PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004299.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

The Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, today announced that
Cabinet had approved that Sir Alan Cooley, presently Chairman
of the Public Service Board, will become the Secretary to the
Department of Productivity.
The Governor General has been advised of the Cabinet approval
and the appointment would be considered by the Executive
Council as soon as possible.
In announcing Sir Alan's appointment, Mr. Fraser said that in
1976 Sir Alan's re-appointment as Chairman of the Public
Service Board for a further period of five years was approved.
However, following the establishment of the new Department of
Productivity, the Minister, Mr. Macphee, had approached Sir Alan
to see if he would consider accepting the appointment as
Permanent Head. ' I left the decision entirely to Sir Alan'
said the Prime Minister. ' Whilst I regarded it as essential
that we have a person of stature and capacity to take on the
challenging task the Government has set the new Department of
Productivity, I would not for a moment have contemplated Sir
Alan's appointment to the position unless he himself was
willing to accept it.'
Mr. Fraser added that Sir Alan had performed most ably and
with great integrity since his appointment as Chairman of the
Public Service Board on 1 November 1971, during a period of
major reconstruction and significant policy changes in the
management of the Public Service. ' His acceptance now of appointment
to the Department of Productivity, after more than five
years as Chairman, accorded with Sir Alan's own publicly expressed
views on movement of senior officials, which were in harmony with
comments I myself made in November 1975 in relation to Permanent
Heads" the Prime Minister said.
Mr. Fraser added that his Government, when establishing the
Department of Productivity, had indicated that there was a
need to provide a technically-orientated body with responsibility
in the area of increased industrial productivity.
The Prime Minister said today that the Government sees the
establishment of the Department of Productivity as being a
most significant long-term measure. ' The improvement of our
national productivity is crucial to improved living standards for

for every Australian. The Department of Productivity, under
the leadership of its Minister and Secretary, will be looking
beyond the day-to-day problems which catch the headlines and
will seek to work with both employers and employees to integrate
capital investment, new technology and various means of improving
the job satisfaction, training and re-training of employees.
' Whilst I am sorry to be losing the services of Sir Alan as
Chairman of the Public Service Board, given the importance I
attach to the new Department of Productivity, I welcome his
decision to accept the appointment', the Prime Minister said.
' He will bring to the Department a depth of knowledge of
technology, production techniques, industrial relations and
management generally.'
It is intended that Sir Alan will take a period of recreation
leave, which was planned earlier, before he takes up his new
appointment. The Prime Minister said that he has asked Sir Alan to submit
to him a list of names of persons who should be considered for
appointment as Chairman of the Public Service Board. The Prime
Minister added that an announcement on succession would be made
as soon as possible.