PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004201.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

At the invitation of President Gerald R. Ford of the
United States of America, the Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser,
Prime Minister of Australia, made an official visit to
Washington on 27, 28 and 29 July0 This was Prime Minister
Fraser's first visit to the United States since assuming office.
During his visit the Prime Minister held talks with the President,
the Vice President, and Cabinet Secretaries, and met senior
members of Congress.
The Prime Minister and the President agreed that
the visit reemphasised and strengthened the cordiality of the
relationships between the Australian and American people, and
reinforced the close ties between the two Governments0
The President and the Prime Minister recognised that
all nations should. treat each other its eqjuals despite differences
in power, size and circumstance. The President expressed the
view that there was a significant role for countries of
Australia's material wealth and power in influencing opinion
in the world. The President said that the United States
intended to work closely with her friends and allies, with
those of common philosophical commitment; to achieve a greater
unity of purpose and understanding between such nations, large
and small0 In this regard the President and the Prime Minister
agreed that relations between nations reflected more than factors
of power. National interests, common principles, frankness of
expression and mutual trust were also very significant in
determining relations between nations.
The President reaffirmed the determination of the
United States to pursue a policy of peace through strength,
to relax tensions where it was possible without sacrifice
of interests or principles, and to build a stable world order0
The President and the Prime Minister agreed that shared
democratic values and the goal of peace linked the international
aims of Australia and the United States.
The Prime Minister expressed the belief that the
United States had a unique leadership role and mission as the
world's most powerful democracy0 The President and Prime
Minister agreed that the steady pursuit of that mission
was essential for the stability and peaceful development of
the nations of the world. The President noted the need for
continuing close collaboration with friends and allies including
Australia. The President and Prime Minister noted the importance
of maintaining the cohesion and constancy of alliances in / 2

present international circumstances, and the importance
of conventional forces in conditions of nuclear parity.
In -this connection they agreed on the desirability of
maintaining the excellent record of consultation and
cooperation that has characterised the ANZUS relationship.
The President and the Prime Ministcr agreed on the
political and strategic importance of the Indian Ocean to
many countries including Australia and the United States0
Noting the importance of achieving and maintaining an adequate
balance, Australia supported United States efforts to upgrade
the facilities at Diego Garcia. Both leaders expressed the
hope that all parties concerned would exercise restraint in this
key area. The President and Prime Minister agreed that the
sustained growth in the military capability of the W-arsaw P-act
countries beyond l evels ap arenitly justif ied f or def ensive
purposes, to which the NATO countries had drawn attention, was
a matter of concern not only in Europe but throughout the
world. The Prime Minister gave the President an account of
his recent visits to the people's republic of China and Japan.
He explained the great importance to Australia of its
relationship with Japan and the steps taken during his visit
to enhance the political and economic relationship and to
forge closer links of understanding between the two peoples.
The President and Prime Minister agreed that the close and
cordial relationships Australia and the U. S. enjoy with Japan
are essential to the continued stability, progress, and
prosperity of the international community. They each pledged
to maintain and strenthen those ties.
The Prime Minister emphasized that widening
communication between Australia and China and between China
and many other countries, was of great importance. The
President agreed that effective communication with and the
involvement of the people's republic of China are important to
the promotion of peace and progress, and reaffirmed that the
United States is determined to complete the process of
normalizing its relations with the People's Republic of China
on the basis of the Shanghai Communique.
The Prime Minister and the President reiterated
the fundamental importance which their countries attach to their
relations with Southeast Asian nations and noted the significance
of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as a
stabilizing influence in the region. They reaffirmed an
interest they share with ASEAN that no one power should
dominate Southeast Asia.
The President and the Prime Minister discussed the
current situation in the Middle East and Southern Africa.
They expressed concern about the continuing instability in
Lebanon. The Prime Minister commended the continued efforts
of the United States in its search for a settlement in the
Middle East. Both deplored the continuation of racial 3

injustices in the minority-ruled countries of Africa, and
condemned any practices which did not accord true dignity
to all1 people as equals regardless of race.
In reviewing the world economic situation the
President gave the Prime Minister an outline of discussions
at the recent economic summit in Puerto Rico. They agreed
that the United States and Australia, together with other
industrialised democracies must continue to pursuc an economic
strategy directed at achieving sustained economic expansion
and a reduction in unemployment while not jeopardising the
common aim of reducing and avoiding a new wave of inflation.
This strategy would require the application of continued
disciplined measures in the field of fiscal and monetary
policies. They recognised that a period of sustained noninflationary
growth in the major industrialised nations will
make a major contribution to the economic progress of the
developing countries. The President and the Prime Minister
reviewed developments in the dialogue between the industrialised
and developing nations and agreed on the need for a continued
effort in the various international fora for a constructive
long-term relationship of common benefit.
The President and the Prime Minister agreed that a
more open international trading system was in the interest of
both developed and developing nations, and stressed the need
for increased momentum in the multilateral trade negotiations
now behind held in Geneva. They agreed that increases in
trade opportunities, particularly in processed goods and
agricultural products, would help to lift the standard of
living in the developing countries.
The President and the Prime Minister had discussions
about Australia's commercial relations with the United States.
It was agreed that further progress in the trading relationship
would be to the advantage of each country.
The Prime Minister gave the President an outline
of recent changes in Australia's foreign investment policy.
He indicated an increased need for foreign investment in
Australia in partnership with Australian investors. He
therefore welcomed such investment to help develop Australia's
great national resources to the advantage of Australia and of
Australia's trading partners.
The Prime Minister conveyed to the President the
good wishes of the Australian people on the occasion of the
American Bicentenary. The Australian Government was participating
in a range of activities to celebrate the occasion. The
Prime Minister said he was looking forward to his visit to
Harvard University to inaugurate the Chair of Australian
Studies. He expressed the hope that this Chair would be used to
advance understanding not merely between the United States
and Australia but between both countries and other nations
with different history, traditions and culture. o99/. 4

The President and the Prime Minister considered that
their discussions had shown a very close similarity of views
on a wide range of important international and bilateral
matters and had further strengthened ties between Australia
and the United States. The Prime Minister thanked the President
and Mrs Ford for the warmth of the welcome and the hospitality
extended to him and to Mrs Fraser and to members of his party.