PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004364.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Under embargo until 2.00 p. m.
_ iNA I I
POR PRESS 1 piL 197 7
I ami very pleased to be here today to open Elotton's new ham and
Smallgoods Factory. Some people may think it's a good thing
that a politician should be opening a factory that can cure
hams in a very short time. I Personally think, it' 5 a bit
ironic t-hat a politician should be opening a factory -whose
company potto is " Don't Argue''. But the fact that the new
factocr is designed like a refrigerator is probably enough to
ccol even a politician down.
One thing I would c-retairuly not argue with is that significat
ncwy investments such as t-his factory are what this country needs.
' iThe cr-eate employ-tent, increase procluctivity, and improve
jitW. tralia's cotpetitd. ve position.. in port markets'. Thiz is,
I am advised, one of the mos; t advanced factories of its type
in Auistralia. It certainly looks advanced compaxed with the
old factory, but on the other hand, it lacks the distinction
of: being classified byv -the national tru~ st. But I do'n't
suppose anyone really miinds that.
The factory incorporates the latest equipment and complies with
the rigorous standards set by the Department WE Primary Industry.
It can export to all foreign markets. Built at a cost of
million it represents a sizeable capital investment and
an important addition to industry in the Cante: fbury area.
It: will provide zn incoase productive capacity of up to 75 percent
and waill, iin the longer ra~ n, provide additional -emplayment
oipportunities. 11: is most grat. ifying to see a long established AuStrLincmny
lieHuttons, expressing its confidence in the fu~ ture in a most
pract. ica3. way. B3y initiating substantial new investment.
Just two years ago, the econom~ y had come to a standstill there
was almost no growth at all, and investment, had fal-: len seriously.
Sic the-n, the GovernmenL has made substantial headway in creating
t he environment conducive to a sustained economic recovery.
Our growth rate has now picked up again. 1nvestmek-nt.. assi~ ted
a3 this factory has been by our forty percent investment
allowance has risen, amd there is now every reason for confidence.

of course, there is still much to be done. Inflation bas been
reduce-J, but must be l. owered further. Unemployment is too high
and-the Goverrnent _ 43 determined to beat inflation so that more
Jcbscan be created.
Yiestex-day, a major contribution was made to the fight against inflati
and mainploymnent. The Connonwealt-h and all Statc Premiers \ Cunain~-
nously erndarsed a th-ree Riont-h lialt iz price ar. ad income irmcxeases
This halt -was recoqnised by all Australian heads of gove-nxnent as
being in the national nth-erest. This national effort requires the
support of every one of us.
we are calling for voluntary agreement to the plan by all
employe-es, all unions, all self-employed in shorl[ t, every person ard4
every insti-tution which set levels of prices and incomes.
This includes all goveraments, each of which have agreed not to
increase it;-s owin char-gces during the three months period.
I believe this is a geniunely workable plan. It will take commitment
on the part of all of us. I believe that as a nation we have that
corimtment, to overcm -ng in~ flation and overcomniq unemployment.
Anothert topic very much in the Dews at the moment-is industrial relati
n ayidustries, i-nuludinq this one, there -is rooma for
all improvement in i ndustrial relations. Too often in the. past,
comm, ur i cationis between c lyesand employees haobroken down.
But there arc som e encouraging ~ ln. I understand the Federal
Emplovers Assoc iati4on aT-d Lhe Australiasian Meat Indust.-y ! Ilopi yees
Union are to hava discussions here in Sydney next week, to tr-y and
t-hrash out outstiiding problems, and devise ways ofE settlng
industrial disputes before -the position is reached where2
e'mployees resor-t to direct industrial action. Good communications
benefits ev. er-yone. Mnagemnent, -anions and every emfploye-e hnave
a responsibility in brixnginq it. about.
I was pleased to hear that you, atHuttons, a-re endeavourilng
to imp-rove Qorrwrnication between all sections of your busines
Such measures as the intzoduction of a staff newsletter; active
consuiltation lietween ; shop coirmmitt; ees and managemTrent on a wide
range of issues affecting employees; and an emphasis on. improving
occupational health and safety all should help.
It is essential to good industrial relations, that there be
c onsultation on nch issues as the working environment and
industrial safety,
The Government's view is that P. mployees and employers should
establish consultative machinery of their own choosing, d1-esigrned
to further communication and an understandinq of the comn interestc
of employers and ermployees. What a comtpany does is important not
only to its shareholders, but also to its employees.
Why, for example, should employees first learn of decisions
v~ italiv affecting their future in the papers? Compa. ny' imanagament
should spend more timne and effozt in taking employ,: ee; s into
the confidence. Informing employees about the company's
performanice, -its pros pects for -investivent, and for px-ovidiri
ewJobs. In this respect, I am very pleased to cee tLhat
t here are a larcge number o_-f ernployees here today. t sometimes
happents that when some co~ mpan ies open a neCw plant O~ c deel o. r at

almost everyone is t~ here -customers, suppliers, xianaqement
People, and politicians -but no enmployees. Employees An my
view should always be at the openings of this sort. Without
the-, n there would. be no new plant and no inidustry. E fp. oyees
should be able to reqard the conipany they work for as their
company, and have causie to be proud of that fact.
w4e all have an interest in ensuring a profitable and successful
private sector a profirable private sector is the key to
Aust: alia's economic prosperity. Only a profitable privatf-e sector
carn provide the jobs.. and pxoducts, that Australia ne~
ndbetter industrial relations have an important part. t~ o play
in making Australia more prosperous-
PRecen-tty, the Governmnt has created a new departivent, the
Depatmrent of Froductivity, to promote reforms in industry,
such-as those I h~ ave described, which lead to greater productivity
and " aster growth.
Ladies and gentlemen, this new Factory is a welCome development
both for the Canterbur' area, and for .4% stxalia. 1 -would urge
business generally to follow thi5 ex. alrple and invest in-It
0own and Australi~ future.
It g; Lves me great ple).-asu-re to declare the factory officially open,.