P~ ll P? l~ 210 MIARlCi! 1971
T Ij~ -ac' Aagus bull to the President of ' Lndonc.-s.. a,
DL:. Ci! rt: 7W ann~ foun~ fced today.
T Pi." tr Ni~ r.: '; L~ co1T, 1 Frascr sa-Ld that i~ n imaz-kin,
th11 gif ., L7 Astralian Governmecnt wanted to -, inkc at po-z. ti-e'
c~ nLri~ uti~ nnot on: ly to the developmenL ofttePc. 2co ' s
herd, but"-also to the: improvemaent o E breeds at the villaclo
Tbhll 21 MNA TOLERANCE w-Aas puLrcha s ed a L auc tLion (-o: 1ay
the Seuij. Bl ack Angus Clas sic a a a jo'ur chase price. of
T heo . ull w~ as bred in YParoncjatook %-, ostL, Vic Lor. La,
and i: i. 2 yoears 11. mo. nths of agia.
i-t iw: Ll he usec in c)-perinen LCal breeding programmes Z. L h
President s farm iL Tapos in the hills ab~ ove JakartLa.
Lhcc bull we. se l! ected arid purch 25ed by experts of the
, us trealian Yureaiu c: Animial Health and the Angjus Society
of AustLralia.
The J udge of the class. considered TE MANIA TOLERANCE was'
n Ex tc r, m! Lv good bull., very well foriied, and ideal for
the pu-r-ef; cz for w~ hich it acquired.
SpE-! ci. a! azranc-zcen Ls ar. e beingj made for health, breed~ ii
aoundnesf, tests and vaccinations.
T'h-bul. l be Liranspor Led by r--oad to Werribee,, where it
wi~ l or tw.-o weeks;. It wjill then be transported to
1. rshae,. 1.:: It will remain for one to two-1 months for
Los'Ls, cc tr-anspor tution to Jakarta.