PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004269.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

3YB-11 Nov. 1976
Two reports of immense significance the Fraser Island Report
and the Fox Report on uranium development have turned the
spotlight on the Government's attitude towards the Australian
environment. This spotlight is welcome.
It is a very healthy and encouraging sign when the strong views
of special interest groups and the public at large can be
debated in an open and responsible manner. I hope this
trend continues.
It would be unfortunate for the community if views of
environmental issues became so emotional and heated that reason
and debate gave way to public disturbance. If this were to
happen,+ thcse views would certainly lose credibility. The cause
behind those views would not be helped it. would in fact
be immensely harmed.
The Government's stand on the environment is clear. We
recognise the quality of the environment is crucial for this
and future generations of Australians. There is much greater
understand-ing and concern for the natural environment now
than ten or fifteen years ago. There are many more people
aware of the care that we ought to show, and I think, increasingly
are coming to show, in relation to the natural environment.
People understand that many parts of this and other countries
have been polluted and destroyed because man has not recognised
his own potential for environmental damage.
The Australian Government recognises that in a world of rapid
population growth and a world with severe problems of disease
and hunger Australia must accept -responsibilities in the
global context. In other words, the demands of conservation
must be balanced with those of development.
Our commitment to the environment has been translated into
po sitive action in the eleven months since we were elected to
government. We promised to promote community involvement and
responsibility in the environment issues. This meant that where
development projects were likely to have a damaging effect on
the environment, special impact statements would be prepared
before Government decisions were taken. / 2

We promised to support the public role of approved voluntary
organisations and to publicise environmental issues. We
undertook to improve consultation b-, tween industry and
government in this field, and promised the preservation of the
national estate.
I want to outline some of our specific achievements. Our concern
for the national estate is evidenced by our support of the
Australian Heritage Commission. This Commission has the
responsible task of compiling a register of the national estate,
in which a record of sites, buildings, and natural areas of
national importance is being made. This is ongoing work.
National trust organisations in each State have been allocated
grants and conservation organisations have also received
government financial suppor-t.
The Government has also established the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park Authority. This park area is within the boundaries
o f the tip of Cape York Peninsula to Fraser Island.
The Great Barrier Reef is undoubtedly unique the focal point
of an exciting marine world.
The Government also promised to support the Australian National
Parks and Wildlife Service and to assist in establishing a
national park of world significance in South West Tasmania.
The Government also undertook to observe in letter and spirit
the Environment Protection Act.
This Act is the legislative basis on which the Government ensures
that environmental factors are taken into account before reaching
decisions on proposals that could affect the environment.
The Act was passed when we were in Opposition, but it received
our full support.
As I indicated earlier the issues that have been most prominent
in the environment field in recent weeks have been Fraser Island
and the mining of uranium. The Government is considering reports
from these two independent inquiries which carried out exhaustive
examinations of these questions.
Fraser Island is an area of unique beauty. The Government fully
recognises its responsibility to make sure this part of our
national heritage is not lost to future generations. lWe recognise
the fragility of the environment of Fraser Island. We recognise
it needs protection. At the same time we are conscious that a
Dumber of people are dependent for their livelihood on the
Fraser Island mining operations Obviously the Government's decision,
on this important question will not be supported by all sections
of the community.
We must, however, take decisions that will be to the lasting
advantage of the entire community. As to the uranium question,
there has already been many opportunities for all interested
groups within the community to put their-views. In addition, there
will be a debatC on tL-he contents of the first report of the Fox
Commission in the National Parliament fairly shortly. At this point
it would not be fair of me to comlent any further on the ' report,
particularly as the Commission has yet to bring down a further
report. / 13

The Government's track record on environmental issues
is strong. We have shown that we are firmly committed
to the preservation of our national heritage. We have shown
our desire to ensure that all Australians are able to
enjoy a high standard of living.