PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00004337.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Mr. Speaker, I table a report from tChe Study
Group on Youth Affairs and seek leave to make an accompanying
statement. In October 1976, my Government established a study
group to examine services to youth and matters of co-ordination
and communication. In particular, the study group was directed to
repo~ rt on proposals that the Government should consider establishment:
of a youth bureau and a youth advisory panel.
The decision to establish the study group reflected
the Government's concern with youth, and the adequacy of services
for youth. During the course of its investigations the study
group met with and received submissions from representatives of
Commonwealth, State and Local Governments, voluntary organisations,
youith workers and-young people.
The study group concluded that young people warranted
consideration as a group with special needs by Governments and
other organisations. It suggested that there are a number of trends
which affect youth in complex ways and deserve more careful
attention. These include smaller families, higher female work
force participation rates, longer periods of formal education,
the employment market's emphasis on accreditation, the increased
affluence of many members of the community, and changing life
styles. The study group saw an urgent need for improving
the machinery for co-ordinating and developing youth policy
and co-ordinating the delivery of services to youth.
It believes that in the future greater emphasis
should be placed on meeting the particular needs of youth in
general community programs, rather than developing more specific
youth programs and services.
The study group believes that there are important
long term social and economic trends which have significant
implications for young people and for the appropriateness of
Government programs and services provided to them.

.1 -2-
These trends and their implications need to be
assessed more effectively. There should be improved co-ordination
and consultation between Commonwealth departments and bet~ ter
communication and consultation with young people.
Mr. Speaker, the Government has noted the rep ort
and has taken a decision to establish an office-of youth
affaiLrs within the Department of Environment, Housing anti
Community Development. The office will have direct access to the Minister
on matters of youth policy and its functions will be to seek
greater co-ordination and consultation between Commonwealth
departments in relation to Commonwealth Government programs
and p~ roposals affecting youth. To seek qreater co-ordination
and consultation with State Governments, Local Governments
and non-Government agencies in relation to Commonwealth
progrcams or proposals affecting youth. To build up a research
and information capacity to complement and increase the
effectiveness of similar activities in functional departments.
Advise on youth needs to assist those designing specific
and g4eneral programs and services, and build up a channel for
better communication with youth.
The Government has also decided to establish a
standing task group on youth affairs, comprising senior officials
of relevant departments and including a representative of the new
office of Youth Affairs.
This task group will operate within the Cabinet
committee system to ensure proper departmental consultation in
the development of new policy proposals or proposed changes
to existing programs which bear significantly on Government
services to youth. It will provide a link between the office, other
departments, and to Ministers.
The concerns raised by young people through the office
of Youth Affairs will be more readily brought under full
consideration. The Government has asked the Minister for Environment,
Housing and Community Development to investigate further the
question of a youth advisory council or panel and report to it
after the office has been operating some 6 12 months.
It is essential that the new office be staffed in
part by young persons, or others with special experience and
skills, drawn from outside the service.
Accordingly, the aim will be to seek an appropriate
balance between career Public Service appointments, and staff
engaged on a short-term basis from outside the service having
regard to the particular requirements of the office.

Mr. Speaker, I believe that the Government's
establishment of the Office of Youth Affairs and the
standing task group demonstrates its resolve to keep
in close touch with youth needs and issues and to see that
its own programs serve young people more effectively.
I table the report of the study group.
Copies have been placed in the Parliamentary Library
and I have arranged for copies to be sent to Honourable Members
when more copies are printed.

[Date confirmed]