PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00004253.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

Mr Speaker: It is with great sadness that I inform the House
that Ivor Greenwood, Senator for Victoria, died this morning.
Ivor Greenwood's death is a tragedy that has made a heavy impact
on all Members of this Parliament. Ivor Greenwood was a man of
very great ability, at the height of his powers, with a major
contribution to make to his country.
I know that I speak for all Members of this House when I express
our deepest sympat'-hy to his family to his wife and children.
These last mon-ths have been a terrible period for them all, and
they have our deepest regrets.
All of us who knew Ivor Greenwood respected him as a man of integrity
and high principle a man who sought unswervingly to do what
he believed to be right. He could always be relied upon to state
his views strongly and openly. Hie was a most valuable contributor
to debates in the Cabinet.
Ivor Greenwood was a man of courage. Even if some view he adopted
was unpopular, he refused to be deflected from his stand if he
believed an important point of principle was involved. Throughout
his life, Ivor Greenwood pursued all his interests with intensity
and purpose.
Ivor Greenwood was born in Melbourne in 1926. His early schooling
was at Hartwell State School and Mont Albert Central. He won a
scholarship to Scotch College for the last four years of his.
secondary education. Later, at Melbourne University he combined a
study of Law with an active interest in politics.
Perceptive in politics from an early age, he joined the Liberal Club
and became its President in 1947, at the age of 21. Two years-later
he became President of the University's Students Representative Council.
His career in the Law was a distinguished one. He first became
Associate to Sir Frank Kitto on the Highi Court, and later to
Sir Owen Dixon. He was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1951.
From then on, he pursued his two interests, the Law and politics,
with significant achievement in both. The year after his admission
to the Bar he became a member of the Victorian Liberal Executive,
serving there from 1952 to 1966, when he became Vice President
of the Liberal Party in Victoria. .2/
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While his legal career progres. 3ed principally in equity
and commnercial cases he entered vigorously into the
affairs of the profession, becoming secretary to the Law
Gountil of Australia, a position he held from 1963 to 1968.
In 1969 he took the silk.
Ivor Greenwood always had a genuine interest in helping
younger members of the Liberal Party to improve their
understanding of, and effectiveness in, politics. I
know his interest was greatly appreciate by them.
Ivor Greenwood entered the Senate in 1968 and was elected
and re-elected in 1969, 1970, 1974 and 1975.
His great ability was rapidly recognised and he became
Minister for Health in 1971, and then Attorney Ge: neral
in .1971/ 72.
During the Liberal Party's period in Opposition, 1972/ 75,
Ivor Greenwood was one of those who worked hard to equip
the Party with the policies it needed to return to Government.
He became Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
in 1972.
After the Liberal Party returned to Government he became
Minister for Environment, Housing and Cormmunity Development.
He undertook his new portfolio with enthusiasm and dedication.
Throughout his life, Ivor Greenwood had a consuming passion
for j ustice..
He was dedicated to the rule of law because he believed that:
it was only the law which protected the weak from the
powerf ul.
He believed that the law and regard for the law was the
greatest safeguard of liberty.
He was profoundly disturbed whenever he believed that the law
was being flouted or denied.
Ivor Greenwood was a man who obtained great respect from his
colleagues. His was a life that stood courageously for
principles of justice and fairness for all.
His death is a great loss to the Parliament and to the nation.
Mr Speaker: I move that this House expresses its deep reg-ret
at the death, this day, of Senator the Honourable Ivor John
Greenwood, Queens Counsel, Senator for the State of Victoria
from 1968, a Minister of the Crown from 1971 to 1972 and
from 1975 to 1976, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the
Senate from 1972 to 19,75, and Deputy Leader of the Gov. ernmnent
in the Senate from 1 975 to 1976, places on record its
appreciation of his long and meritorious public service and
tenders its profound sympathy to his widow and the members ofE
hi-s family in ' Eaeir : avmrt.