PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004563.pdf 12 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Prime Minister was asked at a press conference in
Melbourne on Friday to detail the investment proposals
totalling $ 6,000 million to which he has referred in
public statements.
The attached list was drawn up and made public by the
Prime Minister at his press conference in Hobart today.

1\ 1o te t;
() ThiS list has hecn o~ pi3ed irom inforrtft Wloa~~
up to October fro~ n nc-w\ paer xeports and suppiltd&..
by -the comnpanies concerned. T) here may be additio~ t..:
irnveaLiaent pxojects of wbich the~ ovanmnt-is
yet aware.
2) Inolucl. es projects und'er way, or for which) a docrL*
bas been made to Pxoceed, -rd in most cast. anwm
' The b-alk of the expendit. pro will be undertalkn in
the next 2/ 3 years,
() Projects grcouped as " confidential" axe done~ so at tho
rac. . Uest of the Comrpany.
~ ioh~~ honf ~~ n ~ Dax~ aturi g xajccts, bx st1ratt
Now S9outh Wales
vi QtY." 41Z4
Ta~~ sania
ifoc4 t& a nnuf aczirin, and.
ii-Inaru-non-confident~ al1: $ M iCfl7
1. f4 S
Totaxl. a land contruct !, 0
Con~ iet 1 1,471 2 I
5,04( 3

ThE. W. SOI. 1TI~ WAZES Cos t
cy~ np ny Proj CL -AC i Vi ty n
Coking coal
rmPff: Tower t4
coxcaunx Colleriep
Coal and~ Alitcl South East
Noa1th CoalicLfl6
1/ t. Tho~ rley
% a} Wor f. 0 Coking coal~
Co~ ing coal
Coking~ coal
Co"-irig and gteamn~ iq coal
!; teamingq coal.
stoaminy coal
Coking and Steaming Coal
Stciaming col~
Yi1N. i.) oYer) h 1
Woo~ law T IAIIg
x C-1101 A
xello~ Jbu~ y/ i4c~ o~ g a F~ rozen ifooci pla) t
Pet food Paarst.
r& oof' pet ijo
Albri,' jbht t, W~ ison wath) erill Park
Unilever tiltt! nkf PolyI. xopp2 eyi
plant 4
NA 92

Activ it ; n
~ l~ rrc''
Chemical cet roleum'
hell. Ctaa 1 nnd-Co axotructs ( cont'd)
Clyd Aefiswry expans~ ion
Xurnell Refinexy expanstioh
Matravill U efinnry-cxpansion
Glass, Clay and 1on-Metafl'iz XQaiuct
. Dlua Cirole SoUiern
Cement Eerriwha
Zacba Brickwbiks B3thurst
rn\~ K nCemie Ce'ent)( nnias
Bazic Metal Proeaitz
A. I.
) lc. SI
A acn DOUqlcIB Par4
Port ornbla
Port K014b1
Krri o uri
Vtarious Pa& t oxpansion
capacity Aobesetos Cement pipes
Plant expansion 7
0. O
Steelw~ orks computer
rndernisaticn Steel Work Shop S.
Naw coke oven 92
Oxygen stecl Ma) ing plant
Cotinuous casting plart
( Steel.) 19
Upgrade smelter
5 alu3sinium plants
extcnion 211
New cbble plant
Motor vehicle tyro%
( expansion) 6
Total. Manufacuring an4 Mining New South Wales 198 21 64
1izere. i Auburn Ar t iL,

% V=-0CO YIA
(' cvnra~) IPrOiUo tLOCWC iLY( 1Act ivit
* WOOd, VWOod Prod" Ct~ s axla Fornitux
SoIft. WOD( I PDotirtgg PortlanA
C( h emrical _ Prxoluem anid Coal~ O. At
IfJocrboa Pzoduatis Poottriy
D. F. Goodrich Altona
Shell X. C.: E. Geelong~
Laverton Pcatcs1Q boa& mi. 1l
zxpan~ o) olPolymer
Polypropyl ene
TrasportEcupet Toyoa rii Geelong
Al~ t t-) i
C1hoyx nteoAie
) enational ~ IawvEter Dan den ong Expa ioA,
4 Oylinder engin~ e pJhnt
4 c11inder eng: ine plant
4 cylinder engine plant
expar9 œ Of
Heavy duty txruq}
uiaxuf acturing
0OQ. her mnuf cur ing-M~ elbourne M~ otor Vehiele tyres
exP1,~&~ 6
motor vehicla tyres
expansion 8
14 12 53 3G
147 114 150 7;
OlympiaC D un. 1op
1-nin '-ijjV/ PrO* jIDCt Locaiion
14issan C-EX

V1CTORIA ( oont'd)
OC., robnv IProieotCkt iV t V
oil Oat.
Esso/ BHPP& tr6iew1A
Irotal Muuatr; anidImiiiinq Victoria,
b BASF, al.-rf;, it300

L ! T S L~ nji D A Ct 1 vi it v
28 Sugar kMi: ll -u rpoasn
23 com~ panies reaS OA. Q~ d. and
involtved 4 SW
QDF~ In% 5resSihB3 s~ sugar 1141l expansion
a-creamn covrplex
Ytnpol ~? tx~ U 4. Lt
CPy. Ud1eieS To~ wnsvill~ e, Q: L( Ib 9;' qftnsion of bottle
Refiv~ tey em'pasioyi
140dernAiation of
Tank hou~ o
T'he oueengand Ce) meYt Darra, Qld*
and~ Lime Cot Ltd.-Clii9kar Plnt
Black Coal
U~ P: Gxagory
Thiess Dampier
C7Qal AZE; OciateD
Conma co Coking Coal
cokinq Coal
Coking Coal expansion
Peak Dcw~ near
C, 0.7yellaj Old.
GoonyelXa, QId.
Wc~ pa'cld. Coal Coking Coal-
con solidated Rutile. hlorth Stradbroke.-
Islanal old. sanS M~ inintg
Mt. Cob~ n, QQe. Wxpoalfnrasmio~ n Cos* it
29D 9
299 300 2 633
relm L ni, 4/ P" Coiect
miningMt. corbAnel Old. 8

Compnny/ Project Location
& ood1,3evOrages and Tobacco
Barrat 4 ur~ twi
-Swan Brewery
Fxb4 os and ia Canning Valo
apea-.-ood -ctivity $ M
tNfoW rnill3 )% oune
New brmwery
-cd-storasera~ system
Chcical, Petroeum ana Col 3' a~ ttci
x winana UpracQ Oatalytic
ce-c Ing Unit
CGss, Clay and Other Noy%-Mtnlic Products
ii0)) or Concrete artrh . riL~ Lz xt works
Coc) burn -rCement xwinana Expand quicklime plant
Conoldatad Gold.
ic1dt Kxwinana Clay processing
Wagexup Darling Range. New nickel smelter
Alumina refihar-y
AAwnmirm refinery 6
Xron Ore
Robe River
I-t. New'manir P. ilbara
Pilbar Pilbarn Uxpapsiort
Uxpansion Expansion 6501 375 GS
5" 3
~ rm rmcrr~ r~ r~;~ p9Jl~ nZL 1: I r* r~-ccsPnr.-
i wl~ L~
~ asic ~ cea~ ~ roduces

4~* j~
Conpnny/ Projqqt Location~
Ttl-Maoatxn and KiiU-Wextom Autraai1455 Ad--4, it) I+ to
Other Riningr 1)) tlustxies Cost

ion7~ ct. ivitv
rzoo( 1, ) 3cveraqe? 8 œ IJc T2obacco
fteicng CO-Adeliidem-Cmulisction * of 16 to
Cherrlica1. PetxraleUM AnaI COai. Proucts. SOCI" hplant expa~ nsion
B13afjc J'etal Producta whyalla Whyall1a oyy , E)) plant and C4) xe
ovens C*? AefsionB
equ ipment
Chzys~ Ier
wun* lu~?~ Adeliao~ e Expans~ ion 4 ' 1S4i( dr
. engine plan~ t
ShocX aboL% plant
Thto-ai. jejay) ufactuing Zir( l Iilning South Awitra1lia 2
0opoypi~ Olt
I. C. 1.
U r. . Z IY a 441 4
LOOS-ition Activitv
Trmlsport. COi~ t
Adelaide :--6Diversification. into
D'Uilainq products 121

Comfnanv/ P'iectLocatiOr Cos
Other Miningg Industries
Pe3io WallsendTeinahrm C~ B3imuth "-pansion
Total.-Manufac'turing ad Y4ning Northern Territory
9.. CO-~ a-nv / pro i ec t

Coman/ Rojct-. Activity
.7 Vol1utoix Control equip..
;;~ r~ ood pant expansion
z* 7. Yid aw softwood. puping 13
Ote HvnsIduties
Coliath Portland Cement-
TaSMAnian . Carbide-Produ4
Renison Bell",
. King Island Rai~ t~~ Z'~ w bulk crir.
~~ tes ctXzb4 alciu Carbida
Renison -* Tin e4Vansion
K. JsaM Scieelite. exp= oD*
' rctal: . M4nufacturing. zxa Llxang -7T A4a
Re~ ilir~ and Copstruct. ion'
DaVJid 3Qne-
Wstfield flurstville
* Confidenti~ al: C various. RVaketing . nd di~ trib.
expasion. 76
VArious...--Store eV&-02SioD
Sydney 3change centre 34
chat;,-Wood Store COMOpIPeN
-Adelaide -Showping -comple" 1
entre Hurstvñ 11e Sh0PPing;,_ ntxe-1,471
Gzmw1 ToTAL; $ 6,, 69 2 Ki flion
number Of com1pnies have advised the. SovernMezt -Of projects nd,
for various reaspn~ s they. have requested that the information, be
retained as confidential).
Paper and Paper Prauct(',
ASSOC, Pulp -&. Papar Mii1-AJ
ASSOC. Pulp & Paper MilI3
Aust. Newsprint M i lls Coat SH , V .1
T-noati ov%