PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00004300.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Exhibition, which is to be opened today is of exceptional
significance, both artistically, and in the development: of
relations between Australia and the People's Republic of China.
This is by far the most significant exhibition ever to
come to Australia.
It is the third major archeological exhibition to be si-. own
overseas by the Chinese Government.
It is the first comprehensive exhibition to be mounted solely
for one country, and includes selected pieces from exhibitions
sent previously to Europe, North-America and Japan, together
with some important items which have not previously been out
of China.
The generosity of the Chinese Government in making it possible
for Australians to see the exhibition has been great. our
appreciation of this generosity is increased by the fact that
preparations for the exhibition went ahead despite the tragic
earthquake China suffered during them.
It is notable that it is the present Government of China which
has done so much to explore and unearth China's past.
The extraordinary quality of the exhibits all of which have
been unearthed since 1949 demonstrate the commitment of the
Chinese people and Government to preserve their cultural
heritage, and the recognition of the continuity of China's history.
It is a tribute to the skills and care with which Chinese
archeologists, historians, and technicians have scientifically
excavated historically significant sites and reconstructed their
past. This exhibition is remarkable for the period of time it covers.
It ranges over 600,000 years from the fossilised skull of
Lantian Man to works of the 14th century Yuan Dynasty.

The richness and diversity of styles and materials of the 233
pieces in the collection make it a major event for the scholar,
the artist and the laymnan. These cultural relics are not only
of great archeological interest, but often of incomparable beauty.
Archeologically, the earliest pieces tell us something about
our early predecessors, their hunting and domestic implements,
their use of fire. Later pieces reveal the existence of writ-ten
language in China before the 14th century BC, show us something
of early technology and the development of Chinese society over
many centuries. They fill significant gaps in our knowledge of
China and will be particularly important for specialists in
Chinese history, art and archeology who have hitherto been
unable to see them.
Artistically, the exh~ ibition is a superb display of man's
responsiveness to colour, style and order in the artifacts
with -which he surrounds himself. The pottery, bronzes, porcelains
jade and other pieces show remarkable skill and dedication to
artistry from very early times. These treasures, products of a
civilisation noted for its many splendid achievements reflect not
only aspects of the life of the nobility in China in earlier times,
but also the outstanding facility of ordinary craftsmen a~ nd
artisans in working in bronze, clay, gold, and other materials.
The exhibitions the Chinese Peoples Republic has sent across the
world are part of the wider range of contacts which are now
developing between China and the international community. These
relations had been arrested for too long, and it is of great
importance that there be increased communication, consultation
and understanding between the international community and China.
one of the reasons for the difficulty of communication may have
been external powers attitudes towards China, and their treatment
of the things the Chinese people valued, including China's art
treasures in the 19th century and early 20th century.
When I was in Peking, I saw some of the work of the allied soldiers
who broke into the forbidden city in 1900. The bayonet marks they
had left on large water urns in their attempts to scrape off the
gold with which the urns had been plated. These days are fortunately
gone, and contact and communication between China and other
countries is increasing. The fact that contacts have been limited
in the past make it even more important that we work to develop
them now, and in the future.
If relationships between countries are to endure and develop, they
must be based on a foundation of mutual understanding and respect.
Cultural exchange programmes are an especially important rieans for
laying that foundation. We also look forward to increased contact
between our two nations at all levels, so that there can develop a
greater understanding between our two Governments And our two peoples.
/ The last

The last major exhibition seen in Australia was the Modern
Master's Exhibition from New York. The even more significant
Chinese Archeological Exhibition marks a further stage of
contact between Australians and the art of other societies
of bringing overseas art exhibitions directly to hundreds of
thousands of Australians. This development has been made
possible by the co-operation between Governments and Feople.
I am delighted to welcome here today the members of the
official Chinese Delegation, and leading Chinese Journalists,
who have been able to visit our country.
I am sure that we would all like to acknowledge the ccntribution
which many Chinese experts, and particularly the working party
who travelled with the collection to this country, have made
to the exhibition's success. We should also pay tribute to
the work of Australia Council officers, the Directors of the
Australian Art Exhibition Corporation which was established
by the Government through the Australia Council, to organise
the exhibition on the Australian side, the professional staffs
of the National Gallery of Victoria, the Art Gallery of New
South Wales, and to the work done by our Embassy in Peking.
Finally, Mobil has played a significant part by undertaking
to sponsor the exhibition and underwrite its costs.
This is a Particularly important indication of the development
of substantial co-operation between the private sector and
the various spheres of Government in support for the arts.
It is through a diversity and plurality of support for the
arts that they can be strengthened in the interests of all.
This objective is basic to the Government's Policy towards
the arts.
The exhibition contributes admirably to the fulfilment of key
objectives in our policy of support for the arts, the promotion
of excellence, the fostering of wide access, enjoyment and
appreciation of the arts, and their development as a medium
of international understanding.
I have the greatest pleasure in opening the Chinese Exhibition.