PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Fraser, Malcolm

Period of Service: 11/11/1975 - 11/03/1983
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00004124.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Fraser, John Malcolm

F76/ 94
FOR PRESS 20 May 1976
In 1972 the LCP Government took the first steps at the Federal
level to assist in the provision of adequate facilities for
child care by introducing the Child Care Act 1972-73. The
Government recognises the importance of children's services
and strongly supports their continuation in co-operation with
State Governments, local government, and community organisations
and groups.
$ 73.3 million will be allocated for this purpose in 1976/ 77,
a reduction of $ 5.8 million from the Department's forward
estimate. In real terms this figure is about the same as the
estimated amount expended on children's services in 1975/ 76.
The important point is the priority the Government is giving to
the uDrovision of child care within the overall Program.
Over the past three years pre-school education has had a
considerable boost through the provision of substantial
Commonwealth funds. Approximately 75% of Commonwealth
expenditure on children's services has gone to pre-schools
in the States.
Many children from needy families however have been not only
without the advantages of pre-school education but too often
without the benefits of basic, adequate care. It is essential
to concentrate the Government's resources in areas of greatest
need, and the Government wishes to give greater emphasis to
child care for children of needy families in the development of
the Children's Services Program. ./ 2

We expect this new emphasis in the Program will be generally
welcome. In our negotiations with the States we will be
examining means for meeting this priority within the level of
funds provided. SUPPORT FOR THE ARTS
The Government's intention is to continue actively to support
the arts in Australia.
The total bids for 1976/ 77 for the Australia Council, the
Australian National Gallery, the Australian Film Commission
and the Film and Television School amounted to $ 40.5 million.
The Government will provide $ 33.8 million and this compares
with a total original appropriation of $ 40.6 million for the
current year. Unnecessary expenditure has been eliminated,
but no important or worthwhile programs should suffer.
The Australia Council's bid for 1976/ 77 has been reduced from
$ 22.8 million to $ 19.4 million, exclusive of administration,
and this compares with the 1975/ 76 appropriation of
$ 23.7 million including administration. Major programs are
expected to continue.
The Australian National Gallery's bid has been reduced from
$ 4.7 million to $ 3.5 million. In 1975/ 76 the appropriation
was $ 5.8 million but the Government was able to hold
expenditure to $ 2.6 million. Emphasis will continue to be
given to collecting Australian art, and the amount provided
in this area will be increased.
The Government intends to encourage Australian film and
television, but the Australian Film Commission's bid of
$ 8.8 million has been cut to $ 7.4 million, slightly above the
million provided this year.
The Film and Television School sought $ 4.2 million which has
been reduced to $ 3.5 million. The appropriation for 1975/ 76
was $ 4.1 million.