparoot o iD t I ct L 3, thbio w
I10a s. k for-ox YO)? ' o opi reat opfltiry t I
: i4 wE1L~, i. 3 du ). tpiinim'I.. I it k or your nu p ort VA i