PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004268.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

EMBARGO: 6.00 p. m.
The Prime IMinister, Mr Malcolm Fraser, announced today that
a new Department of Productivity is to be established.
This initiative has been taken in recognition of the need
to provide a technologically orientated agency with the
responsibility of providing increased industrial productivity.
It is the-Government' s aim to encourage innovation and
the exploitation of inventions so that Australian industry
might benefit in two ways firstly by reducing cost
st-ructures on the domestic scene and secondly by assisting
in our competitive position overseas. It is envisaged that the
Ministry will play an active -role in the development of
Australian production..
The Prime Minister also announced that the Governor-General
has agreed to the appointment of Mr Ian Macphee, as
Minister for Productivity when the Department is established;
he will also become the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister
in Women's Affairs and will be Minister Assisting the
Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations.
The new Ministry will draw together elements of Commonwealth
Government activities directed towards productivity improvement.
It will also stimulate and coordinate the activities
ofl oth,-er Commonwealth Departments and authorities towards
this end.
Mr Fraser commented that, having regard to the central importance
of people in the field of productivity improvement, the
new Department would take over all those elements of the
Government's administration that relate to the working
environment human, organisational, social and physical.
These elements are currently located in the Department of
of Entplovment and Industrial Relations a Department with
which the new Department will have strong links.
Servicing of the Productivity Promotion Council and the
Productivity Groups will also be transferred. ./ 2

Having regard particuilarly to the purposes for which the
new Ministry is being established, the Minister for
Productivity will, in conjunction with the Minister for
Employment and Industrial Relations, havc responsibility
for developing and advancing national training policies
for implementation by the, Minister for Employment and
Industrial Relations and other Ministers.
In carrying Out these responsibilities the Minister for
Productivity will in cooperation with other agencies develop
an overview of training; identify gaps in services or
pregramnes; and develop approaches to remedy deficiencies.
The Minister will, in conjunction with the Minister for
Employment and Industrial Relations, be the principal source
of advice to the Government on national training policy for
industry. The Ministry will include the National Training
The Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations will
continue to be responsible for the administration of
individual training schemes. within the frameworkc of approved
national policies.
The Patent, Trade Markcs and Designs Offices will also be
located in the new Ministry. Earlier this year the Minister
for Business and Consumer Affairs announced the establishment
of a Patent Information Service to assist research,
manufacturing and industrial concerns in drawing on the resources
of the Patent Office. Mr Fraser said the Government believes
that further developments in this field would be best handled
within a Ministry of Productivity.
There are, within the Department of Industry and Commerce, a
number of functions which are directed towards the development
of industiial potential. These include work on industrial
efficiency and the development of innovation and invention.
These functions will. be included in the new department as
a basis for future development.
The Australian Industry Research and Development Incentives Board
is also to be tranferred to the new Ministry.
Currently located within the Industry and Commerce portfolio are
a number of factories which are primarily for defence production
purposes. The Government believes that the encouragement of
innovative techniques can flow from the location of these within
a productivity oriented department, and has therefore decided
to transfer responsibility for them to the new Ministry.
Also to be included in the new Ministry are the Materials
Handling Branch of the Bureau of Transport Economics and the
associated ' Materials Handling Advisory Committee.
While the Government does not intend that the scientific
establishments such as the CSIRO and the Defence Science laboratori
be included in the Produictivity Department, the need for close
working ic lationships with thoc aind other relevant agencies
has been recognised und will be put into effect.