PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004467.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

F77/ 176
It is with deep regret that I inform the House of the death
on 3 August 1977 of His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios III,
President of the Republic of Cy-prus.
I move: that the House records its sincere regret at the
death of His Beatitude Archbishop Makarios III, President
of the Republic of Cyprus and expresses its profound sympathy
to the people of Cyprus.
Following the news of his death, the Governor General and I
sent messages of condolence to the Acting President of
the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Spyros Kyprianou, and the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus,
Mr John Christophides.
The Australian Government was represented-at the President's
funeral by the Minister for Immigration and Ehtnic Affairs.
The Leader of the Opposition and our High Commissioner to the
Republic of Cyprus were also present.
The late President was the inspiration of the modern state of
Cyprus and represented it in the world community with wisdom
and distinction. He was ordained deacon and priest in 1938.
On his return to Cyprus in 1948, he was consecrated bishop
and began intensive religious social and national work11 in his
See. At this time he began his vigorous campaign for
nationhood for Cyprus. In 1950, he was elected both as
Archbishop and Ethnarch national leader of the Greek people
of Cyprus.
It is a tribute to his qualities that he was elected as both the
spiritual and political leader of his country.
In 1952 he began his campaign at the United Nations General
Assembly,, for international -recognition of Cyprus.
During the following years of the decade he fought courageously
to achieve his goal, enduring even exile from his country.
Following the London Agreement in 1959 that Cyprus would
become an independent Republic, he returned to Cyprus and
was elected its first President. / 2

President Makarios played a unique and distinguished
role in his country's national and international affairs.
He visited many countries in his quest for a solution to
the problems of Cyprus. He tirelessly represented his country
at many international conferences as well as at the U. N.
and at meetings of Commonwealth Heads of Government.
His remarkable personal qualities earned him an eminent place
amongst world statesmen. His counsels will be particularly
missed at Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings in which
he had actively participated for many years.
I had the honour of meeting with him privately during the recent
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London.
At that time we discussed his forthcoming state visit to
Australia in November this year. This visit would have been
a fitting symbol of the development of longstanding and
excellent relations between our two countries.
The Australian Government greatly looked forward to it.
I am sure that not only those Australians whose country of
origin is Cyprus but all Australians will share my regret that
it cannot take place.
We therefore wish to record our deep sympathy in the Parliament
to the people of Cyprus. They have lost a statesman of great
eminence who had long personified his people's quest for
identity and independence.
We also hope that the search for a peaceful and lasting
solution to problems in Cyprus, to which the late President
had devoted so much of his life, will be pursued with determination
despite his untimely death.